I don't know about y'all.

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Post by stevie_d_64 »

Will938 wrote:This first thing that went through my head when I saw this was to picture a guy on a motorcycle ride up near them and exclaim, "Setup the ramps, I can do this."

What are ya? Evil Knievel???

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Post by stevie_d_64 »

Will938 wrote:This first thing that went through my head when I saw this was to picture a guy on a motorcycle ride up near them and exclaim, "Setup the ramps, I can do this."

Either that or they are an off-shoot (forgive the pun) of the Heavens Gate cult... :lol:
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Post by Smokewagon »

Really folks, how intelligent does this look? A bunch of misinformeds lying on the ground.

I guess it makes them feel good? :sad:
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Post by Roy D. Mercer »

Venus Pax wrote:Welcome Roy D. Mercer.
How's Shar'n Jean?
Oh she's just fine. She's a stout woman with many talents, most of all putting up with me.

I'll go place a call on the welcome thread here in a bit.
How big a boy are you!

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Post by pbandjelly »

buncha dern people with too much time on their hands.
back in the kitchen, with ya!!! :lol:
:roll: "it's the gunses!! evil gunses!!!"
yeah, DeSoto's a bit of a drive to go laugh at mentally incompetent people, who need a job.

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Post by Eddie A. »

Charles L. Cotton wrote:Anytime I see the phrase "it's for the police" or "it's for the children" I know it's going to followed by a lie!!


+1 :iagree:
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Post by Skiprr »

And here's one to really make you gag: some of the adoring ProtestEasyGuns protesters in New York City with our favorite mayor, Michael Bloomberg...

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Post by Skiprr »

Gack. Here's a well-timed but unintended follow-up:


Remember that Bloomberg switched his party affiliation from Democrat to "Republican" (yeah; right) in 2000. Now he's disassociating himself from the Republicans, as well.

If this guy doesn't make a run at buying the Presidency, I'll eat my hat.

Be afraid. Be very afraid.
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Post by Paladin »

stevie_d_64 wrote:Dallas-32
Taking place Saturday, June 23 at:

Community Missionary Baptist Church
115 W. Beltline
DeSoto, TX

I know the area, and I doubt they will get as warm a reception as Bloomberg gave 'em.
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Post by govnor »

Paladin wrote:
stevie_d_64 wrote:Dallas-32
Taking place Saturday, June 23 at:

Community Missionary Baptist Church
115 W. Beltline
DeSoto, TX

I know the area, and I doubt they will get as warm a reception as Bloomberg gave 'em.
Hahahaha! Yep, I'm really familiar with that area. It's in the ghetto now. I wish they'd all take a walk through nearby south Dallas holding up signs saying that they're unarmed and proud of it! Even better if they did it at night when the crackheads are awake.
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Post by westernamerican »

Said it once and I will say it again, "Guns don't kill people, People kill people!" Why is it so difficult for people to see this? :?:

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Post by QB »

Makes me sick to see so much incorrect information on websites such as these. It mentions the 15 round magazine which was available "because the ban was lifted".......WRONG. Even after the "Ban" I was able to legally purchase 15 round magazines!!!! It's the fact that the LAWS that are approved are worthless and as full as loopholes as the so called "Gun Show" loophole. They are "sheeple" laws that are certainly not obeyed by criminals or insane people. So they want a law to make it mandatory to have criminal checks at gunshows by EVERY seller? Well I would think that would only be for those people who actually were renting a table. What about FTF sales, sales through the classifieds, etc? And none of the "laws" are followed by criminals anyway so what does it matter. Just puts further restrictions on law abiding citizens. Can't believe in this day and age people are still so very stupid.


I wouldn't give this group the time of day and certainly wouldn't give them any credulance by showing up to protest their protest. That just gives them media attention which is what they want. Do they care that more people were probably killed by cars? Of course not, it's not normally a "sensational" death. Since cars are "essential", being killed by one is an "acceptable" death and we are conditioned to accept them.

Nearly everyone that is a close relative or friend of mine is "gun ignorant" and a "sheeple".....it's just too sad. I actually had an acquaintance say she was more afraid of people with CHLs than criminals. I won't go into the discussion that ensured (if you can even consider it a discussion) but her thinking was that they were used to guns and only used them to rob stores and such and the CHL holders just carried guns around being macho and when they got mad they'd shoot someone. Now isn't that enough to make your stomach churn?
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Post by The Marshal »

I wonder what would happen to their smiles if Mr. Bloomberg showed them the gun(s) under the jackets of his bodyguards that are standing around?

Bloomie needs to have to call the police when he is accosted/mugged/raped/threatened just like the rest of his subjects, er... constituents.

Would love to hear Ted Nugent and Mayor Bloomberg in an off-camera debate. :cool:


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Post by frankie_the_yankee »

QB wrote: I actually had an acquaintance say she was more afraid of people with CHLs than criminals. I won't go into the discussion that ensured (if you can even consider it a discussion) but her thinking was that they were used to guns and only used them to rob stores and such and the CHL holders just carried guns around being macho and when they got mad they'd shoot someone. Now isn't that enough to make your stomach churn?

The woman is a moron. That doesn't make my stomach churn. It simply fills me with contempt for her and others like her.

I would have told her that if her theory about people with CHL's (that when they got mad they would just shoot someone) was true we should be able to prove it real quick. There are 267,000 CHL's in TX. Surely this is a large enough number that if they were acting like she thought they were, there should be a lot of aggravated assaults and/or homicides committed by CHL's each year. Fortunately, there is no need to guess at whether CHL's were out there committing these crimes, because the DPS publishes statistics every year showing the total numbers of serious crimes committed in TX each year and the number of these crimes committed by CHL's.

A quick look at the numbers for the various catagories of homicide and aggravated assault reveals that CHL holders commit ALMOST NONE OF THESE CRIMES. So her idiotic notion that people with CHL's go around shooting people when they get angry is just that, an idiotic notion.

Then I would ask her where she ever got such a stupid idea into her head. (Using exactly those words, to make sure that she knew that I knew that it was a stupid idea.)

Just keep this in mind. The core belief of anti-gun people is that if there were no guns, no one would be killed by people wielding guns. Strictly speaking, this is a truism. So in that narrow sense they are correct.

But itheir core belief is a meaningless concept because:

1) With no guns there would be no gun-related deaths, but it does not follow that this would be a better world. There could be more deaths due to other causes - like the occassional government-sponsored killing spree which, while historically rare usually racks up numbers that make ordinary criminal homicides seem trivial by comparison.

2) It also does not follow that no guns = a better world in the more immediate sense. Looking at the UK, where self defense is virtually outlawed, robberies and muggings are common, and home invasions are rampant, we see that a) the government truly cannot protect people, b) violent criminals have little to fear from their potential victims, and so act accordingly, and c) the average person is far safer in their gun-protected home in TX than almost anyone among the subject peoples of the UK.

3) There ARE guns, and there always will be. So the only real question is WHO will have them. The government? Criminals? LAC's? Some of the above? Or all of the above?

4) Even in gun-ban societies such as the UK, criminals manage to get ahold of guns. So the realistic option is that the government and criminals will have them.

How is that better for LAC's, to be the only group that DOESN'T have access to guns?
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Post by QB »

frankie the yankee -- very well said.......

She's way beyond moron and PROUD OF IT! Contempt is an understatement. I initially typed "friend" then changed it to acquaintance and of course I haven't associated with her for over a year as I have no desire to be around people who thrive on ignorance and think they are so very "cute" when their lips are moving!!!!!
"You may find me one day dead in a ditch somewhere. But by God, you'll find me in a pile of brass."~~ Tpr. M. Padgett
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