Shooting at Virginia Tech

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Shooting at Virginia Tech


Post by phddan »

So far news is 1 dead, 1 injured.

Was it 3 or 4 last week(?) and now to start out this week.

I hope they find this crackpot quickly.

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Post by carlson1 »

FOX new is reporting 17 being treated at the hospital after shooting. They are saying not all of them are gunshot victims.

Edited: They are up to 21 being treted now - It is growing as the investigation continues. They have also said a number of "fatalities." The Campus Police Chief said that there are at least 20 dead.

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Post by Commander »

My thoughts and prayers to the families of those killed or injured today.

Its horrible....those kids were sitting ducks...some shot in the dorm...some in class rooms.....Once again a "gun free zone" has become a defenseless victim zone....They are now saying that there was only
one shooter - now deceased- who went around shooting these kids...apparently had sufficient time to kill many and reload several times...again proof the police can't protect you....

More for the anti's to use against us.
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Post by Skiprr »

As of 11:51 Central, CNN is saying "at least 22 dead"; Houston Chronicle is reporting 21 dead, 21 others injured. This was evidently a lone gunman who attacked two different campus locations.

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Post by KBCraig »

Drudge is leading this, and his second link is titled "Gun free zone", which links to a January 2006 article about how a bill to allow legal concealed carry on campus died in committee without even any discussion.

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Post by Rick-P95 »

Here's a link to the MSNBC coverage - 22 Dead, 28 Wounded

Wonderful concept - the Gun Free Zone.
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Post by carlson1 »

White House Press release "they support the right to bear arms." The media is asking the normal questions, "should there not be gun control in this country, should we not raise the age limit to purchase firearms."

How is it that these people do not understand "CRIMINALS" DO NOT obey laws?

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Post by HankB »

FOX news was reporting that an "Asian-looking man" with "bandoliers of ammunition" was walking around campus shooting people.

20+ dead, 20+ wounded . . . very sad. We'll see where the story leads, and whether 1) the perp has a criminal history, and 2) if the perp was taking drugs, either prescribed or illicit.

Hmmm . . . if I put on my tinfoil hat for a moment . . . now that the Dems are in charge, there HAVE been a few noises being made about more anti-gun legislation. I was thinking to myself that we're about due for another, conveniently-timed mass shooting, and bingo, here we go.

Or am I just being paranoid? :frown5:
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So Sad


Post by soccerguy59 »

So Sad on many different angles.

1) Gun Free Zone, yea right...
2) Criminals don't care about the guns laws.
3) Two hours from start to finish, where are the LEO's?

The Anti's will want to raise the legal age of gun ownership, again. Semi-Auto weapons and all the usual suspects. I am sure some student grew-up knowing how to shoot a gun and could defend him/herself and others.
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Post by stroo »

Gun free zone with a lockdown that appears to have just set up more victims. He apparently shot 4-6 people first. They instituted a lock down for a couple hours. Then they opened up the lock down and he shot a bunch of people. Lock down didn't work nor did the gun free zone.
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Post by tomneal »

Or am I just being paranoid?
Just because you are paranoid doesn't mean 'they' aren't out to 'get' you.

Watch for calls for new gun ban's by Anti-gunners waiving the bloody shirt.

Fox News
An anti-gunner was proclaming that with this many dead and injured, it must have been an 'automatic' rifle and those kinds of rifles are hard to get.
The 'semi-automatic' correction was given by the news anchor.
With a followup that reports had said 'pistol'.
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Post by Will »

"NBC's Pete Williams said two law enforcement officials told him the gunman killed himself. They also said the gunman used two 9-mm handguns during the rampage, Williams reported. He said the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms was trying to track the weapons."

No automatics unless he got a hold of a couple glock 18's.

"Madison Van Duyne, a student who was interviewed by telephone on CNN, said, “We are all in lockdown. Most of the students are sitting on the floors away from the windows just trying to be as safe as possible.�

This, to me, is sad.
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Post by jbirds1210 »

Let's all stop what we are doing for a couple of minutes and say a prayer for the men and women involved in this horrible situation.....they need that more than anything. God bless the families of these people, the other students, staff, and law enforcement....this will never go away for them.

I have a hard time with these school shootings....the anger that drives them makes me very sad. The world we live in is so confusing at times.
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Post by hi-power »

Now it's 32 killed, (according to FoxNews). I can't find the words to describe my thoughts on this senseless rampage.

Good idea jbirds1210. Prayers sent to all affected by this.
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Post by carlson1 »

jbirds1210 wrote:Let's all stop what we are doing for a couple of minutes and say a prayer for the men and women involved in this horrible situation.....they need that more than anything. God bless the families of these people, the other students, staff, and law enforcement....this will never go away for them.

I have a hard time with these school shootings....the anger that drives them makes me very sad. The world we live in is so confusing at times.

Update: FOX new reports that ATF recovered 2 9mm handguns.
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