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Welcome to the forum and you are correct. This type of sign is to be posted anywhere they sell alcohol for on or off premise consumption. It means nothing to a CHL as we are licensed and it says 'unlicensed' possession.Danny White wrote:I saw this sign at Lupe Tortilla Mexican Restaurant at I-10 and Beltway 6 near Katy. The way I read this sign, it just says if you don't have a license, you can't carry a concealed handgun, so obviously the sign means nothing for a licensed CHL holder right? I am assuming the restaurant gets almost all of their revenue from food.
I was back there last week to get a car title changed. I noticed that obnoxious sign was gone, replaced by a generic "unlicensed persons" sign.Rex B wrote:Good advice, and an angle I had not heard of.
I may want to tackle this for the Tarrant County Records Building, which has an obnoxious and strongly worded non-30.06 sign.
Rex B wrote:I was back there last week to get a car title changed. I noticed that obnoxious sign was gone, replaced by a generic "unlicensed persons" sign.Rex B wrote:Good advice, and an angle I had not heard of.
I may want to tackle this for the Tarrant County Records Building, which has an obnoxious and strongly worded non-30.06 sign.
Next trip I'm going to ask the desk deputy about CHL carry.
I know, but I did. I rarely go there.TxFig wrote:I wouldn't - since it says "unlicensed", they are obviously not referring to folks WITH a license (ie. you).Rex B wrote:I was back there last week to get a car title changed. I noticed that obnoxious sign was gone, replaced by a generic "unlicensed persons" sign.Rex B wrote:Good advice, and an angle I had not heard of.
I may want to tackle this for the Tarrant County Records Building, which has an obnoxious and strongly worded non-30.06 sign.
Here's the new sign:
Next trip I'm going to ask the desk deputy about CHL carry.
Who do we bring these blatantly illegal signs to the attention of?Rex B wrote:Yes, I know this is noncompliant. So was the old one.
The old sign was the obnoxious one. I sent a photo of that much earlier in this thread.
Here it is again:
The sign is not illegal, just invalid. They hold no legal weight. They can post whatever they want on the walls, we just don't have to abide by them as far as CHL is concerned.Purplehood wrote:Who do we bring these blatantly illegal signs to the attention of?Rex B wrote:Yes, I know this is noncompliant. So was the old one.
The old sign was the obnoxious one. I sent a photo of that much earlier in this thread.
Here it is again: