Kinetic wrote:I think the obvious has been overlooked. The anti gun zealots will make guns unavailable to the public by simply driving the cost of firearms and ammo out of the reach of the average person. This firearm is definitely out of my reach, not that I would buy it anyway.
yep... this is exactly what's in store. There were proposals of "smart guns" being the coming future requirement back in the 90's.... probably even before. I remember everything from voice recognition to fingerprint recognition to what appears to be miniaturized bluetooth communications devices used in the above example. You must keep in mind, this is will be proposed only to "Keep Our Own Kids Safe" (KOOKS)
This is about as important a step in firearms technology as the idiotic firing pin and casing stamp devices.
If you live in a "free state", be prepared to fight this with all you have. I'm not paranoid, but just observing the progression of events of the past 40+ years and logically anticipating the coming events. Unfortunately, I don't think this one will be a laughing matter.