Baldeagle, sorry, did not mean to insult you. Thanks for the explanation. I have the highest respect for our nation's servicemen (and women). Not putting a label on it anymore, but the point is that a lot of these guys (not all) have an attitude that is the same as when they were overseas, not realizing that things are different here. A gun in the hands of someone in a war zone who is not wearing your uniform is bad news. A gun in the holster of an American citizen is not bad news. My point is you should be really careful dealing with cops while you are armed or it could turn out really bad a la Eric Scott.
I agree with you guys. Do NOT write Costco and certainly do NOT OC at Costco. Although I don't like shopping there, my wife does. If they were to post 30.06, I'd have an argument with my wife on my hands about whether or not we should continue going to Costco. She's already really angry with me for not going to Whole Foods anymore. I am bummed, too. I've been shopping at Whole Foods since their original location in Austin decades ago.
I'm all for Open Carry, but, really, some things are LEGAL but not wise. Don't OC at Costco, church (especially if it is a Catholic church that has forgotten to post the dreaded 30.06/30.07 signs), Starbucks, Whataburger, etc.
Be VERY careful when dealing with cops while you are armed. The police force is increasingly militarized and not servants of the people anymore in many jurisdictions. Any police force that serves "no knock" warrants based on anonymous tips from drug addicts and criminals no longer serves its community. It has become a military force. Thankfully, most Texas cops are great, but that's why I live here and not New York City or Chicago. Even then, you should be careful. I was almost shot by a police officer once. Once, I called 911 to report a burglary at my place of business. The police officer snuck into my business, pointed a gun at me WITHOUT pointing a flashlight at me! It was dark inside, so how can he differentiate me from a perp? How can he see if I am armed or not? I immediately yelled out, "Don't shoot! I'm the owner!" with my hands up in the air.
baldeagle wrote:drjoker wrote:Remember, a lot of these cops are returning vets. Some of these guys have PTSD that is undiagnosed (they were too "tough" to report it or didn't want the stigma). PTSD means that they will shoot you for the slightest provocation.
This is an uncalled for insult to veterans and based on false information besides. PTSD does not make someone homicidal or willing to "shoot you for the slightest provocation". That is a lie from the Vietnam War period promulgated by anti-war activists spreading communist propaganda.
The symptoms of PTSD are flashbacks, anxiety disorder, depression, avoidance activities, a desire for isolation, hyperarousal caused by certain stimuli and anger outbursts. Someone suffering from severe PTSD is more like to run from you or find a place to hide than to confront you.