How to Get A CHL For Non-Immigrant Aliens & Foreigners

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Re: How to Get A CHL For Non-Immigrant Aliens & Foreigners


Post by Box »

They can and it starts with a Texas hunting license.
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Re: How to Get A CHL For Non-Immigrant Aliens & Foreigners


Post by The Annoyed Man »

Box wrote:They can and it starts with a Texas hunting license.
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Re: How to Get A CHL For Non-Immigrant Aliens & Foreigners


Post by Turban cowboy »

Hey chuck! I'm a Canadian citizen here on an F1 visa. I just sent in my forms and everything the other day. I did notice it charged $145 to my card. My fingerprinting is on the 18th, so hopefully I'll be another success story! Ahh I love this country! :woohoo :patriot: :fire

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Re: How to Get A CHL For Non-Immigrant Aliens & Foreigners


Post by jerry_r60 »

Jumping Frog wrote:
n5wd wrote:One clarification about the law of selling guns in a private sale. Under federal (US) law, you must not sell a gun to someone that is not legally eligible to own or possess a firearm. That includes anyone who has been found guilty of a felony, or someone that has been arrested for, or has been found guilty of domestic violence, and, for a handgun, someone who is not a resident of the state that you are living in.
A minor clarification here, the actual language is "knowing or having reasonable cause to believe". If I demonstrate due diligence when selling a firearm to another person by asking them if they are in any way disqualified from purchasing a firearm, and they lie to me, then I have no reasonable cause to believe they are prohibited.
18 U.S.C. § 922(d) It shall be unlawful for any person to sell or otherwise dispose of any firearm or ammunition to any person knowing or having reasonable cause to believe that such person—
(1) is under indictment for, or has been convicted in any court of, a crime punishable by imprisonment for a term exceeding one year;
(2) is a fugitive from justice;
(3) is an unlawful user of or addicted to any controlled substance (as defined in section 102 of the Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C. 802));
(4) has been adjudicated as a mental defective or has been committed to any mental institution;
(5) who, being an alien—
(A) is illegally or unlawfully in the United States; or
(B) except as provided in subsection (y)(2), has been admitted to the United States under a nonimmigrant visa (as that term is defined in section 101(a)(26) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1101 (a)(26)));
(6) who has been discharged from the Armed Forces under dishonorable conditions;
(7) who, having been a citizen of the United States, has renounced his citizenship;
(8) is subject to a court order that restrains such person from harassing, stalking, or threatening an intimate partner of such person or child of such intimate partner or person, or engaging in other conduct that would place an intimate partner in reasonable fear of bodily injury to the partner or child, except that this paragraph shall only apply to a court order that—
(A) was issued after a hearing of which such person received actual notice, and at which such person had the opportunity to participate; and
(i) includes a finding that such person represents a credible threat to the physical safety of such intimate partner or child; or
(ii) by its terms explicitly prohibits the use, attempted use, or threatened use of physical force against such intimate partner or child that would reasonably be expected to cause bodily injury; or
(9) has been convicted in any court of a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence.
This made me think. It wouldn't be a bad idea to put together a questionnaire like this to get answered and then signed as part of a sales receipt for a personal sale.
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Re: How to Get A CHL For Non-Immigrant Aliens & Foreigners


Post by Jumping Frog »

jerry_r60 wrote:
Jumping Frog wrote:A minor clarification here, the actual language is "knowing or having reasonable cause to believe". If I demonstrate due diligence when selling a firearm to another person by asking them if they are in any way disqualified from purchasing a firearm, and they lie to me, then I have no reasonable cause to believe they are prohibited.
This made me think. It wouldn't be a bad idea to put together a questionnaire like this to get answered and then signed as part of a sales receipt for a personal sale.
You are free to handle it however you would like, of course.

As for me, I am not going to overthink it or invent new hoops to jump through for our federal overseers. I simply would ask, "are you in any way disqualified from purchasing firearms". Answer: "No". We are good to go. I also will not do receipts when purchasing firearms and many buyers feel that way. I don't want the papertrail, and again I look at that as inventing new hoops to jump through for our federal overseers that is not actually required by law.
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Re: How to Get A CHL For Non-Immigrant Aliens & Foreigners


Post by thearmer »

Great post guys, appreciate all the groundwork that has been done.

I got here in February and have just got my drivers license.

Question i have is around the Hunting license.....

Am i to get the general hunting license for a texas resident, if so i need to have been here for minumum of 6 months before i can apply.

I have a mortgage, SSN and now driving license but still need to wait for the months to pass before i can apply.

On the other hand i have heard i can buy a firearm if its for home or car, if that's the case do i still need the hunting license at this stage?

Hunting license residency info:

If you apply for a non resident its $315! versus the $25 resident one.......

Residency is proven by any three of the following (all documents must reflect the applicant's name and a physical address in Texas). Items marked with a * must have been issued at least six months prior to license or permit application. Except for a valid drivers license or a state issued identification card, documentation is not required at time of purchases or while hunting or fishing:

a current Texas homestead property tax statement
the most recent six months of utility bills
the most recent six months of paycheck receipts
the person’s most recent tax return from the Internal Revenue Service
a statement from a parole board or probation officer stating that the person has continuously resided in Texas for the six months immediately preceding the application for a license or permit
a valid Texas driver's license*
a current Texas voter registration certificate*
a current vehicle registration*

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Re: How to Get A CHL For Non-Immigrant Aliens & Foreigners


Post by yuzhechen »

Thank you guys for sharing the story, but i have a question regard the hunting license in Texas.
Earlier i went to Academy and purchased a $25 hunting license and found it was only valid until Aug.31 of the same year,
so how can i buy the "General License" that lasts for one year? how much does that one cost?
Can anyone that has successfully purchased it share some experience with me? I m also a resident of Texas.
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Re: How to Get A CHL For Non-Immigrant Aliens & Foreigners


Post by Pawpaw »

yuzhechen wrote:Thank you guys for sharing the story, but i have a question regard the hunting license in Texas.
Earlier i went to Academy and purchased a $25 hunting license and found it was only valid until Aug.31 of the same year,
so how can i buy the "General License" that lasts for one year? how much does that one cost?
Can anyone that has successfully purchased it share some experience with me? I m also a resident of Texas.
You buy it on or after September 1st. All Texas hunting and fishing licenses expire on August 31. :tiphat:
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Re: How to Get A CHL For Non-Immigrant Aliens & Foreigners


Post by imzeigen »


I hate to kidnap others posts, however I would like to ask and also share my experience so far.

I've been living in the Dallas for almost a year, I always had some curiosity to anything that involved guns. It wasn't until I moved to the US that I started loving them, I started renting them at a gun range and then some time after discovered that I could actually buy one, I currently have a small collection, a mossin nagant, ar-15, sp2022, remington 870 and my latest jew is an 1911 trojan STI. I'm member of a gun club and go at least once a week to shoot clays.

I really never considered getting a CHL however discovered that having it would make things easier for buying guns from particulars, I'm from Mexico and that makes some time people uncomfortable, having a CHL probably will make things go smother and assure that I'm allowed to buy guns. I don't see myself actually carrying in the near future, but I want to eventually do so once I feel comfortable with the idea and not before getting insurance for that matter.

My first question and this is for any foreigner that have two last names. Today I was filling the forms and it asked my for my last name, in Mexico we have a first name, sometimes a middle name, and our last name consist of two "last names" something like John Johnson Smith Jones. In the field for that matter I couldn't put space, so it end up like SmithJones. Has anyone experienced this situation?

As for today I just started the process and scheduled my fingerprint scan for later this week.
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Re: How to Get A CHL For Non-Immigrant Aliens & Foreigners


Post by jmorris »

Actually this could be a problem for Americans too. I know one married couple that use both last names but not hyphenated. So they'd be Mr. and Mrs. Smith Jones.
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Re: How to Get A CHL For Non-Immigrant Aliens & Foreigners


Post by therealchosen23 »

Guys with the CHL who are non immigrants , still no problems so far right?

For the hunting license do I need to do the hunters education course for it to be valid or I can just purchase a firearm or have a firearm in my car with out taking the course Expiry date on the license is 8/31/17


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Re: How to Get A CHL For Non-Immigrant Aliens & Foreigners


Post by Box »

No issues with mine. I try to keep my hunting license valid, but I think it is not a requirement. ( Hunting license only required ?for buying firearms from an FFL/ ?getting your CHL/LTC.) I'm no longer an alien, thus not kept up to date with the info.

Regarding a handgun in a cars. From Wikipedia:
Motorists Protection Act

Gov. Perry also signed H.B. 1815 after passage by the 2007 Legislature, a bill that allows any Texas resident to carry a handgun in the resident's motor vehicle without a CHL or other permit.[20] The bill revised Chapter 46, Section 2 of the Penal Code to state that it is in fact not "Unlawful Carry of a Weapon", as defined by the statute, for a person to carry a handgun while in a motor vehicle they own or control, or to carry while heading directly from the person's home to that car. However, lawful carry while in a vehicle requires these four critical qualifiers: (1) the weapon must not be in plain sight (in Texas law, "plain sight" and "concealed" are mutually exclusive opposing terms);[21] (2) the carrier cannot be involved in criminal activities, other than Class C traffic misdemeanors; (3) the carrier cannot be prohibited by state or federal law from possessing a firearm; and (4) the carrier cannot be a member of a criminal gang.[22][23]

Previous legislation (H.B. 823) enacted in the 2005 session of the Legislature had modified TPC 46.15 ("Non-Applicability") to include the "traveller assumption"; a law enforcement officer who encounters a firearm in a vehicle was required to presume that the driver of that vehicle was "travelling" under a pre-existing provision of 46.15, and thus the Unlawful Carry statute did not apply, absent evidence that the person was engaged in criminal activity, a member of a gang, or prohibited from possessing a firearm. However, attorneys and law enforcement officials in several municipalities including DA Chuck Rosenthal of Houston stated that they would continue to prosecute individuals found transporting firearms in their vehicles despite this presumption,[24] leading to the more forceful statement of non-applicability in the 2007 H.B. 1815.
28 Sept 2013 Class completed, 29 Jan 2014 Plastic received.

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Re: How to Get A CHL For Non-Immigrant Aliens & Foreigners


Post by Killadocg23 »

Box wrote:No issues with mine. I try to keep my hunting license valid, but I think it is not a requirement. ( Hunting license only required ?for buying firearms from an FFL/ ?getting your CHL/LTC.) I'm no longer an alien, thus not kept up to date with the info.

Regarding a handgun in a cars. From Wikipedia:
Motorists Protection Act

Gov. Perry also signed H.B. 1815 after passage by the 2007 Legislature, a bill that allows any Texas resident to carry a handgun in the resident's motor vehicle without a CHL or other permit.[20] The bill revised Chapter 46, Section 2 of the Penal Code to state that it is in fact not "Unlawful Carry of a Weapon", as defined by the statute, for a person to carry a handgun while in a motor vehicle they own or control, or to carry while heading directly from the person's home to that car. However, lawful carry while in a vehicle requires these four critical qualifiers: (1) the weapon must not be in plain sight (in Texas law, "plain sight" and "concealed" are mutually exclusive opposing terms);[21] (2) the carrier cannot be involved in criminal activities, other than Class C traffic misdemeanors; (3) the carrier cannot be prohibited by state or federal law from possessing a firearm; and (4) the carrier cannot be a member of a criminal gang.[22][23]

Previous legislation (H.B. 823) enacted in the 2005 session of the Legislature had modified TPC 46.15 ("Non-Applicability") to include the "traveller assumption"; a law enforcement officer who encounters a firearm in a vehicle was required to presume that the driver of that vehicle was "travelling" under a pre-existing provision of 46.15, and thus the Unlawful Carry statute did not apply, absent evidence that the person was engaged in criminal activity, a member of a gang, or prohibited from possessing a firearm. However, attorneys and law enforcement officials in several municipalities including DA Chuck Rosenthal of Houston stated that they would continue to prosecute individuals found transporting firearms in their vehicles despite this presumption,[24] leading to the more forceful statement of non-applicability in the 2007 H.B. 1815.
Sorry to revive old thread but saw you said you weren’t an some any more ? Did you obtain your GC?

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Re: How to Get A CHL For Non-Immigrant Aliens & Foreigners


Post by Box »

Yes sir, I have the temporary green card. Applying right now for my permeant gc
28 Sept 2013 Class completed, 29 Jan 2014 Plastic received.
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