Cities improperly posting 30.06 signs?

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Re: Cities improperly posting 30.06 signs?


Post by PriestTheRunner »

lonestar144 wrote: Sun Oct 07, 2018 3:06 pm My daughter was riding with our niece yesterday and was involved in a hit and run accident. Nothing major, just cracked paint on the bumper. Anyway's they went to the PD, just 150 yrds away, and filed a complaint. When I got there, saw the 30.06 sign, no 30.07. Signage is compliant with code, but not sure if it should be posted. When you enter the building, there is a small sitting area with glass window for receptionist. The entry to the offices is key code locked and can only be buzzed in. There are no courts etc in the building, just the PD. Didn't take a pic like I was planning on and I'm not going up there just to take one. PD is known for doing _______ a bit sketchy. Anyways, the PD is in White Oak, TX, about 5 miles West down HWY80 from Longview.

Police stations are not permitted to be posted. Report it if the website for doing so is still active.
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Re: Cities improperly posting 30.06 signs?


Post by rtschl »

PriestTheRunner wrote: Sun Oct 07, 2018 8:16 pm Police stations are not permitted to be posted. Report it if the website for doing so is still active.
Not necessarily correct. Both the Benbrook and White Settlement police departments are posted. They both use the reason that they have a "court" in the window where bond/fines are paid to the city court clerk. What needs to solve this is removing all off limit areas for LTC and make carry the same for LTC and police.
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Re: Cities improperly posting 30.06 signs?


Post by seph »

Iowa Colony (Brazoria County ) City Hall building is posted 06/07. Have to swing by to take a good picture soon. They have court there, but for only one day a month.
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Re: Cities improperly posting 30.06 signs?


Post by WildRose »

seph wrote: Tue Jan 29, 2019 12:01 am Iowa Colony (Brazoria County ) City Hall building is posted 06/07. Have to swing by to take a good picture soon. They have court there, but for only one day a month.
Only the portion of the building used for court and the court clerk's offices can be legally posted, someone needs to inform the Mayor/City Manager.

A good example is our City Hall where the CM and City Judge have offices next to each other and share a secretary/clerk.

The business office is not and cannot legally be posted, nor can the CM's office but unless you enter through his rear door you can't legally carry en route to his office since the Secretary/Clerk's office is in a small room with doors to both the CJ and CM.

Pretty silly setup but it is what it is. The CM carries and had to get written permission from the CJ to legally carry in his own secretary's office or to pass through it on the way to his own.
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Re: Cities improperly posting 30.06 signs?


Post by WildRose »

rtschl wrote: Sun Oct 07, 2018 11:28 pm
PriestTheRunner wrote: Sun Oct 07, 2018 8:16 pm Police stations are not permitted to be posted. Report it if the website for doing so is still active.
Not necessarily correct. Both the Benbrook and White Settlement police departments are posted. They both use the reason that they have a "court" in the window where bond/fines are paid to the city court clerk. What needs to solve this is removing all off limit areas for LTC and make carry the same for LTC and police.
I don't see that ever happening.
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Re: Cities improperly posting 30.06 signs?


Post by Scott Farkus »

So is it safe to assume that, once again, we're not going to get any teeth added to this statute this session?
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Re: Cities improperly posting 30.06 signs?


Post by KLB »

Scott Farkus wrote: Thu Mar 28, 2019 8:15 pm So is it safe to assume that, once again, we're not going to get any teeth added to this statute this session?
That would be my bet.

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Re: Cities improperly posting 30.06 signs?


Post by 338winmag »

I went to the Liberty county court house today to get a license plate for a trailer. The license office is about 10 ft. past the 2 officers, and the metal detectors at the front door. I also had to turn in my pocket knife. They have both 30.06/07 signs on the front doors. They are in red, which when viewed against the black background really isn't contrasting. This is a multi-use building which also houses court rooms and offices.

I know I have to write a letter to someone, about this. Who is this? I'm assuming it's the county judge. Do I have to also address the letter to the rest of the county commissioners?

How long do I have to wait until I send a copy of the letter to the AG? What else do I have to send to the AG along with the letter?

I'm assuming some good will come of this.
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Re: Cities improperly posting 30.06 signs?


Post by JustSomeOldGuy »

338winmag wrote: Fri Jun 21, 2019 6:56 pm I went to the Liberty county court house today to get a license plate for a trailer. The license office is about 10 ft. past the 2 officers, and the metal detectors at the front door. I also had to turn in my pocket knife. They have both 30.06/07 signs on the front doors. They are in red, which when viewed against the black background really isn't contrasting. This is a multi-use building which also houses court rooms and offices.

I know I have to write a letter to someone, about this. Who is this? I'm assuming it's the county judge. Do I have to also address the letter to the rest of the county commissioners?

How long do I have to wait until I send a copy of the letter to the AG? What else do I have to send to the AG along with the letter?

I'm assuming some good will come of this.
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Re: Cities improperly posting 30.06 signs?


Post by ninjabread »

They don't have to obey the law. Laws are for the peasants, not the nobility living off the backs of the peasants.
This is my opinion. There are many like it, but this one is mine.

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Re: Cities improperly posting 30.06 signs?


Post by Zombified »

The Hidalgo County courthouse is similarly posted plus the metal detectors block off the area to the courts. The worst part is that you actually have to walk through the metal detectors if you want to visit 2 non-court areas that are not behind the metal detectors. I've thought about filing complaint, but decided against it after reading that most are waiting for the City of Austin case to follow it's course. The interesting thing is that the county obviously knows they're pushing the limits of the law. At most other county offices, all the 30.06/30.07, no gun signs and other notices have come down.

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Re: Cities improperly posting 30.06 signs?


Post by NotRPB »

Zombified wrote: Sun Jun 23, 2019 5:54 pm The Hidalgo County courthouse is similarly posted plus the metal detectors block off the area to the courts. The worst part is that you actually have to walk through the metal detectors if you want to visit 2 non-court areas that are not behind the metal detectors. I've thought about filing complaint, but decided against it after reading that most are waiting for the City of Austin case to follow it's course. The interesting thing is that the county obviously knows they're pushing the limits of the law. At most other county offices, all the 30.06/30.07, no gun signs and other notices have come down.
Burnet's County Court Annex is the same setup
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Re: Cities improperly posting 30.06 signs?


Post by PriestTheRunner »

NotRPB wrote: Tue Jun 25, 2019 7:39 am Burnet's County Court Annex is the same setup
Same thing in Tyler / Smith County for the marriage license offices.

Very "Red" areas are actually very blue when it comes to second amendment if you're not one of the 'privileged'...

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Re: Cities improperly posting 30.06 signs?


Post by BSHII »

I was in Austin a few weeks ago, and noticed a number of improper 30.06/30.07 signs on government buildings. Specifically, I remember seeing them at the Travis County Mental Health Public Defender's office at 910 Lavaca, and the Travis County Ned Granger Administration Building at 314 W. 11th.

I'd be surprised if someone else hasn't reported this, but I couldn't find anything.
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Re: Cities improperly posting 30.06 signs?


Post by Liberty »

WildRose wrote: Thu Mar 28, 2019 6:42 pm
rtschl wrote: Sun Oct 07, 2018 11:28 pm
Not necessarily correct. Both the Benbrook and White Settlement police departments are posted. They both use the reason that they have a "court" in the window where bond/fines are paid to the city court clerk. What needs to solve this is removing all off limit areas for LTC and make carry the same for LTC and police.
I don't see that ever happening.
It wasn't that long ago I was thinking the same thing about open carry, and unlicensed open carry. In fact, I once thought I would never see the day I could walk into a store and pick up a new AR15.
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