Cruz is out.

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Re: Cruz is out.


Post by ELB »

Oh, I will vote for Trump over Hillary or Bernie, if only because Trump is so unhinged that he might accidently do something sane once in awhile. Hillary and Bernie are reliably sure to keep us on the path to present-day Venezuela.

At the moment the only way I see any way to salvage this mess if for Trump to win the general election and appoint Cruz to be Attorney General or to the SCOTUS. Maybe AG first, then SCOTUS. Slim chance for that, but it's not zero. Trump might do it just to aggravate others.
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Re: Cruz is out.


Post by treadlightly »

I voted for Cruz. Couldn't help myself. Not only did he say conservative things, he said he would close the conservative-hating IRS. I understand the country needs revenue, but not by empowering a bunch of line-dancing tyrants who hold court without a presumption of innocence. Murderers get more respect than taxpayers in some ways.

My inner adolescent, my childish inner rebel who yearns for a time machine set to 1776, wanted to see Trump win. I have to admit that. Liberal judges use their courts to send messages and that's wrong. Casting a vote to send a message is equally wrong, so I voted for Cruz.

Now my inner child is joyous over getting the best of both worlds. I voted like an adult, now, thanks to others, I can work with my word processor to convince Republican idiots, and by that I mean Republican manipulators who corrupted the party, they have no choice. They have got to learn this lesson or the Republican Party ends.

I'm going to try to make some lemonade with our citric candidate. There's a fresh roll of stamps in my desk. I'm going to use them to start making the case to every Republican who's been stupid that their behavior propelled Trump into the nomination.

A speaker's vote for Strauss was a vote for Trump. A vote for the $1.5 trillion omnibus spending package was a vote for Trump. Obamacare? That goes without saying. A vote for Obamacare was huge support for Trump even if Trump himself didn't suspect at the time.

If Republican insiders hate Trump, then they should face the fact they put him on the Republican ticket. Actions have consequences and they need to fully understand that.

This country elected Obama twice. Hillary is our next President, and that's a bad, bad thing. On the other hand, Trump pushed the right popular buttons to thwart Republican leadership. Maybe HIllary's apotheosis isn't foregone. Trump's cabinet would probably look Reagan-esque. He could be a bad President and still save the country.

As much as I'd like to insist on nothing but abject self-loathing from Republicans unfaithful to conservatism and the Constitution, we're not going to get fresh faces, not in the back rooms. Karl Rove is probably angry enough to chug brimstone in public right now, but he's not looking for a new job. The old guard will prevail. We might, however, be able to shove a little education down unwilling old-guard throats. Some good can come of this.

I hope.

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Re: Cruz is out.


Post by Dave2 »

Keith B wrote:
jason812 wrote:
Bryanmc wrote:Just remember, every vote withheld in protest is as good as a vote for Hillary or Bernie.
Just remember that every vote not cast in protest or for a third party candidate and not Trump was brought on by the republican party and if Hillary is elected it's not the fault of the people that didn't vote for Trump. The blame lies squarely on the inept elected republicans during at least the last 8 years if not more.
So, would you sacrifice your gun rights and many other freedoms just to show that you didn't really like Trump? Cause that's what we will get if we don't all band together and support whoever that has an actual chance of beating her!!
Every single election cycle there's some reason why "this is the one time we *have* to make sure the democrats lose". I'm sick of it. What's the point of voting if you never vote for someone you actually want? If you, like me, don't like that it could let the democrats win, then I suggest you start looking for a way to get a ranked voting system in this country. I the meantime, I'm going to go look for someone I won't be ashamed to support.
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Re: Cruz is out.


Post by cirus »

winters wrote:Finally. If he wasn't such a bible beater he could won more states.
Meaning what?
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Re: Cruz is out.


Post by mojo84 »

Dr. Hurd makes some good points. ... seriously/

I'm not advocating voting for or against Trump. Just offering up some food for thought.
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Re: Cruz is out.


Post by Charles L. Cotton »

Keith B wrote:
jason812 wrote:
Bryanmc wrote:Just remember, every vote withheld in protest is as good as a vote for Hillary or Bernie.
Just remember that every vote not cast in protest or for a third party candidate and not Trump was brought on by the republican party and if Hillary is elected it's not the fault of the people that didn't vote for Trump. The blame lies squarely on the inept elected republicans during at least the last 8 years if not more.
So, would you sacrifice your gun rights and many other freedoms just to show that you didn't really like Trump? Cause that's what we will get if we don't all band together and support whoever that has an actual chance of beating her!!
Of course he would, and he'd blame everyone but himself.

Either Trump or Clinton will be the next President. Anyone who doesn't help make Trump the next resident of the White House will be responsible for everything Clinton does, including packing the Supreme Court for the next 30 years.

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Re: Cruz is out.


Post by The Annoyed Man »

In (perversely) positive news, Sanders beat Clinton 53% to 47%. I don't know what that does to the total democrat delegate count, but if God shows us mercy, Sanders will take the nomination, and Trump will beat the snot out of Sanders. Then we can have president Trump, and I can say "I TOLD you all what it would be like, and why I preferred Cruz to Trump!"

As of right now, we've got about 8 months to enjoy what's left of our Constitution; then we're hosed.
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Re: Cruz is out.


Post by mojo84 »

I also believe Trump supporters will be responsible for everything he does. Come to think of it, everyone that has called themselves a Republican for the last 25-30 years is responsible for the situation in which we find ourselves. I include myself in that less than prestigious group.

I pray neither Trump nor Hillary will do the damage I believe they will do if elected. The republicans have abandoned their principles and acquiesced to the point we have been ran over by a conman, criminal and a socialist.
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Re: Cruz is out.


Post by flowrie »

I believe it will come down to who does not vote. How many Republicans will not vote vs. how many Democrats will not vote. I voted for Cruz and had great hope that he would prevail. I will now vote for Trump. I may not know what he will or will not do, but I know exactly what Hillary will do. What Hillary will do is unacceptable. It's that simple. If you do not vote, then you indirectly vote for Hillary, at least you can feel good about yourself when she confiscates your firearms. It's that simple.
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Re: Cruz is out.


Post by rotor »

I never thought Cruz (although I liked him) could win the general election. I think Trump can win. It is critical for our country to not have a president Clinton. Hopefully Trump is not derailed by people that "don't like him" and then let Hillary win. It is more than just a 2nd amendment issue, it is the future of this country.
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Re: Cruz is out.


Post by ajwakeboarder »

Charles L. Cotton wrote:
Of course he would, and he'd blame everyone but himself.

Either Trump or Clinton will be the next President. Anyone who doesn't help make Trump the next resident of the White House will be responsible for everything Clinton does, including packing the Supreme Court for the next 30 years.

Respectfully, I can't. I refuse to be responsible for everything Trump will do, including packing the supreme court. He has already said he would probably appoint his leftist sister. He has come out pro planned parenthood. He has mocked women, religion, and POWs. He has changed his mind on other issues so often I can't believe a word he says. I will never vote for that man...not that it matters in Texas, but i'm going to vote 3rd party. Probably the Constitution Party or Libertarian.
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Re: Cruz is out.


Post by Charles L. Cotton »

flowrie wrote:I believe it will come down to who does not vote. How many Republicans will not vote vs. how many Democrats will not vote. I voted for Cruz and had great hope that he would prevail. I will now vote for Trump. I may not know what he will or will not do, but I know exactly what Hillary will do. What Hillary will do is unacceptable. It's that simple. If you do not vote, then you indirectly vote for Hillary, at least you can feel good about yourself when she confiscates your firearms. It's that simple.
Cruz was my guy too. I can't get who I want, but I'll do everything in my power to prevent Clinton from completing the destruction of my country. That can be done only by supporting and voting for Trump.


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Re: Cruz is out.


Post by jed »

flowrie wrote:I believe it will come down to who does not vote. How many Republicans will not vote vs. how many Democrats will not vote. I voted for Cruz and had great hope that he would prevail. I will now vote for Trump. I may not know what he will or will not do, but I know exactly what Hillary will do. What Hillary will do is unacceptable. It's that simple. If you do not vote, then you indirectly vote for Hillary, at least you can feel good about yourself when she confiscates your firearms. It's that simple.
:iagree: Well said. We MUST keep Hillary out.

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Re: Cruz is out.


Post by treadlightly »

The Annoyed Man wrote:In (perversely) positive news, Sanders beat Clinton 53% to 47%. I don't know what that does to the total democrat delegate count, but if God shows us mercy, Sanders will take the nomination, and Trump will beat the snot out of Sanders. Then we can have president Trump, and I can say "I TOLD you all what it would be like, and why I preferred Cruz to Trump!"

As of right now, we've got about 8 months to enjoy what's left of our Constitution; then we're hosed.
Pardon my sacrilegious sense of humor, but could you imagine greater political comedy than a Trump-Sanders face-off? And, frankly, could you imagine anything healthier for the Democratic Party than having to realize they've allowed themselves to come to open socialism?

There are others deserving sharp sticks in the eye, courtesy Trump. I'd like to think Trump would set Putin back on his heels when Putin was disrespectful. Putin is a bigot and lets it show. Obama is a cancerous President, no doubt, but racism is not welcome in the debate.

I hope I can celebrate a Trump victory. If he can't be trusted, take heart. I'm not so sure Cruz could have been, either - although I like him and recognize as a Senator he voted his principles.

Trump has consistently gotten a lot of voters to the polls. That might be what keeps a convicted Hillary under house arrest in her house, not the White House.

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Re: Cruz is out.


Post by jed »

ajwakeboarder wrote:
Charles L. Cotton wrote:
Of course he would, and he'd blame everyone but himself.

Either Trump or Clinton will be the next President. Anyone who doesn't help make Trump the next resident of the White House will be responsible for everything Clinton does, including packing the Supreme Court for the next 30 years.

Respectfully, I can't. I refuse to be responsible for everything Trump will do, including packing the supreme court. He has already said he would probably appoint his leftist sister. He has come out pro planned parenthood. He has mocked women, religion, and POWs. He has changed his mind on other issues so often I can't believe a word he says. I will never vote for that man...not that it matters in Texas, but i'm going to vote 3rd party. Probably the Constitution Party or Libertarian.
Non voters like you will put Hillary in office so she can finish obama's transformation to socialism. Do you seriously have a clue what you are saying?
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