KaiserB wrote:Not meaning to toss fuel on the fire. I can understand having one in the pipe with a 1911, or a SA/DA auto (HK, Ruger, S&W) with thumb safety. But what about guns such as a Glock or Springfield XD that are DAO that do not have a thumb safety, or other lockout (besides the trigger safety)?
My XD 45 Compact isn't DAO, it's SA. It has a long trigger pull and is striker fired, but the slide must be racked to cock it before it will fire. I keep it with one in the pipe, just like my 1911.
It has a trigger safety (sorta like the Glock one), and a grip safety like the 1911. You have to grip it securely AND pull the trigger properly to fire it. The newer models are available with a thumb safety, but my understanding is that it is a configuration developed for some police departments and for the US Military (who won't even consider a pistol without a thumb safety - even a Glock would need one to qualify for testing) to meet their requirements, not because of any inherent flaw in the original design. I believe that the original will continue to be available for those who don't want the extra (fourth) safety.
A safety is only a mechanical supplement to the REAL safety between your ears. If you don't finger the trigger until you want to shoot, it won't go bang.