Cruz is out.

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Re: Cruz is out.


Post by mojo84 »

JALLEN wrote:
mojo84 wrote:This should give folks something to think about. As you read this, take note of whom one of the old guard GOP politicians is planning to support. Ironically, McCain is part of the reason Trump was ever a possibility. ... n-party-su

Correction Edit: Did a Google search and it looks like it is one of McCain's top aides that plans to support Clinton. Not sure about McCain's position.

It was us who picked McCain, you will recall. Romney, too.

They would never have made it on American Idol, or Arsenio.
I promise you, I didn't pick either.
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Re: Cruz is out.


Post by RogueUSMC »

Something else to consider...

The Majority in Congress now is due to the Tea Party wave that got elected in 2012. The way I see it is, we need to retain the Congressional majority. We are lucky that those candidates that entered in 2012 are up this year rather than the next cycle. They have a chance this time to keep their seat. If Clinton gets the White House, they may keep their seats in four years. If Trump gets the White House, they will be drummed out because they will be associated with him...
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Re: Cruz is out.


Post by NotRPB »

Without taking any position or endorsing anyone, just pointing out a situation here:

"The art of the #Deal"

Bill Clinton put Maryanne Trump Barry on as United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit in 1999 . ... ey-should/
Planned Parenthood supported Hillary Clinton, so if she wins POTUS, can nominate her as liberal pro- xxxxxxxxx SCOTUS if Donald Trump loses to Hillary as POTUS "Trump Family" may win SCOTUS ... sh-ponnuru

Is that called a "WIN - WIN" situation for the Trump Family?
Potentially, they'll win either POTUS Don Trump OR if Hillary wins and nominates Bill Clinton 's judge Maryanne Trump Barry for SCOTUS

Who dealt the cards? an "Outsider"?
(Rhetorical question>>) So do you vote for a Trump in SCOTUS or an alleged "outsider" Trump in POTUS ... what a #DEAL
"The art of the #Deal"

Who marked this deck?
Last edited by NotRPB on Wed May 04, 2016 11:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Cruz is out.


Post by Middle Age Russ »

In the primary, I voted for the person I felt best represented my stance on issues and who had demonstrated character through adherence to principles. This seems to be an unelectable general election pairing in modern America, which of course saddens me and makes me wonder about the future of this grand experiment in self-rule we call the USA. Now, I am once again faced with voting not FOR a candidate, but AGAINST another one. I have the same trepidation about voting for Mr. Trump as I would have in voting for the ACA under the guise of "we have to pass it to see what's in it". While what Mr. Trump truly represents (possibly different than what he boisterously claims) won't be known until we witness his actions, it is plain where Ms. Clinton stands on issues near and dear. Therefore, I will cast my lot against Ms. Clinton.
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Re: Cruz is out.


Post by Smokey613 »

Charles L. Cotton wrote:
flowrie wrote:I believe it will come down to who does not vote. How many Republicans will not vote vs. how many Democrats will not vote. I voted for Cruz and had great hope that he would prevail. I will now vote for Trump. I may not know what he will or will not do, but I know exactly what Hillary will do. What Hillary will do is unacceptable. It's that simple. If you do not vote, then you indirectly vote for Hillary, at least you can feel good about yourself when she confiscates your firearms. It's that simple.
Cruz was my guy too. I can't get who I want, but I'll do everything in my power to prevent Clinton from completing the destruction of my country. That can be done only by supporting and voting for Trump.

:iagree: Absolutely....
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Re: Cruz is out.


Post by parabelum »

And while we all bicker about this, we have IED's planted right in our backyards...

Time to focus on defeating the enemy. ... idge?sdfgd
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Re: Cruz is out.


Post by mojo84 »

parabelum wrote:And while we all bicker about this, we have IED's planted right in our backyards...

Time to focus on defeating the enemy. ... idge?sdfgd
So, you expect all of us to go out and start searching for IED's? Isn't Trump going to take care of us?
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Re: Cruz is out.


Post by The Annoyed Man »

Here's a possibility of what Trump could possibly be up against if Clinton is indicted......and he could not possibly win:
The Biden-Warren Warning
The Demos' 2016 Default Ticket
There has been some chatter in recent weeks that Hillary Clinton isn’t actually the Democratic Party’s intended 2016 nominee. That chatter was amplified last week when the ever-inebriated former House Speaker John Boehner, the quintessential “establishment Republican,” endorsed Donald Trump while maligning Trump’s conservative opponent, Ted Cruz. (No small irony that Boehner’s abject failure as speaker has largely fueled Trump’s populist appeal.)

Amid the fratricidal mayhem, you may have missed this Boehner prediction: “Don’t be shocked if two weeks before the convention, here comes Joe Biden parachuting in and Barack Obama fanning the flames to make it all happen.”


A Biden-Warren ticket, however, would likely slice and dice Trump. Hillary Clinton is a well-known and thoroughly unlikeable candidate, while Biden and Warren have been free from the campaign mudslinging that invariably drives a candidate’s numbers down. Clearing the path for that ticket at the eleventh hour while sending Hillary to the hoosegow would be both brilliant and diabolical on Obama’s part.


A Clinton indictment would play right into the Demos 2016 presidential aspirations, as it would deliver a political deathblow to the Clinton Crime Family while clearing the way for a much more formidable Democrat ticket.

A Biden-Warren ticket will do the trick.

Biden can hold his own with Trump on all those populist issues that Clinton can’t touch. And Warren, as I noted in 2014, is a far smarter and more articulate Leftist than Clinton — or Obama for that matter — and she’ll attract a lot of the Sanders Socialists who are utterly repelled by Clinton’s candidacy.
Etc., etc. It's an intriguing theory, and it is fairly certain that Obama - who detests the Clintons - would allow an indictment to go forward if Biden/Warren would agree to run. After that, it's a mere matter of getting the convention delegates to fall into lockstep - which if this move would guarantee Obama's "legacy", ought to be easy.
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Re: Cruz is out.


Post by mojo84 »

Interesting theory TAM. Whether or not it is true, I am starting to feel more and more like a cheap fiddle that has been played hard and thrown aside.
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Re: Cruz is out.


Post by Bitter Clinger »

The Annoyed Man wrote:Here's a possibility of what Trump could possibly be up against if Clinton is indicted......and he could not possibly win:
The Biden-Warren Warning
The Demos' 2016 Default Ticket
There has been some chatter in recent weeks that Hillary Clinton isn’t actually the Democratic Party’s intended 2016 nominee. That chatter was amplified last week when the ever-inebriated former House Speaker John Boehner, the quintessential “establishment Republican,” endorsed Donald Trump while maligning Trump’s conservative opponent, Ted Cruz. (No small irony that Boehner’s abject failure as speaker has largely fueled Trump’s populist appeal.)

Amid the fratricidal mayhem, you may have missed this Boehner prediction: “Don’t be shocked if two weeks before the convention, here comes Joe Biden parachuting in and Barack Obama fanning the flames to make it all happen.”


A Biden-Warren ticket, however, would likely slice and dice Trump. Hillary Clinton is a well-known and thoroughly unlikeable candidate, while Biden and Warren have been free from the campaign mudslinging that invariably drives a candidate’s numbers down. Clearing the path for that ticket at the eleventh hour while sending Hillary to the hoosegow would be both brilliant and diabolical on Obama’s part.


A Clinton indictment would play right into the Demos 2016 presidential aspirations, as it would deliver a political deathblow to the Clinton Crime Family while clearing the way for a much more formidable Democrat ticket.

A Biden-Warren ticket will do the trick.

Biden can hold his own with Trump on all those populist issues that Clinton can’t touch. And Warren, as I noted in 2014, is a far smarter and more articulate Leftist than Clinton — or Obama for that matter — and she’ll attract a lot of the Sanders Socialists who are utterly repelled by Clinton’s candidacy.
Etc., etc. It's an intriguing theory, and it is fairly certain that Obama - who detests the Clintons - would allow an indictment to go forward if Biden/Warren would agree to run. After that, it's a mere matter of getting the convention delegates to fall into lockstep - which if this move would guarantee Obama's "legacy", ought to be easy.
OK. Normally not paranoid. But this time you got me. MORE AMMO!!!!!! :blowup
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Re: Cruz is out.


Post by Pawpaw »

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Re: Cruz is out.


Post by Soccerdad1995 »

ScottDLS wrote:Stock up on your ammo and magazines...You will beat the rush in November after Hillary is elected. :???:
Specifically high capacity "assault rifle" magazines.
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Re: Cruz is out.


Post by ScottDLS »

Soccerdad1995 wrote:
ScottDLS wrote:Stock up on your ammo and magazines...You will beat the rush in November after Hillary is elected. :???:
Specifically high capacity "assault rifle" magazines.

ScottDLS <----- Now waiting patiently for the word police to berate you for not calling them "normal" capacity magazines and modern sporting rifles (MSR's) :nono: I call 'em high cap' clips and automatic weapons. :evil2:
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Re: Cruz is out.


Post by The Annoyed Man »

ScottDLS wrote:
Soccerdad1995 wrote:
ScottDLS wrote:Stock up on your ammo and magazines...You will beat the rush in November after Hillary is elected. :???:
Specifically high capacity "assault rifle" magazines.

ScottDLS <----- Now waiting patiently for the word police to berate you for not calling them "normal" capacity magazines and modern sporting rifles (MSR's) :nono: I call 'em high cap' clips and automatic weapons. :evil2:
Especially in a GFSZ...... :mrgreen:
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Re: Cruz is out.


Post by dhoobler »

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