Lost 100% hearing in one ear....

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Lost 100% hearing in one ear....


Post by The Annoyed Man »

I’ve let this one marinate for 24 hours before posting a prayer request here for healing.

About mid-morning of Thursday 5/7, I noticed that the hearing in my left ear was diminished, and it sounded like I had water in the ear. There not being any other reason to suspect, I assumed that it was probably an allergy thing because seasonal allergies do get to me from time to time, and I took a Benadryl and assumed it would dry up and get clear.

Instead, when I woke up that Friday morning, I was deaf as a post in that ear. I don’t mean like I could barely hear anything, I mean like the ear had been turned completely off I couldn’t even hear it when I tapped directly on the ear. I could hear conduction sound in my right ear when I tapped on the left mastoid, but I can’t hear it at all on the left.

So I got in to see my doctor's PA that same day, and she prescribed a week of steroids, and said to let her know if it didn’t get better, but that she expected it would. It didn’t, and so late last Friday afternoon she gave me the referral to an ENT doctor, and yesterday at noon I get in to see him.

They started with a detailed hearing test, which I failed spectacularly. My hearing on the right isn’t too bad for someone my age, but they described me as "profoundly deaf" in the left ear. The ENT doc says it was most probably a viral infection of the auditory nerve, and given the 1.5 weeks since it went offline, there’s almost zero chance of coming back from it. He gave me a big injection of solu-medrol and some acyclovir to take, and told me to come back for retesting on Friday of next week. If there’s any improvement at all, then he'll rinse and repeat, and keep hammering away at it until we get back as far as we can. But if there’s no improvement by next week, then it’s time to throw in the towel.

He said he doesn’t want to give me any false hope, because he’s very pessimistic about my chances of getting even a small bit of hearing back in that ear.

I asked him about a hearing aid, and he said that you have to have hearing to aid for a hearing aid to work. I don’t have any at all. It’s as if the virus has effectively severed the auditory nerve between ear and brain.

I’ve been reading up in medical articles (not the nonsense they feed readers digest, but the stuff aimed at clinicians), and depending on what virus it was, and how badly it damaged things, there is some remote possibility of regeneration and a spontaneous recovery of hearing, but the odds are very much against it, so I’m not going to fool myself into putting any hope into that basket. If it happens, great, but I don’t expect it to happen.

So mostly, I need prayer in the following areas:

1. Obviously, for miraculous healing....if that is in God's will.

2. Physical adaptation. Without binaural hearing, I have no directional sense of where sounds are coming from, and it’s a bit disorienting. I have to learn to cope with that.

3. You’d think that switching off my left ear would switch off the tinnitus on that side. You’d be wrong. Without the buffering effect of background noise, it seems twice as loud now, and it’s a little bit crazy-making.

4. I’m a musician, and it would crush me if this interferes with that. I have always had good natural pitch, but I’m not so confident with it now. I haven’t dared to pick up my guitar yet.

Anyway, that’s it for now. Thanks for reading, and for your prayers if you’re so inclined.
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Re: Lost 100% hearing in one ear....


Post by surprise_i'm_armed »

Prayers for your recovery from such a disconcerting ailment.

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Re: Lost 100% hearing in one ear....


Post by parabelum »

TAM, prayers sent for the healing of your ear! I also play (drums), and can only imagine the frustration there as well. I’m praying for you to be able to adjust with the other ear successfully in the interim.

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Re: Lost 100% hearing in one ear....


Post by ET-Ret »

There is only one thing certain that is god's will. That said the more of us that pray the greater chance you will have recovery.
I can think of no other way at this point . Try to be at peace with your self and do not do any thing to make it worse.
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Re: Lost 100% hearing in one ear....


Post by Grayling813 »

Prayers for you brother TAM.
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Re: Lost 100% hearing in one ear....


Post by rtschl »

Praying for you brother!
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Re: Lost 100% hearing in one ear....


Post by Pilgrim »

I am sorry. I prayed for your hearing to return.
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Re: Lost 100% hearing in one ear....


Post by TxRVer »

Prayers for your recovery.
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Re: Lost 100% hearing in one ear....


Post by puma guy »

Prayers for recovery, TAM. I know the feeling; the only difference in my case is the vertigo and nausea that comes with it. Almost totally deaf in the right ear, which was my good one. Came on suddenly several years ago and has out me in the hospital several times from falling. Mine is from Meniere's disease. The tinnitus never goes away like you said. In fact mine gets worse when I'm about to have an attack; I have two distinct high pitch notes and one lower range. There is one positive, though, I can lay with my bad ear up when my wife makes night noises. She won't let me call it snoring. I hope and pray your hearing is restored as quickly as you lost it.
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Re: Lost 100% hearing in one ear....


Post by Jusme »

I am sending multiple prayers your way. I have lost about 80% hearing in my left ear, so I have some idea of your issue. Mrs Jusme knows to sit to my right at restaurants etc or I can’t hear her talking with background noise.
I can only imagine the frustration with total loss.

Lord, please reach down and heal one of your most faithful servants, allow your will be done, and whatever your decision, continue to allow him to serve you. Provide comfort and understanding
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Re: Lost 100% hearing in one ear....


Post by flechero »


Praying for you, Brother. I can't imagine what it's like but I'm sure it's awful. Keep the faith, it's going to work out as God intends... and I'm sure he will equip you for whatever it is, if not a recovery. Please keep us posted when you know more.

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Re: Lost 100% hearing in one ear....


Post by JRG »


I have been steadily losing hearing in both ears throughout my life and now wear probably the strongest hearing aids you can buy. I still have trouble hearing. Without the aids, I hear nothing except really loud jets or thunder close by. As I have been losing mine over my 65 year life, I have no problem understanding your consternation about suddenly losing yours. I hope and pray those nerves can indeed be reconnected and regenerated. Sayin a prayer for you now!!

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Re: Lost 100% hearing in one ear....


Post by Allons »

Praying for your recovery.
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Re: Lost 100% hearing in one ear....


Post by C-dub »

Prayers for you my friend.

As a fellow hearing impaired brother I dearly hope you get something back.
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