Top Shot 3

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Re: Top Shot 3


Post by Domineaux »

Red Mike choked like always and proved not only that he can't shoot, but also that he can't pick a good opponent for elimination.
He picked "Revolver Guy" Cliff who has done pretty well overall and smoked the "Glock Guy" in his previous elimination match...with a Glock. He was just hoping and praying that the elimination would not be a pistol, much less a revolver.
Guess what it was....a Schofield firing from the

I'm favoring Dustin for the win with Cliff as his opponent. Both of those guys seem like good folks all around and have both shown themselves to be much stronger than was expected of them.
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Re: Top Shot 3


Post by Dave2 »

Domineaux wrote:I'm favoring Dustin for the win with Cliff as his opponent. Both of those guys seem like good folks all around and have both shown themselves to be much stronger than was expected of them.
Me too, actually, but I'll be happy as long as it isn't Jake.

The thing I don't get is that he's a high school coach... It seems to me like he's spent the past month smack-talking his way out of a job. Not only is he setting a poor example for his students, but he is, IMHO, demonstrating poor leadership as well.
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Re: Top Shot 3


Post by Domineaux »

Dave2 wrote:It seems to me like he's spent the past month smack-talking his way out of a job. Not only is he setting a poor example for his students, but he is, IMHO, demonstrating poor leadership as well.
Agreed, and he is contributing to the poor representation of our Military along with the Red team guys (those who teamed up against the 1 Navy guy) last season.
Would be nice to have a few more Mil guys on the show who represent themselves well.
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Re: Top Shot 3


Post by chlag01 »

Dave2 wrote:The thing I don't get is that he's a high school coach...
IIRC, he's a college coach. According to" onclick=";return false; he is currently Defensive Line coach at Bryant University.
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Re: Top Shot 3


Post by UpTheIrons »

UpTheIrons wrote:I contend that Mike will be on the show for quite a long time because of his "color commentary." To wit: George Reinas (sp?) of season 2. Everyone wanted him gone, but he was there to the end, offering his "unique" take on everything Top Shot.

Since they edit the show after it is done filming, I don't think they'd give that much air time to the guy who's leaving early on. (Maybe I'm wrong and he'll go home next week!)
Anyone know what the best way to prepare crow is? Looks like I have some to eat. :lol:

Oh well, Jake is still there to provide the drama.
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Re: Top Shot 3


Post by carlson1 »

Dave2 wrote: Me too, actually, but I'll be happy as long as it isn't Jake.
:iagree: It would have been nice if he was not even selected to be placed on the show.

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Re: Top Shot 3


Post by GTRich94 »

I couldn't believe Mike chose Cliff for the elimination. You would think he had never seen the show before. How many times in the past have they had different experts between the team challenge and the elimination. I think it's happened once or twice, but most times it's the same person. So if your expert is the world champion, fast shot revolver person, why on earth would you think the elimination would be something other than revolvers.
Needless to say, I was cheering when Cliff hit the 3rd plate. Especially since, IMO, Mike was cheating and wasn’t even shooting from the hip. He was shooting from mid chest.

As to the fight next week, I really couldn't care less. I fast forward through everything but the shooting. So I can usually get through an episode in a little over 30 minutes.

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Re: Top Shot 3


Post by e-bil »

Not only that, but when I think of trick shooting, I think pistols immediately. Why that didnt enter his thoughts is beyond me. So pick the guy who is the strongest with that weapon. Brilliant.
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Re: Top Shot 3


Post by Little-Lonestar »

My boyfriend and I watch this show too. I'm not much of a TV girl, but we've found a few shows to watch together that we both enjoy. We both really dislike Jake! Haha. Like a few of you have mentioned, he's not a good image for the military, or his college that he coaches for. We also think it is ridiculous when everything starts with, "Well I was in the Navy so... " like it's going to help him with everything. We both groaned when he smoked his elimination partner- that was painful to watch. Especially when he won, and the drama he brings.
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Re: Top Shot 3


Post by Medic218 »

Good God!!!!
The more and more I watch the show I want to just stop watching until Jake get the boot that he deserves.
I just can't stand that type of delusional, superiority type attitude.
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Re: Top Shot 3


Post by RiverCity.45 »

I think Jake made it clear in last night's episode that all of his shenanagins are calculated to get him to the final round. He is willing to win by any means, even by exploiting his teammates (like intentionally trying to provoke a teammate to hit him). Zero sportsmanship.
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Re: Top Shot 3


Post by Domineaux »

I agree completely about Jake. The problem is that he is simply not a competitor or sportsman, he is handling this whole thing like survival in trying to win at any cost without any concern for how he carries himself. I really hope History channel realizes that the ratings from the drama are not worth compromising the entire meaning of the show (competition) for future seasons.
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Re: Top Shot 3


Post by Kirk »

I like to watch the challenges but Jake’s Zero sportsmanship just kills the show. I don’t know why I expect this to be different from MTV trash shows.

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Re: Top Shot 3


Post by Bennies »

Domineaux wrote:I agree completely about Jake. The problem is that he is simply not a competitor or sportsman, he is handling this whole thing like survival in trying to win at any cost without any concern for how he carries himself. I really hope History channel realizes that the ratings from the drama are not worth compromising the entire meaning of the show (competition) for future seasons.
What is scary is that he is a football coach. Supposedly anyways. He is ruining the season.
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Re: Top Shot 3


Post by Crossfire »

Jake better hope he has a long run on Top Shot. Cause once this is over, he won't be able to get a job as a janitor!
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