Just Great.....

So, your CHL Application has been filed and the clock has slowed to a crawl - tell us about it!

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Just Great.....


Post by sweetmelissa »

I finally called at lunch and was told that it would be another 4 to 6 weeks. :cryin

:grumble I don't understand why - I have never had any trouble with the law. :headscratch

I was hoping the CHL would allow me to continue to have a life... He'll get to me before I ever receive my card. :banghead:

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Re: Just Great.....


Post by Abraham »

Remember you can legally carry (concealed)in your car per the MPA.

You can be legally armed at home.

Perhaps, you have friends who have CHL's and would be willing to help when you can't be armed?
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Re: Just Great.....


Post by sweetmelissa »

I can carry in my car and at home, but he has never attacked me in either of those places. And no, I gave him all the friends and their drama, so I'm completely alone in this.

I had to rent a storage unit to hide my car in and rent a car to go to my grandchildrens' birthday this weekend without being attacked or him trying to run me off the road. The police are USELESS.
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Re: Just Great.....


Post by allisji »

typical. They tell you right off the bat to expect to wait 60 days from when you've submitted all of your supporting documents. They know that we know that other people are getting through the process in 30.

They just try to set the bar low in hopes to keep people from getting angry.

Hopefully they're lying and you are legal sooner rather than later.
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Re: Just Great.....


Post by rytchard »

A couple of things that I have observed since joining this forum and reading the posts from folks in the "waiting" process. It appears that DPS does definitely hedge their position, i.e. under promise and over deliver. It also seems that once there is actually a conversation with them that the process speeds up dramatically.

When I spoke to them they told me mine was sent to printing and I should have it in 7-10 business days. I received it 2 business days later.

In addition, early on I went over some public stats regarding Texas CHL and although I don't remember the exact numbers here is what I do recall. Note: These statistics are yearly so the numbers I am going to share are from 2014.

1. DPS receives approximately 774 new applications every day (that is calendar day - if you consider business day that equates to around 1,000)
2. Less than 1% were disapproved and if I remember my math correctly it was actually .03%

So in conclusion, I know it is agonizing during the wait period (been there, done that, got the t-shirt - so to speak). After a little over two weeks I checked my mailbox everyday and was disappointed on most of those days. If you don't receive a letter from DPS requesting additional information that is good news. I received mine exactly 4 weeks from the date of email confirmation of documents. Some have posted that with the nearing open carry law that new CHL applications have increased even more.

Sometime very soon your plastic will arrive and if you are anything like me you will probably be more relieved that the wait is over, instead of your newly received actual license.

Just me saying!

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Re: Just Great.....


Post by KaiJawn »

"When I spoke to them they told me mine was sent to printing and I should have it in 7-10 business days. I received it 2 business days later"

Did they ever tell you the date it went into printing? Cause they told me mine went into shipping on Oct. 1st. And I'd get it in 7-10. I'm trying to predict when it will show up. I'm wondering if you called and yours was on its way out of printing. Just curious since I got nothing better to do.

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Re: Just Great.....


Post by greenbeer »

Did you try and explain the situation to them and see if there was anyway to expedite the process for your circumstances?
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Re: Just Great.....


Post by Charles L. Cotton »

By statute, DPS has up to 60 days to process and either deny or issue the license. They have 45 days for renewals. DPS has been doing a great job of getting licenses out in far less time than the 45 or 60 days allowed by law.

Of course they don't tell anyone they will get their CHL in less time, because people would be upset if that didn't happen. As for printing time, that is purely an estimate because 1) CHLs are batch processed; and 2) by a company under contract with DPS.

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Re: Just Great.....


Post by SewTexas »

Have you tried talking to your rep? I'm wondering if he/she could possibly expedite it? I don't know if it's possible, but, well they can sometimes expedite passports, so....maybe, given the situation and depending on who your rep is?
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Re: Just Great.....


Post by sweetmelissa »

greenbeer wrote:Did you try and explain the situation to them and see if there was anyway to expedite the process for your circumstances?
I will call again today and see if that helps.
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Re: Just Great.....


Post by sweetmelissa »

SewTexas wrote:Melissa,
Have you tried talking to your rep? I'm wondering if he/she could possibly expedite it? I don't know if it's possible, but, well they can sometimes expedite passports, so....maybe, given the situation and depending on who your rep is?
I don't know that I have a specific rep, but I will call them again today and see what I can find out. I sent an email to my lawyer and the judge I've been dealing with to see if they can help. Both the judge and the lawyer suggested that I get the CHL because the ex and his "cronies" are so aggressive.

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Re: Just Great.....


Post by Abraham »

Another admittedly small, but I think important place you can be legally armed without a CHL is when you are leaving your home to your car and of course back.

In other words you don't have to leave your pistol in the vehicle, so you have some protection while walking to and from and that might prove quite important...

Little things add up.

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Re: Just Great.....


Post by greenbeer »

I would think you have a restraining order in place as well right? I know it may not help much but it may be a bit of a deterrent. Stay safe and let us know how it goes.
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Re: Just Great.....


Post by bmwrdr »

I received my CHL in less than 60 days. Anytime I renewed I had enough time in advance to do my renewal class and now we don't even need a renewal class anymore.
Another change they mad is to check the status online which is a better choice than calling in my opinion.
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Re: Just Great.....


Post by lildave40 »

Sounds like your in a tough situation. I will keep you in our prayers. Also look on the bright side you have new friends now. They are CHL Holders.
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