The timing isn't great because Bidenflation has hurt our budget, and this will eat up the deductible and may chew up the max annual out-of-pocket on the ol' insurance.
A "silver" Obamacare plan with pretty basic and lame HMO coverage combining with Uncle Joe's complete mismanagement of our economy. Thankyouverymuch.
But if you kind and kindred-spirit folks could spare a very brief word with the Almighty on our behalf (the dear wife is more worried about it than I am), it will be greatly appreciated and reciprocated as needed.
Adding: Teach your children and grandchildren that sun block is critical when spending any length of time outdoors. Combined with the basal carcinoma spots I've had shaved off in the past, I'm convinced this is the result of a pre-adult life spent getting sunburned frequently. Back in the day, there was "suntan lotion," not sunblock, and only sissies slathered that stuff on just to go outside.