June 2010 applications

So, your CHL Application has been filed and the clock has slowed to a crawl - tell us about it!

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Re: June 2010 applications


Post by Texasfinest »

chasfm11 wrote:[quote="prometheus"....I will say to those of you that are nervous about carrying your gun that you are still preoccupied with the notion that theres somthing mystical or magical about guns or theres somthing taboo about owning/carrying them......
Not necessarily. I have been around guns all my life, too, but it was always away from people who didn't have and didn't like guns. I don't believe that there is anything magical about guns at all. I do know, however, that there are those in our society, even in Texas, who are so rabid anti-gun that if they ever did see even part of one, they would go into a full panic attack. If there needs to be evidence of that, the Eric Scott situation in Las Vegas is a reminder. Someone saw his gun and overreacted, or at least it appears that way from the reports that have been available so far.

No, for me it is all about whether the concealment works or not. Even the old hands at it have told me that they "learned" how not to reach high with their strong side. I really do believe that there is some learning and acclimation involved. I have a full sized Ford van and I think I've learned how to get in and out without letting the seat pull my shirt up in the back. I agree that printing is not a concern but actual disclosure is. Only today did I feel comfortable washing the windshield of the van while I was getting gas. I've figured out how to get to the center of the windshield with the squeege without getting my shirt up above my belt line. I was hunting for something and ended up doing at double Wally Walk (two different stores) this past Monday - in the middle of 100s of parents and kids. I'm comfortable walking but I was more than a little nervous with the number of people in such close quarters to me. Others have been reported being bumped and not detected but I'm not quite ready for that just yet. Yes, it is a mental thing for me I can just imagine junior bumping into me and asking his mother "does he have a gun?" Kids are not always as oblivious to things as their parents.

I'm sure that, over time, I'll not worry any more. Until then, there will be extra little tug on my shirt tail if I make an unusual move with my upper body. I'm not nervous, just cautious. There is a difference between those two.[/quote]

I totally agree with you chasfm11. I dont find anything mystical or magical about guns or somthing taboo about owning/carrying them. I don't have the problem its the people around me that I feel will have a problem. I don't want people to overact. If I was still in the Army and not around civilians all day it probably wouldn't be a problem. Since I am not I get a little cautious. Like chasfm11 I need a little more time to feel comfortable. So until then I know that I will still be tugging on my shirt from time to time lol
06/27/2010 Class taken
06/28/2010 Packet mailed (next day certified)
06/29/2010 Packet Received by DPS
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Re: June 2010 applications


Post by NOS »

Texasfinest wrote:
chasfm11 wrote:[quote="prometheus"....I will say to those of you that are nervous about carrying your gun that you are still preoccupied with the notion that theres somthing mystical or magical about guns or theres somthing taboo about owning/carrying them......
Not necessarily. I have been around guns all my life, too, but it was always away from people who didn't have and didn't like guns. I don't believe that there is anything magical about guns at all. I do know, however, that there are those in our society, even in Texas, who are so rabid anti-gun that if they ever did see even part of one, they would go into a full panic attack. If there needs to be evidence of that, the Eric Scott situation in Las Vegas is a reminder. Someone saw his gun and overreacted, or at least it appears that way from the reports that have been available so far.

No, for me it is all about whether the concealment works or not. Even the old hands at it have told me that they "learned" how not to reach high with their strong side. I really do believe that there is some learning and acclimation involved. I have a full sized Ford van and I think I've learned how to get in and out without letting the seat pull my shirt up in the back. I agree that printing is not a concern but actual disclosure is. Only today did I feel comfortable washing the windshield of the van while I was getting gas. I've figured out how to get to the center of the windshield with the squeege without getting my shirt up above my belt line. I was hunting for something and ended up doing at double Wally Walk (two different stores) this past Monday - in the middle of 100s of parents and kids. I'm comfortable walking but I was more than a little nervous with the number of people in such close quarters to me. Others have been reported being bumped and not detected but I'm not quite ready for that just yet. Yes, it is a mental thing for me I can just imagine junior bumping into me and asking his mother "does he have a gun?" Kids are not always as oblivious to things as their parents.

I'm sure that, over time, I'll not worry any more. Until then, there will be extra little tug on my shirt tail if I make an unusual move with my upper body. I'm not nervous, just cautious. There is a difference between those two.

I totally agree with you chasfm11. I dont find anything mystical or magical about guns or somthing taboo about owning/carrying them. I don't have the problem its the people around me that I feel will have a problem. I don't want people to overact. If I was still in the Army and not around civilians all day it probably wouldn't be a problem. Since I am not I get a little cautious. Like chasfm11 I need a little more time to feel comfortable. So until then I know that I will still be tugging on my shirt from time to time lol
:iagree: I'm only worried about the people around me that might over react if they spotted my gun. :tiphat:
06/06/2010 Class Taken
06/17/2010 Packet Mailed
06/19/2010 Packet Received
07/07/2010 Status Online/Application Missing
07/12/2010 Mailed New Application
07/15/2010 Application Complete
08/18/2010 Fingerprints Complete
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Re: June 2010 applications


Post by NOS »

Well, I walked out to see the mailman dropping off some letters in my mailbox. I opened the box slowly with my fingers crossed... THERE IT WAS!!! :woohoo :thewave :txflag: :anamatedbanana :patriot:
I'm going to go on my wallywalk in a few minutes! Thanks to all for putting up with my impatience through this ordeal! I wanted to have my CHL before I went on vacation this year in early august, but it wasn't meant to be. At least I have it for this coming Labor Day Weekend!
I'll post my wallywalk later today. Wish me luck! :thewave
06/06/2010 Class Taken
06/17/2010 Packet Mailed
06/19/2010 Packet Received
07/07/2010 Status Online/Application Missing
07/12/2010 Mailed New Application
07/15/2010 Application Complete
08/18/2010 Fingerprints Complete
08/24/2010 Background Complete
08/27/2010 Mailed
09/01/2010 Plastic
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Re: June 2010 applications


Post by i8godzilla »

NOS wrote:Well, I walked out to see the mailman dropping off some letters in my mailbox. I opened the box slowly with my fingers crossed... THERE IT WAS!!! :woohoo :thewave :txflag: :anamatedbanana :patriot:
I'm going to go on my wallywalk in a few minutes! Thanks to all for putting up with my impatience through this ordeal! I wanted to have my CHL before I went on vacation this year in early august, but it wasn't meant to be. At least I have it for this coming Labor Day Weekend!
I'll post my wallywalk later today. Wish me luck! :thewave
Congrads! My wife also received hers today! We both sent in the application at the same time(Jun 16). I received mine 30 days ago.

Are the many left in the June Room?
No State shall convert a liberty into a privilege, license it, and charge a fee therefor. -- Murdock v. Pennsylvania
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Re: June 2010 applications


Post by NOS »

i8godzilla wrote:
NOS wrote:Well, I walked out to see the mailman dropping off some letters in my mailbox. I opened the box slowly with my fingers crossed... THERE IT WAS!!! :woohoo :thewave :txflag: :anamatedbanana :patriot:
I'm going to go on my wallywalk in a few minutes! Thanks to all for putting up with my impatience through this ordeal! I wanted to have my CHL before I went on vacation this year in early august, but it wasn't meant to be. At least I have it for this coming Labor Day Weekend!
I'll post my wallywalk later today. Wish me luck! :thewave
Congrads! My wife also received hers today! We both sent in the application at the same time(Jun 16). I received mine 30 days ago.

Are the many left in the June Room?
I don't think there are any left in the June room now, but I may be wrong. It's been a long wait for me I sent my application in on June 16th also. I just found out that I have to put off my Wallywalk until tomorrow. I have to take care of some business this afternoon. However, tomorrow I have to go get some ammo and some hunting supplies for the upcoming season, and then go meet some friends at the range. So I'll be carrying all day tomorrow! :woohoo :fire
06/06/2010 Class Taken
06/17/2010 Packet Mailed
06/19/2010 Packet Received
07/07/2010 Status Online/Application Missing
07/12/2010 Mailed New Application
07/15/2010 Application Complete
08/18/2010 Fingerprints Complete
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Re: June 2010 applications


Post by cableguy »

Late June early July here. Check the sig for more info.
Congrats to everyone who has received their plastics. :tiphat:
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6/30 packet recieved
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8/03 F.P. complete
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Re: June 2010 applications


Post by chasfm11 »

Sorry, cableguy. It looks like you are going to be the one to turn out the lights on the June part of the waiting room. I hope it comes soon.
6/23-8/13/10 -51 days to plastic
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Re: June 2010 applications


Post by Shasta »

My husband is still in the June room, although his was supposedly mailed on Wednesday. If he gets it today, he'll be close to 70 days. I've had my plastic in hand for 3 weeks. I need to check on the other 3 who took the class at the same time we did.

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Re: June 2010 applications


Post by cableguy »

Well called them today and I actually got somebody on the other end that was very helpfull. Seems my hold up is New Jersey. About 16 or 17 years back when I was a teenager I got to in a little trouble nothing major but since I was told to list everything down I did and so that is what is taking so long. I was told it would be another 30 days before I would see any updates. Not the best news in the world but atleast I know what the hold up is.
5/22 online app.
6/26 chl class
6/28 packet sent certified mail
6/30 packet recieved
7/24 online update
8/03 F.P. complete
08/14 resent new photos
08/24 photos green(received)
9/17 Still waiting
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Re: June 2010 applications


Post by Llanero »

cableguy wrote:Well called them today and I actually got somebody on the other end that was very helpfull. Seems my hold up is New Jersey. About 16 or 17 years back when I was a teenager I got to in a little trouble nothing major but since I was told to list everything down I did and so that is what is taking so long. I was told it would be another 30 days before I would see any updates. Not the best news in the world but atleast I know what the hold up is.
Bummer! Another month at least. :cryin

Oh well, like you said, at least you know what the hold up is.
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Re: June 2010 applications


Post by cableguy »

At this point months seem like days. Its wierd but it really dosent feel like it has been 60 plus days untill I think about it. :banghead:
5/22 online app.
6/26 chl class
6/28 packet sent certified mail
6/30 packet recieved
7/24 online update
8/03 F.P. complete
08/14 resent new photos
08/24 photos green(received)
9/17 Still waiting
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Re: June 2010 applications


Post by NOS »

cableguy wrote:At this point months seem like days. Its wierd but it really dosent feel like it has been 60 plus days untill I think about it. :banghead:
Hope you get your CHL soon. It feels like forever to get it in you hands, but once you do, it makes it worth the wait! Good luck and keep us posted on your progress. Also be sure to let us know about your Wallywalk when you get your plastic.
06/06/2010 Class Taken
06/17/2010 Packet Mailed
06/19/2010 Packet Received
07/07/2010 Status Online/Application Missing
07/12/2010 Mailed New Application
07/15/2010 Application Complete
08/18/2010 Fingerprints Complete
08/24/2010 Background Complete
08/27/2010 Mailed
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Re: June 2010 applications


Post by cableguy »

HELLO ANYBODY HOME..HELLOOO. :cryin Its's just me in here.
5/22 online app.
6/26 chl class
6/28 packet sent certified mail
6/30 packet recieved
7/24 online update
8/03 F.P. complete
08/14 resent new photos
08/24 photos green(received)
9/17 Still waiting
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10/26 MAILED!!!!
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Re: June 2010 applications


Post by cableguy »

10/26 Mailed!!!!! :anamatedbanana :anamatedbanana :anamatedbanana :anamatedbanana :anamatedbanana :hurry: :hurry: :hurry: :hurry:
5/22 online app.
6/26 chl class
6/28 packet sent certified mail
6/30 packet recieved
7/24 online update
8/03 F.P. complete
08/14 resent new photos
08/24 photos green(received)
9/17 Still waiting
10/20 Background Check Complete
10/26 MAILED!!!!
10/29 PIH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Re: June 2010 applications


Post by i8godzilla »

@cableguy - Please turn off the lights and lock the door on your way out............... Looks like you are the last one left in the June crowd.

No State shall convert a liberty into a privilege, license it, and charge a fee therefor. -- Murdock v. Pennsylvania
If the State converts a right into a privilege, the citizen can ignore the license and fee and engage in the right with impunity. -- Shuttleworth v. City of Birmingham
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