Should the 380 be discouraged as a CCW ?

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Is the 380 to small to use as a CCW

Yes anything less than a 9mm is to Small.
No the 380 can be a good choice.
Its a personal choice of what caliber you use.
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Re: Should the 380 be discouraged as a CCW ?


Post by TLE2 »

So, if 380 isn't enough gun, can anyone point me to a 9mm or larger than I can put in my short's pocket without looking like a freak?

I normally carry a full size 1911 but when summer comes, it draws me to a pocket gun. Don't have one yet, but have come close to buying a 380.
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Re: Should the 380 be discouraged as a CCW ?


Post by Excaliber »

TLE2 wrote:So, if 380 isn't enough gun, can anyone point me to a 9mm or larger than I can put in my short's pocket without looking like a freak?

I normally carry a full size 1911 but when summer comes, it draws me to a pocket gun. Don't have one yet, but have come close to buying a 380.
A Kahr Arms PM9 in a Fist K5 pocket holster should fit those requirements nicely, and the gun is light and easy to shoot as well.

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Re: Should the 380 be discouraged as a CCW ?


Post by atxtj »

Agreed, I have a PM9 and it's a great little piece....but I'd love one of these. ... CnbXGpet23" onclick=";return false;
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Re: Should the 380 be discouraged as a CCW ?


Post by 03Lightningrocks »

Another thumbs up for the PM9. I can pocket carry mine in some pants better than others and truth is, it is so small, carrying IWB with a supertuck is also easy.

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Re: Should the 380 be discouraged as a CCW ?


Post by KD5NRH »

5thGenTexan wrote:Multiples armed with handguns no, at that point I want more rounds, bigger holes and a clear path out of the area with some very solid cover.
Just hope your sniper is watching for the signal.

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Re: Should the 380 be discouraged as a CCW ?


Post by KD5NRH »

Excaliber wrote:There's a reason why police officers, who wear ballistic vests, often come with two or more, and carry radios to make it rain cops in a hurry almost all carry 40 or more rounds in a major caliber. Trust me when I tell you it's not for the workout that comes from hauling all that lead around all day every day.
Maybe they should carry more.
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Re: Should the 380 be discouraged as a CCW ?


Post by Purplehood »

I normally carry .40 cal weapons. Due to constraints of my job environment, I am forced to use a .380 at times. I am not concerned about it running out of ammo too soon. The little monster weighs a ton and makes a fine thrown-projectile (Micro Desert Eagle).
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Re: Should the 380 be discouraged as a CCW ?


Post by texanron »

KD5NRH wrote:
Excaliber wrote:There's a reason why police officers, who wear ballistic vests, often come with two or more, and carry radios to make it rain cops in a hurry almost all carry 40 or more rounds in a major caliber. Trust me when I tell you it's not for the workout that comes from hauling all that lead around all day every day.
Maybe they should carry more.
Thats just wrong Dude!
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Re: Should the 380 be discouraged as a CCW ?


Post by Excaliber »

KD5NRH wrote:
Excaliber wrote:There's a reason why police officers, who wear ballistic vests, often come with two or more, and carry radios to make it rain cops in a hurry almost all carry 40 or more rounds in a major caliber. Trust me when I tell you it's not for the workout that comes from hauling all that lead around all day every day.
Maybe they should carry more.
There are pluses and minuses to everything.

The skinny folks who run faster and live longer have a tough time fitting gun, ammo, taser, baton, OC, flashlight, handcuffs, glove case, etc. on just one belt, and it's not considered good form to wear two.

Extra personal "girth" can provide additional ammo carrying capacity by increasing the available "real estate" on the belt. :lol:

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Re: Should the 380 be discouraged as a CCW ?


Post by 03Lightningrocks »

OK... I am suddenly craving one of those State Fair turkey legs! :drool:

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Re: Should the 380 be discouraged as a CCW ?


Post by Mike from Texas »

I think a .380 is a viable carry option. A .22 is better than nothing.

If nothing else, it may gain you some valuable time to get away from an undesirable situation. I call mine my "get off me" gun. Admittedly it isn't my first choice for primary carry, but I don't totally discount it either. With good ammo, it is certainly better than nothing.
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Re: Should the 380 be discouraged as a CCW ?


Post by n1nthw9rd »

380 is perfectly fine for a ccw.

1st rule of a gun fight is to have a gun. if all you feel comfortable carrying is a 380 then by all means carry it.

it certainly beats the .45 that you left in your car. heck, even a .22 at 5 to 10 yrds would seriously change someones mind about attacking you, and depending on shot placement and accuracy, its certainly not unheard of to kill someone with a .22

i have a 9 mm that ill be carrying as soon as i get my CHL, and i was told when shopping for a ccw, that 9mm should be the bare minimum and to some extents i agree, but when it really boils down to it, draw time and accuracy will trump bullet size any day of the week.

a 40 or 45 is only as good as the bullets that you can get on target...

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Re: Should the 380 be discouraged as a CCW ?


Post by Dave2 »

Excaliber wrote:The only thing I'll say about your friend's single action .22 is that it is somewhat more useful for self defense than a pellet pistol, even if only marginally so. Carrying a big heavy gun that fires tiny bullets manages to combine the low ends of both convenience and stopping power. The logic for doing so escapes me.
My late great aunt once broke her wrist by trying to open a bag of chips. If she were still with us, which non-heavy, non-.22LR handgun would you suggest she carry?

(Though I will say that carrying a single-action non-semi-automatic gun is just begging for your bad day to rapidly continue its southward trend.)
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Re: Should the 380 be discouraged as a CCW ?


Post by Medic624 »

As so many have so eloquently already stated...

First rule... Have a gun :fire
(My) Second rule... Practice... practice... practice... then practice some more!

I just went to the gun show on the 15th and my EDC is a XD .40 but I got me a PF9 cause it was a good price, the reviews were pretty decent and I just moved here and it's wicked hot!! :eek6

I was 1/2 a second away from getting a .380 for shorts and a t shirt weather but I'm Uh um...frugal... and 9mm ammo is sooooooo much cheaper than .380 ammo and if ya haven't heard I believe in a lot of :biggrinjester:

Would I trust a .380 for EDC yeah prob but ONLY after I was very comfortable with consistent "good" shot placement.
The wife won't carry a compact or sub compact .40 so I'd be happy to get her away from her little .22 and move her up to a .380 :anamatedbanana

How many times have we seen or heard of a police shootout where multiple rounds were fired and no one was struck... It's a whole different situation once the adrenaline starts pumping...
And a lot of LEO I know DO practice ... A lot! :confused5

First, have a gun. But caliber? Well, thats all about personal preference and shot placement... :patriot: :txflag: :patriot:
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Re: Should the 380 be discouraged as a CCW ?


Post by Jumping Frog »

n1nthw9rd wrote:1st rule of a gun fight is to have a gun. if all you feel comfortable carrying is a 380 then by all means carry it.
As Clint Smith is known for saying, "...a carry gun should be comforting, not necessarily comfortable." "If all you feel comfortable carrying is a 380", then get a good quality gunbelt and holster. Many people are either unaware -- or ignore -- the huge difference these make.
n1nthw9rd wrote:it certainly beats the .45 that you left in your car. heck, even a .22 at 5 to 10 yrds would seriously change someones mind about attacking you, and depending on shot placement and accuracy, its certainly not unheard of to kill someone with a .22
Well, since I have been carrying for many years, I'll just note that it doesn't beat the .45 that is always on my hip, and not just stashed in the car.
n1nthw9rd wrote:i have a 9 mm that ill be carrying as soon as i get my CHL, and i was told when shopping for a ccw, that 9mm should be the bare minimum and to some extents i agree, but when it really boils down to it, draw time and accuracy will trump bullet size any day of the week.
If one goes to the trouble of carrying a full size handgun, they are so more easier to shoot quickly and accurately. When drawing my handgun from concealment, something as simple as having a full size grip and sights means I am going to draw and shoot faster.
n1nthw9rd wrote:a 40 or 45 is only as good as the bullets that you can get on target...
There is no doubt in my mind that I can get 5 rounds on target with my gov't model 1911 faster and more accurately than most people shooting an LCP-sized gun.
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