
What should be on the 2007 agenda for CHL's?

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Post by tomneal »

Today is the primary

Be sure to go out and vote. With the way districts are laid out, many of the November races will be decided today in the primary.

Here is a link to the TSRA / PAC voters guide
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Post by Kalrog »

Not me. I am going to sign the petition for Kinky.

Having personally met the current Gov - and him not able to find his name after a race (he basically did the distance chalenge with me last year) - I basically lost all hope in him. Add to that, the other choice would be Strayhorn or a Dem... Hello Kinky!

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Post by KBCraig »

Kalrog wrote:Not me. I am going to sign the petition for Kinky.
I was going to point that out, but you beat me to it!

If you vote in a primary, then your signature on Kinky's petition will be thrown out.

Kinky's a populist, meaning he and I disagree on most things. But I'll still sign his petition, because I like to see politics as usual shaken up.

There's no one in either primary worth getting out of the house for.


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Post by Texasdoc »

I have voted to day sos its like Been there done that got the I VOTED Sticker

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Post by nitrogen »

Kalrog wrote:Not me. I am going to sign the petition for Kinky.

Having personally met the current Gov - and him not able to find his name after a race (he basically did the distance chalenge with me last year) - I basically lost all hope in him. Add to that, the other choice would be Strayhorn or a Dem... Hello Kinky!
I'm glad I'm not the only one!
For some reason, the idea of a Jewish Cowboy for Gov appeals to me. I wonder why...
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Post by isa268 »

what's kinky's views on the second admendment?
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Post by tomneal »

From what I've heard
Kinky would fit in at most of the gun ranges I frequent.

according to one Houston radio announcer that I respect,
"Kinky is an empty suit".

Rick Perry on the other hand has done things for Texas shooters.
For example
Take a look at the recent changes to Reciprocity.

Things aren't perfect but they are better.
Rick Perry was Governor while it got better.

Do what you think is right and I'll do the same.
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Post by KBCraig »

isa268 wrote:what's kinky's views on the second admendment?
He's all for it. In his CMT documentary, he said he didn't know how many supporters he had, but they all carry guns! :grin:


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Post by AG-EE »

have you guys checked Kinky out? Found this link at The High Road

Texas Monthly

Unfair Game Whether they're bagging Bambies or killing quail, hunters have always been a mystery to me. Now it's time to put them in my sights.
by Kinky Friedman

SINCE I'VE FORGOTTEN THE FIRST half of my life, it's rather difficult for me to remember my childhood, but I do recall going hunting at the wise old age of seven for the first and last time. One night my four-year-old brother, Roger, and I went coon hunting near Medina with our neighbor Cabbie. Cabbie had an old coon dog named Rip, and Roger suggested that I kiss the dog on the nose. It was the last time in my life I ever took advice from anyone who is younger than I am. Rip bit me ferociously on my nose, causing excessive bleeding and even more excessive tears.

Eventually the hunt proceeded with Cabbie navigating his Jeep down by a stream under a canopy of beautiful cypress trees. It was a dark, moonless night, and Cabbie told us to look up at the tops of the trees and squeeze the trigger when we saw a pair of eyes. This seemingly simple suggestion was complicated somewhat by the fact that God had chosen that night to envelop the Hill Country in a majestic cathedral sky from which stars peripatetically peeped out through the branches at little children, making it impossible to determine whether you were shooting a raccoon or a star. In the end my brother and I each killed a young ringtail, an animal officially recognized as a varmint by the county. We collected a bounty of $1.50 apiece. We did not inquire back then, nor did the county ever tell us, what bounty they might have offered for killing a star.

Now, you might be asking yourself, "Why is this man sifting through the ashes of his childhood for a poignant hunting story now that hunting season is over?" The answer is that hunting season is never really over, nor, apparently, is this column. Deer season may have ended, but that does not mean any of us are safe from an errant bullet fired by an errant bullethead. It only means that hunters have turned their cold sights from harmless Bambies and creatures that fly higher than their dreams to other prey. There is never a moment when a Texan cannot legally curl his finger 'round a happy trigger. Seasons have been decreed for white-tailed deer, mule deer, pronghorn antelope, alligator, dove, turkey, rabbit, javelina, quail, pheasant, squirrel, and yes, Virginia, that most fearsome of all predators in the wild, the lesser prairie chicken.

Today, however, I do not suffer hunters gladly. I realize, of course, that in a deeper sense all of us are hunting for something, and few of us ever find it. If we do, we often find ourselves killing the thing we love. As Oscar Wilde once so aptly described fox hunting: "The unspeakable in full pursuit of the uneatable." And yet it goes on and on. Dressed in camouflage, the great white hunters sit in family restaurants, shiver in deer blinds, and swap stories sometimes proud, sometimes wistful for the one that got away. As blameless as bullfighters and butterfly collectors, these men for all seasons continue to wage a one-sided war against creation. They hunt only, they say, to cull the vast deer population. They hunt only to teach kids how to hunt. These are the good reasons they give, but they are not necessarily the real reasons. The truth is a much more difficult animal to track. As an honest old redneck once told me about deer: "I just like to put the brakes on 'em."

Yet ours is not the only culture lacking enough culture not to practice such practices. In my own Peace Corps experience in Borneo, I lived for a time among a nomadic tribe of pygmies known as the Punan. One of the delicacies of the Punan is monkey brains, which I ate on a number of occasions. Monkey brains, perhaps not surprisingly, taste quite similar to lesser prairie chicken. The Punan use blowpipes to kill their game, but these seemingly primitive little people are not without their own values of sportsmanship. They do not shoot an animal until it has seen them coming, which gives their prey a fighting chance to flee. This is a foreign concept to those more-civilized Texans who hunt elk from a helicopter.

Fortunately only about 4 percent of all Texans are licensed hunters. This means that 96 percent of us are relegated to the unhappy status of moving targets. Once the hunters shoot the donkey in the farmer's field, they'll shoot our asses next. A great writer named Anonymous once wrote: "The larger the prey, the more corrupt is the soul of the hunter." This may help explain why so many big-game hunters suffer from erectile dysfunction and run the risk of ending up like Ernest Hemingway, who eventually bagged the biggest game of all, himself. If you live in the Hill Country, however, you're probably just proud to have survived another hunting season without getting your head blown off.

This does not necessarily guarantee, of course, that you won't be shot in the buttocks by some bow-hunting nerd like Ted Nugent.

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Post by seadawg221 »

Kinky is ALL FOR homosexual marriages!

He said "They have a right to be as un-happy as the rest of us"

Just based on that issue alone I would not vote for him. I think he makes a fine comedian but I doubt his abilities as governor!
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Post by nitrogen »

I've read in places that Kinky is pro-RKBA, so I 'm not sure what to think now. In some article, he basically said that the CHL thing was working fine.

I'm also all for protecting marriage. I think we should start by outlawing divorce, though. I can think of far worse things to not vote for someone for because they would allow equal rights to an unpopular group :sarcasm:

I'd give him a shot. Reagan was an actor, and he seemed to do ok as a govonr as well as a president. He certainly cant be any worse than AHNOLD in California, at any rate.
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Post by KBCraig »

I understand the desire to protect the sanctity of marriage, but I think people are approaching it the wrong way. Instead of legally limiting marriage to one man and one woman, the real solution is to get government out of it altogether.

Think about it: marriage, for the vast majority of people, is a religious matter. And yet, we must pay a fee and ask the state's permission and blessing? Should we also have baptism licenses? Register bar mitzvahs at the county courthouse? Check that you've paid the government fee before taking communion?

Think about the phrase "sanctity of marriage": the word "sanctity" means sacred, holy, inviolable, and implies a religious and moral obligation. You want the government having a say in your deepest, most personal spiritual obligations?

Don't outlaw gay marriage, nor polygamous marriage, nor interspecies marriage. Get government completely out of the marriage definition business.


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Post by isa268 »

Don't outlaw gay marriage, nor polygamous marriage, nor interspecies marriage. Get government completely out of the marriage definition business.

big +1 to that.

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Post by TEX »

I am glad Kinky's name is on the ballot, but a vote for him would be like shooting yourself in the foot. He could appear pro RKBA one day and flip rabidly anti-gun the next. I think we could do better than Perry, on the Republican side, but we are stuck with only one sane choice. Frankly, I would like to see Tom Delay run for Governor - he won't however. Come to think of it Delay would make a pretty good choce in the 08 Presidental election. I think how well he might do would cause the news media to flat out have a stroke. I'd vote for him over Bush again (if he could run) and certainly over someone like McCain, who appears to have a shot at it.

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Post by carlson1 »

KBCraig wrote:I understand the desire to protect the sanctity of marriage, but I think people are approaching it the wrong way. Instead of legally limiting marriage to one man and one woman, the real solution is to get government out of it altogether.

Think about it: marriage, for the vast majority of people, is a religious matter. And yet, we must pay a fee and ask the state's permission and blessing? Should we also have baptism licenses? Register bar mitzvahs at the county courthouse? Check that you've paid the government fee before taking communion?

Think about the phrase "sanctity of marriage": the word "sanctity" means sacred, holy, inviolable, and implies a religious and moral obligation. You want the government having a say in your deepest, most personal spiritual obligations?Kevin
Very good summation

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