Prayers Requested

Whether the need is great or small, there is power in prayer, especially when God's people raise their voices together.

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Prayers Requested


Post by RottenApple »

I don't normally do this for myself, but this time I'm making an exception due to the circumstances.

This past August 23rd, I had open heart surgery for a Quadruple Bypass. July '24 was a rough month for my family, and ended in this. I've been in and out of the hospital several times since July 31st. That finally ended when I was transferred from Navarro Regional of Corsicana to Ascension Providence of Waco on 8/17. From the 17th to the 22nd, it was just a ton of lab work and meds getting started to build up in my system. On the 22nd, Mrs. RottenApple and I had to make a decision. TBH, if I had known then what I know now, I would have taken a non-surgical option. I would also probably be dead by now.

Folks, if you find it in your heart to say a little prayer for me, please do. I could really use the help right now.

Also, and perhaps more importantly, if you could pray for my father, PawPaw. He's lost so much in the last 2 months that I'm sure he could use it too.

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Re: Prayers Requested


Post by Boxerrider »

Praying for you and your family!

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Re: Prayers Requested


Post by philip964 »

Praying for you and your family in his name.


They are good with plumbing. Hang in there it will get better.
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Re: Prayers Requested


Post by carlson1 »

It is a privilege to pray for others. I am very glad you asked and gave us all an opportunity to be closer to our Saviour. My wife and I will definitely pray for you and your wife. I will also add you to our church prayer list.

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Re: Prayers Requested


Post by varko »

Praying for you and your family.
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Re: Prayers Requested


Post by rtschl »

Praying for you and your family. May God hold you in His comfort and peace.
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Re: Prayers Requested


Post by Excaliber »

Prayers sent from here too.

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Re: Prayers Requested


Post by RottenApple »

Thank you all for your prayers and well-wishes. With luck, I might just be able to go home today. I should find out in a few hours.
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Re: Prayers Requested


Post by Paladin »

Prayers sent. God Bless!
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Re: Prayers Requested


Post by RottenApple »

Greetings, folks!

I am alive (barely), well (recovering), and am at home (with Help). I figured a video message would be entertaining, at least a little, but I can't maintain my breath long enough to read this message.

So, I'll spare you the photos of my scars for now. Almost all of the bruising was directly caused by the personnel at Ascension Providence of Waco, TX. However, it wasn't their fault. Navarro Regional Medical Center pumped me up with over 20,000 mls of Heparin, which is a blood thinner. By the time Navarro had me transferred to Ascension Providence, anytime the nurses, techs, phlebotomists, or even a rogue mosquito looked at one of my veins, it either blew or it retreated as deeply as it could go.

The folks at Ascension Providence were top notch. They tried to be as gentle as they could, cause me as little pain as possible, but for somethings, there wasn't anything they could really do except move forward as quickly as possible. I arrived at Ascension Providence of Waco on 8/19. Navarro Regional refused to release the images and results of the cath lab for 3 days. Once Mrs. RottenApple got on the phone and threatened no images & result = no payment, Ascension Providence had them within an hour.

Just an FYI, we've fired the new "doctors" (PCP & Cardiologist) at Navarro Regional.

Once Ascension Providence had the results, it took 1 day for them to determine that a "Cabbage times three" (yes, folks, there is now medical proof that I'm a vegetable), aka a Triple Bypass was needed. They got me into surgery in record time. It was so fast that Mrs. RottenApple didn't have a chance to get to Waco before I went under.

I understand it took longer on the ventilator for me to start breathing on my own again. I don't remember a thing. Except pain. Lots and lots of pain. To me, the following is hearsay as I was unconscious. Apparently, after putting me out and on the vent, etc., etc., they cut open my chest, sawed my sternum in half, took 3 "donor vessels" (left ankle, left knee, and left groin) and used them to bypass the dual occlusions in the Widow maker artery and a secondary occlusion in a secondary but important artery.

After that, it was sew me up, get me in ICU, eventually move me to a room, and start recovery therapy. My meds sometimes changed on a daily basis. Even today, I got 7 new ones as we were leaving. And these supersede my previous meds.

And now, 10 days later, we are back home. I still have a long, long way to go. Typical recovery time to even START feeling normal is 6-10 weeks. For a Triple Bypass, it could be even longer.

Thank you for any well-wishes, prayers, offerings, animal, and human (just kidding!) sacrifices you may have made on behalf of Mrs. RottenApple and myself.
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Re: Prayers Requested


Post by carlson1 »

I have done this before my friend. Get up and walk as much as possible. Trust me it helps even through you think you are dying. I squeezed the stuffings out of the red heart pillow they gave me. After it was over and the recovery process I did feel much better. We are still praying for you. I am glad you are home and if you are like a lot of folks you rest better at home. Take care.


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Re: Prayers Requested


Post by RottenApple »

carlson1 wrote: Wed Aug 28, 2024 6:34 pm I have done this before my friend. Get up and walk as much as possible. Trust me it helps even through you think you are dying. I squeezed the stuffings out of the red heart pillow they gave me. After it was over and the recovery process I did feel much better. We are still praying for you. I am glad you are home and if you are like a lot of folks you rest better at home. Take care.

Thank you, Carl. You have your own issues to deal with right now and yet you take the time to pray for a nobody like me. I cannot tell you how grateful and humble that makes me.

Our granddaughter, who has SEVERE abandonment issues, came face-to-face that Opa "almost left her". (She is constantly saying, "Don't leave me Oma\Opa!". I broke down and lost it. It hurt physically, but that was the thing that broke my heart and strengthened my resolve to get through this.

Thank you, Good Sir. For teaching this RottenApple a lesson he never even knew he needed. Mrs. RottenApple and I are most grateful to you.
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Re: Prayers Requested


Post by puma guy »

I just saw this. I've been out of town and didn't take my computer. Man you've been through it, so sorry. You have my fervent prayer for recovery and comfort. My prayers for your dad continue as well.
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Re: Prayers Requested


Post by Boxerrider »

Excellent news!
Dad had his prostate removed at Ascension Providence several years ago and was also pleased with the surgeon, facilities, and staff. Getting back in shape will be tough - stick to it. It sounds like you have a great motivator!
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Re: Prayers Requested


Post by varko »

Will be praying for a quick recovery.
And if I were called upon to identify briefly the principal trait of the entire twentieth century, here too, I would be unable to find anything more precise and pithy than to repeat once again: Men have forgotten God. - Alexander Solzhenitsyn
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