Carry Help

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Carry Help


Post by Link »

I have a Glock 26 that I'd like to start carrying, but I need some method of carry suggestions, along with holster help.

I'm around 5'9" 180 lbs, and will usually be carrying while wearing an untucked t-shirt.

I'm trying to decide between IWB or OWB carry.

For my build and mode of dress, is IWB better than OWB? Will OWB produce too much printing?

I think OWB would be more comfortable, but may cause too much printing.

What's the best method for a good balance of comfort, concealability, and convenience?

What are some good holsters (comfortable, good quality, concealable) for either IWB or OWB paddle carry of a Glock 26?

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Post by longtooth »

Welcome aboard. I am checking in fast this morning before getting started. You should get lots of help here. Check you PM box for a list of holster makers. I will be back late this evening to give a little more help w/ it.
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Post by RPBrown »

To most it is what is better for them. As for me, one of my carry weapons is a G21 OWB with a Don Hume holster. All of my methods of carry are OWB except pocket carry of P3AT
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Post by stroo »

I regularly carry either Kimber Ultra or Ruger P95 OWB with a tee shirt and don't have any problems. Both of those are larger than your Glock 26 Just use a tee shirt that is a size or two larger than you would normally wear.

You also want to consider pocket carry. A Glock 26 will fit in your pocket if you have big enough pockets. Probably won't fit in jean pockets. I often pocket carry and the key is to get pants/shorts with big pockets, generally cargo pants of one kind or another.

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Post by kingalls »

If you are looking for a good quality and comfortable holster, check out Nate at
I have ordered from him in the past and he does a great job at a reasonable price. If you order from him, don't be surprised if he calls and talks to you about exactly what you want and your needs.

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Re: Carry Help


Post by tong409 »

Link wrote:I have a Glock 26 that I'd like to start carrying, but I need some method of carry suggestions, along with holster help.

I'm around 5'9" 180 lbs, and will usually be carrying while wearing an untucked t-shirt.

I'm trying to decide between IWB or OWB carry.

For my build and mode of dress, is IWB better than OWB? Will OWB produce too much printing?

I think OWB would be more comfortable, but may cause too much printing.

What's the best method for a good balance of comfort, concealability, and convenience?

What are some good holsters (comfortable, good quality, concealable) for either IWB or OWB paddle carry of a Glock 26?
i'm in the same boat as him just that im 5'8 and 130 lbs :???: i mainly leaning towards a IWB but have a hard time trying to find one, and i am kind of worried about my belt with the clips on these IWB hostlers my belt is pretty fat 1 1/2 inch tall do you think that would be a problem finding a hoslter that would fit that type of belt?

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Post by DrKyle1 »

I wear a glock 23 daily. My dress code is: dress pants, shirt & tie. I use a Comp-tac C-Tac holster w/ the C clips & have ordered the V clips to try out. It is quite comfortable & I have yet to be called out for wearing. Not even my office staff has noticed & I have been doing it for over a month now. I am working with Kirkpatrick Leather on doing a leather version of the C-tac to see if it is even more comfortable. I am 6'3 295. Good luck & ask your friends to borrow before you buy!
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Post by davefrmmrfy »

kingalls wrote:If you are looking for a good quality and comfortable holster, check out Nate at
I have ordered from him in the past and he does a great job at a reasonable price. If you order from him, don't be surprised if he calls and talks to you about exactly what you want and your needs.
I'm with kingalls. In my limited experience, the IWB I bought from Nate at "Ugly Bald Guy" holsters was top notch. Nate called me to confirm on my first purchase. I have ordered another for my Kahr P9. When I was picking up my Kahr from my FFL, Nate called him while I was sitting there... I like personal attention.

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Post by Drifter »

DrKyle1 wrote:I wear a glock 23 daily. My dress code is: dress pants, shirt & tie. I use a Comp-tac C-Tac holster w/ the C clips & have ordered the V clips to try out. It is quite comfortable & I have yet to be called out for wearing. Not even my office staff has noticed & I have been doing it for over a month now. I am working with Kirkpatrick Leather on doing a leather version of the C-tac to see if it is even more comfortable. I am 6'3 295. Good luck & ask your friends to borrow before you buy!
Dr. Kyle --- In what position do you wear your C-Tac? I just received mine (still waiting for my CHL to be processed, so getting ready.) I tried wearing it in various positions and have yet to determine a comfortable spot. Suggestions? How do you hide it wearing a dress shirt and tie?
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Re: Carry Help


Post by TX Rancher »

Link wrote:I have a Glock 26 that I'd like to start carrying, but I need some method of carry suggestions, along with holster help.

I'm around 5'9" 180 lbs, and will usually be carrying while wearing an untucked t-shirt.

I'm trying to decide between IWB or OWB carry.

For my build and mode of dress, is IWB better than OWB? Will OWB produce too much printing?

I think OWB would be more comfortable, but may cause too much printing.

What's the best method for a good balance of comfort, concealability, and convenience?
The 26 is a nice pistol…reasonable round capacity, decent ergonomics, and very reliable.

It’s also fairly easy to carry since it’s relatively small when compared to full sized autos, and its light weight. I like mine, and carry it periodically when attire dictates.

I do find due to it’s “thickness�, it’s a little less comfortable IWB then my 1911’s, but a wide footprint holster helps. If you’re carrying for more then a few hours (I typically carry it >10 hrs at a time) comfort is very important. The issue is if your carry is not comfortable, then you will be “adjusting� the weapon, and as the day goes on, you’ll adjust it more often, which draws attention to yourself and can lead to the disclosure you’re armed. Short term carry, <3 hrs, is not as problematic.

I’m more comfortable with OWB, but not with an un-tucked tee shirt. To me, there’s just too much printing with the wide stance of the G-26 (by the way, I do carry my Ultra OWB with a tee shirt, but the thickness difference helps).

When I carry with a tee shirt, then I go IWB. Like the other folks said, buy shirts on the large size. Also pay attention to color, some hide “bulges� better, and the thicker the material the better for concealment. Don't overlook the benefits of buying shirts with patterns on them, it can help a lot with concealment.

It’s good you worry about printing, but don’t take it to an extreme. With an IWB holster, even a G26 that’s printing doesn’t look like a gun to the majority of folks thanks to it’s short mag well.

The important thing is to not adjust your weapon while in public, and don’t think everyone knows your carrying, they don’t.

Get your holster and wear your rig around home until it feels so natural you catch yourself forgetting it’s there. When that happens, you’re well on your way to the Wally World walk!

Welcome to the forum, and welcome to the world of self reliance.

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Post by codecowboy »

OWB is more comfortable, but it takes very little for you to expose the pistol or holster. A strong breeze, bending over, whatever.

Personally I use a C-TAC slide from

IWB, conceals easily, rides great. Plus their customer service is awesome.
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Post by para driver »

as a fellow 'big guy' 6-4@290, if find that any hip holster is problematic and prints. I just don't have as much taper as some guys.

Personally I like the Galco 'half holster' shoulder rig under a lose fitting shirt. In a a problem arises situation, those buttons will rip off instantly... and unless someone hugs me, getting 'made' just isn't going to happen.
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Another vote for UBG Holsters.

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Post by JRob78 »

I too am in the 5'8" 180 lb range, and carry a g27 daily. I carry IWB at about the 3:00 position in a comp-tac undercover holster. You have to make sure to buy pants that are size bigger than you would normally wear, and invest in a good belt. I wear t-shirts most of the time with no problem, although dark colors seem to print less. A under shirt tucked in between your gun and your skin can help with comfort.

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Post by Humanphibian »

Milt Sparks Versa-Max II

It is the best holster I have owned....hands down. I have tried M. Rosen, Kramer, Alessi....and many other "top tier" makers....Sparks gets my vote!

It takes a while to get used to an IWB, but for me anyway, it beats an OWB by a mile. I can wear it with slacks, jeans, or even shorts and a T-Shirt (or tank top!), and people are oblivious to the fact that I'm carrying." onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;

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