Never again....

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Re: Never again....


Post by JNMAR »

gigag04 wrote:
someonetyping wrote:...
Obv, now you know to call the cops. I would say something to the effect of "I am a CHL holder and just had to draw my weapon to defend myself from 5 guys trying to attack me. I was at "Aunt B's" and now quickly leaving in my vehicle - where can I meet an officer to safely make a report? I am wearing XXXX and driving XXXXX bearing LP XXX-XXX and am currently at XXXXX intersection. My DL # is XXXXXXX.

The identifying info is so that the dispatcher can run you while the officer goes to meet you. This will HELP him know that you are clear of warrants, and that you have a valid CHL. Their dispatchers will most likely check to see if you are in the PD's records system for anything, giving further info to the officers.

Thanks gigag, I wondered what sort of things should be said in the phone call. That's very helpful.
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Re: Never again....


Post by sjfcontrol »

JNMAR wrote:
gigag04 wrote:
someonetyping wrote:...
Obv, now you know to call the cops. I would say something to the effect of "I am a CHL holder and just had to draw my weapon to defend myself from 5 guys trying to attack me. I was at "Aunt B's" and now quickly leaving in my vehicle - where can I meet an officer to safely make a report? I am wearing XXXX and driving XXXXX bearing LP XXX-XXX and am currently at XXXXX intersection. My DL # is XXXXXXX.

The identifying info is so that the dispatcher can run you while the officer goes to meet you. This will HELP him know that you are clear of warrants, and that you have a valid CHL. Their dispatchers will most likely check to see if you are in the PD's records system for anything, giving further info to the officers.

Thanks gigag, I wondered what sort of things should be said in the phone call. That's very helpful.
You'd have to be a robot to get all that out after an adrenaline dump.
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Re: Never again....


Post by gigag04 »

A (well trained) dispatcher should prompt you for most of that ;)
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Re: Never again....


Post by The Annoyed Man »

sjfcontrol wrote:You'd have to be a robot to get all that out after an adrenaline dump.
On the other hand, you could make up a small laminated card to carry in your wallet with those questions listed on it. Get the card out when you call 911 and read the questions to yourself, answering them out loud for the operator. Then you don't have to remember what to say. Just go by what's on the list.

In fact, I just thought of that, and I'm going to make one up for myself and carry it with me.
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Re: Never again....


Post by fickman »

I believe your story, and I'm glad to see you're sticking around and listening to some external feedback and constructive criticism.

Something still sounds off. . . the part that makes me think we are getting the one side of the story. It reads like a B-movie where two yankee out-of-towners walk into a southern redneck bar as the jukebox screeches to a halt, all of the cowboys stand and stare, and somebody in the back yells, "You boys ain't from around here, are ya'?"

Somehow just your presence ticked off an entire restaurant full of people, and they were united against you? There's something missing.

- Had ya'll been drinking (even a little)?
- Were you wearing anything controversial or that would have made you stand out (covered in Confederate flags / had a sweater tied around your neck over a button-down shirt with khakis and penny loafers / carrying a giant double-cassette deck boombox on your shoulder)?
- Were you goofing on people, even to each other so that you thought they couldn't hear you?
- Were you being loud and obstreperous?
- Even if you didn't start it, when you noticed that somebody was irritated with you - did you reply with words of escalation (insults, jokes, arrogance, etc.)?

Analyze these things. There might be something there that you missed - a reason that you brought so much attention to yourselves and weren't able to enjoy your meal like every other patron in the restaurant.

I'm honestly not trying to turn a victim into the BG. . . I'm not saying you were asking for it. Just evaluate the whole scene and see if ya'll played a role in this getting out of hand.

How were you carrying your firearm? I'm guessing from the context that it wasn't in a holster. Was it tucked into your belt? In your pocket? Cargo pocket? Backpack? Regardless, I wholeheartedly second the recommendation that you invest in a quality concealed carry holster and check that it fits properly with your style of dress BEFORE putting that round in the chamber. (As soon as you do that, get that round in the chamber!)

BTW, I hope you notice that this community is very polite and helpful - and extremely analytical. There's a plethora of backgrounds and experiences which lead to some interesting perspectives. Nobody is picking on you (mainly because you weren't using a Glock). :smilelol5:

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Re: Never again....


Post by sjfcontrol »

The Annoyed Man wrote:
sjfcontrol wrote:You'd have to be a robot to get all that out after an adrenaline dump.
On the other hand, you could make up a small laminated card to carry in your wallet with those questions listed on it. Get the card out when you call 911 and read the questions to yourself, answering them out loud for the operator. Then you don't have to remember what to say. Just go by what's on the list.

In fact, I just thought of that, and I'm going to make one up for myself and carry it with me.
You could attach it to the back of your CHL Badge! :cheers2:
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Re: Never again....


Post by PuntoQuatroCinco »

:read:" onclick=";return false;

1- marked by unruly or aggressive noisiness
2- stubbornly resistant to control

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Re: Never again....


Post by someonetyping »

WOW! There wasn't any ego, "cool story", or anything of that nature I was trying to get across to the forum while typing the post. I can see how it may come across that way now but if I were to tell you the story in person I don't believe you would get that impression at all even if I said the initial post verbatim. I guess I was trying to get across an understanding of how much tension there was in the matter. As for the holster, I have one of those soft inner waist holsters, made of like a neoprene or something, designed to fit inside your belt and pants. As for the information of what the cops should be told I do think its a good idea to give them as much information of yourself as you can. As for what started it, I still have no idea. Weren't drinking, no insulting clothing, no comments made at anyone's expense, etc. I know we were talking about my friend's truck and what could be wrong with it, how another friend of ours is talking to some girl he shouldn't be, as for the rest I'm not really sure. We weren't there long at all. The rest of the story follows according to the initial post. My friend could have possibly said something on the way out, but when we were trying to figure out what had exactly happened he said he had no idea of what the hell just happened. I'm still dumbfounded by the incident. I welcome all comments of how the situation could have been handled better, all the should've/could've, etc. I along with some others have learned quite a bit of different things such as carrying with a round in the chamber, informative matters, how to better deescalate the situation, etc. To those who still question the validity of the matter, I am not really concerned if you do not believe the incident and/or why you don't. I am concerned with all of the helpful information that has been posted that I and others can benefit from. So if you still persist that I am a flat out liar, bending the story, eliminating elements to remain faultless, or whatever your reasoning may be, I ask you to just disregard the post unless you can provide some other replies that could potentially help myself and others out. I'm here to learn as I am sure there are a couple of others that are here to do the same.
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Re: Never again....


Post by Fangs »

I've had your back since this started, mainly because I have seen something almost exactly like this happen before, so please don't take this as me placing blame. However, I think I found your problem:
someonetyping another friend of ours is talking to some girl he shouldn't be...
I've seen drunk people (both girls and guys) who heard one sentence (or even two or three words) and took them totally out of context and assumed that whatever was being said was directed at them. Even if you said "Brad Pitt is a total idiot" they could have heard, "You're a total idiot". It only gets worse from there since now you have a random drunk stranger who (in their mind) has every reason to hate you. 2x if they actually feel that what they thought you said is right, so now you've personally attacked their ego.

It wouldn't surprise me if the drunk person overheard a tiny bit of that part of your conversation and assumed you were talking about them.

Does this mean you should watch everything you say out of fear that some idiot's going to freak out on you? Nah, I wouldn't any more than I usually do. Generally it's not an issue. It's just not that far of a stretch in this case to see how it happened.

Like I said, not trying to be mean, just pointing out my observations based on previous experience.
"When I was a kid, people who did wrong were punished, restricted, and forbidden. Now, when someone does wrong, all of the rest of us are punished, restricted, and forbidden. The one who did the wrong is counselled and "understood" and fed ice cream." - speedsix
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Re: Never again....


Post by The Annoyed Man »

sjfcontrol wrote:
The Annoyed Man wrote:
sjfcontrol wrote:You'd have to be a robot to get all that out after an adrenaline dump.
On the other hand, you could make up a small laminated card to carry in your wallet with those questions listed on it. Get the card out when you call 911 and read the questions to yourself, answering them out loud for the operator. Then you don't have to remember what to say. Just go by what's on the list.

In fact, I just thought of that, and I'm going to make one up for myself and carry it with me.
You could attach it to the back of your CHL Badge! :cheers2:
Why bother? I attached mine to my CHL Sash. :smilelol5:
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Re: Never again....


Post by Dragonfighter »

You know, back in my heathen days (25-26 years ago), I was a biker (independent) and stopped in a place for a mug or two. Didn't say more than a "howdy" or give a nod to anyone in the place. I quietly got up and went outside and was pulling the chain off the bike when I noticed half a dozen guys coming out. It wasn't looking too good for the home team and I was capable. A couple of passing bikers noticed and pulled in, defusing the situation.

The point being, there is not always an imputes or even a remotely reasonable explanation.
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Re: Never again....


Post by priusron »

I didn't know that as a CHL holder, I now had to go out and buy pepper spray to have an arsenal of less lethal options. What else do I have to buy? Where am I no longer free to go other than those posted 30.06 or 51% or prohibited? There are a lot of people on this forum that will criticize anything you do. I guess they have never made a mistake and know everything about every situation concerning CHL, even when they weren't there. I do have one criticism. Learn about your weapon. There are either 4 or 5 safeties on the XD. Some are internal and some are external. Yes I know what I am talking about. I carry a XD49SC with crimson trace. A good forum is Don't let the know it all on this forum get to you. read and learn. welcome to the forum

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Re: Never again....


Post by gigag04 »

priusron wrote:There are a lot of people on this forum that will criticize anything you do. I guess they have never made a mistake and know everything about every situation concerning CHL, even when they weren't there.
The know-it-alls on this forum are not an exclusive group. They combine and readily share their knowledge of case law, legal encounters, penal code, and work experience with the know-most-of-its that will listen.

After 16 posts I don't see this is a fair accusation. The OP has solicited advice and responses and people are answering him with such. If ya hang around you may actually like it too!
Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work. - Thomas Edison


Re: Never again....



I was always taught the KISS method. Keep It Simple Stupid.

If you have to draw...

Call 911.

Tell them you were accosted.

Tell them you are a CHL and you drew your weapon to stop the threat.

You want to meet a LEO to make an official report.

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Re: Never again....


Post by priusron »

gigag04 wrote:
priusron wrote:
After 16 posts I don't see this is a fair accusation. The OP has solicited advice and responses and people are answering him with such. If ya hang around you may actually like it too!

I may only have 16 posts, but if you look you will see i have been a member for almost a year. I have learned much from this forum by listening (reading) instead of running my mouth when I do not know what I am talking about.

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