George - thanks for your response and no flames from me. I was just curious as to your experiences and with which type of SA handguns.
I have three wheel guns - a Charter Arms Undercover, a S&W 629, and a S&W 65. I would, and do trust my life with any of them when it comes to reliability and function. In fact when we go fishing in bear country the S&W 629 (44 mag) is the gun I carry. My wife carries the S&W 65 (.357 mag) and we load them both with hunting ammo.
When it comes to SA handguns I really only have experience with a few. In the mid 70s I purchased a S&W 59, and while I liked that gun, I don't know if I would have ever trusted my life to it. Every once in awhile it would have some type of failure and while that's an inconvenience when target shooting, that could be fatal if used for protection.
In the mid 80s I bought a Glock 17 right after they first came to the states. For 15 years I put countless thousands of rounds through that gun with never a problem. It got to the point where I tried to make it malfunction (clean the gun with solvent, not re-lube it, and then run hundreds and hundreds of rounds through it) but it wouldn't. In my opinion Gaston Glock designed and manufactured a very good weapon system in his SA pistols. I subsequently purchased a G-26 for a backup gun. For over 15 years my wife has carried a G-17 daily for her duty weapon and she also has a Glock 19 for an off duty weapon. Both of us would and do trust our lives, and our family's lives, with any of those weapons.
In the late 90s I transitioned over to a Sig P230 as an off-duty and back up weapon and found it to be a reliable pistol. In 1998 I switched to a Sig 226 in 9mm as my primary carry duty weapon, and as soon as it was available in .357 Sig I moved to that caliber, but still in the Model 226. Again, never a problem with any of these Sigs and I trust them as much as I would a Glock.
Even though I've never had any problems, I'm sure that some people have had issues with Glocks, Sigs and other SAs, so I could understand why someone might be hesitant to make the move from a revolver. In my opinion the most important thing is to have some type of dependable pistol that shoots well, is loaded with good ammo, and has a good operator. It really doesn't matter whether it's a revolver or SA pistol - either will get the results.
My carry is a CZ romi in 9mm with 14 rd containers.
For me it is very comfortable to shoot and is very accurate.
with about 1600 rds and no problems I feel it is a reliable every day carry.
Auto for me. When I feel I need a little deeper concealment, I carry a single stack 45, typically my Kimber Ultra Carry or Les Baer Stinger. I find single stacks to be very easy to conceal, and I'm comfortable with the stopping power of the 45 cartridge, even when fired out of a short barrel.
For general carry the last few years I've drifted towards the double stack options. Para P-12 and XD-45C in 45 ACP and Glock 19 and 26 in 9 Mil. I have a G23, but I'm not really that strong a supporter of the 40 Cal and don't carry it much (I'm probably going to put it up for sale in the future).
When I carry a revolver, it's generally my 38. I know, the cartridge is a little under-powered, but in a small frame revovler it's very controllable for me so I stand a better chance of hitting what I'm aiming at then with a 357.
Semi-Auto for me. More comfortable with SA's. Thin, easier for me to carry concealed without "printing". Relative rapid reloading. Extra magazines not terribly tough for me to carry concealed, also.
Welcome aboard sonarman.
Glad to have you. I have kinfolks in Greenville so you are close to home.
Carry 24-7 or guess right.
CHL Instructor." onclick=";return false;
NRA/TSRA Life Member - TFC Member #11
Thanks longtooth. I just found the website recently.
We bought and took over a bid-ness in Dallas, moved it out here to Mineral Wells two years after the purchase. We've been here about 8 years now, business going through through the roof (finally), these past two years.
I've had my CHL since a couple months after then-Governor Bush signed the bill into law, and the law became active. I wasn't the first license granted, but I was certainly in that initial group.
My brother is a semi-auto guy, too. He conceal carries a full blown P14-45 .45 ACP Paraordinance. Big guy.
I voted both. Capacity for SA. If you have a good brand of gun and keep it clean...I've never had one jam. I like the concealability and punch of the .38 snubby. It's not a pleasure to shoot, but I can shoot it almost as accurately as a SA. I think it comes down to comfort. You're more likely to carry something that doesn't bother you. I will probably get a compact SA at some point, but for now it will be XD .40 and .38 taurus ultralight for backup. I'm pretty confident that the revolver will always work if I need it to.'s ALWAYS ready to go. The only safety is you.
Welcome aboard govnor. Glad to have you. The T85 UL is a good choice & it puts you in some real good company. That is my Sunday carry & any other time I dont have my 1911 on.
Very right on keeping them clean. Mine has never failed me either.
Carry 24-7 or guess right.
CHL Instructor." onclick=";return false;
NRA/TSRA Life Member - TFC Member #11
Thanks for the welcome! It's hard to keep my language clean, but I did read the 10 year old daughter comment and I will try to respect that... I can't help being a middle aged redneck...
I would have voted wheelgun a year ago , but to explain I recently decided to get my chl ,so i thought I would try a SA out. I ended up with a G17 it just fit my hand and the ammo was priced right. to make a long story short I shot n owned various guns browning , colt, rugers,s&w in both types.
imo I just can shoot much more accurate with sa than the wheel when I draw in my practice, has shown time and time that I am more accurate and that my opinion I vote to cc a sa. ( ccw g26 &/or g30 ).
Primarily I carry my Defender in a Tucker Texas Heritage with a reload hanging on the other side.
On the days I can't/don't carry the Colt I opt for a Smith 642 .38spl. and one reload. This is usually in a Smartcarry as I go to the Sunday Meeting. Occasionally it will go in the shorts pocket for around-town errands.
I have always liked revolvers. The feel, history, cross-sectional view when looking at the business end. Haven't you ever thought about it. A SA has one hole, and as frightening as that might be looking from the other side, a revolver usually has 5 holes showing along with the cylinder looking like one big bore. Maybe I'm getting too psycological about it but... I opt for the SA for many of the previous reasons.
I have carried my 4" Smith .41mag but...let's just say it is not the easiest to conceal or carry for long. I really don't have a good rig to carry it in.
I have to now change my earlier vote. I was finally forced to make a transition, but it was a slow one. I have always carried a J Frame in my pocket. The last three years it has been a S&W 340PD. Now I have the 340PD and a S&W 642 or S&W 66 2 1/2 inch on the belt.