I'm back from a short vacation and am sure you all missed me terribly.

I wanted to show my dad the grips I found and put on my Colt GC Trophy, but didn't want to take the gun with me on the trip. I had taken it last time I visited, so he'd seen the gun already. I just wanted to show him the new grips. Right before heading up I snapped a quick picture with the Colt on a piece of black satin I found and the picture was GREAT. The trophy model is stainless steel and the grip are rosewood I think. They look like rosewood and I don't actually remember if they really are or not.
However, it got me to thinking that, while I have some okay pictures of many of my firearms, the ones I have are not GREAT. The background on most of those were hastily done using a beige piece of berber carpet for the background. After taking that picture of the Colt with that black satin background it got me to thinking that I need to get better photos of the rest of my collection, arsenal, cache. The black satin will be great for the stainless ones, but probably not so good for the evil black ones. And maybe not so well for the older ones with wooden furniture.
I was thinking that a grey or silver satin might work better for the black ones. What about the wood ones? Is there an other color that would work for all of them? Maybe a red or maroon or some other shade? Or would it better to just get a piece of black and silver/grey and reddish for the various types? That would be okay. I was also thinking about satin versus a texture like felt that would have less chance of creating a glare.
What do ya'll think?