Whole Foods Gun Policy

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Re: Whole Foods Gun Policy


Post by Venus Pax »

We're taught constantly in our culture that we should "respect" the wishes of other people. That's great up to the point where those people's wishes do not respect our safety.

Also, I usually consider the ghostbuster & generic "no guns" signs as their token signs to satisfy insurance providers. If they really wanted to keep a CHLer out, they would post 30.06.
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Re: Whole Foods Gun Policy


Post by blackdog8200 »

MAybe we should add another topic to the index: Single CHL carriers room "rlol"
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Re: Whole Foods Gun Policy


Post by RPB »

blackdog8200 wrote:MAybe we should add another topic to the index: Single CHL carriers room "rlol"
A dating site? Subsection to post targets, So we know which is the better shot if deciding between two potential dates?

There actually may be a market for such a website some day; who'da thunk a "book of face" or some such would ever amount to anything.
I'm no lawyer

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Re: Whole Foods Gun Policy


Post by puma guy »

teds787 wrote:
The Annoyed Man wrote:Is she uncomfortable with the idea of your carrying a gun?
She thinks it's unnecessary. She keeps saying she has lived in some pretty scary places abroad just fine without a gun and the US is way safer than those places. I agree that the US is a pretty safe place, but then I say, "Complacency is a very bad idea." and, "I'd rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it." So, she makes fun of me and I carry. :patriot:

Ted S
Excellent response.

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Re: Whole Foods Gun Policy


Post by Purplehood »

blackdog8200 wrote:MAybe we should add another topic to the index: Single CHL carriers room "rlol"
Would that be for those of us who don't have a Utah permit?
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Re: Whole Foods Gun Policy


Post by glbedd53 »

My wife kinda had the same attitude. With her it just certain places that she didn't feel carrying was necessary. So I asked her , what if we were walking somewhere at night unarmed and we were approached by a gang who thought rape was good entertainment and we were the only ones available, would she feel ok with being raped and maybe killed because she saw no reason to be so paranoid and be armed all the time. It's never come up again. May or may not work with all females. Good luck.

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Re: Whole Foods Gun Policy


Post by muleman »

drjoker wrote:
teds787 wrote:
The Annoyed Man wrote:Is she uncomfortable with the idea of your carrying a gun?
She thinks it's unnecessary. She keeps saying she has lived in some pretty scary places abroad just fine without a gun and the US is way safer than those places. I agree that the US is a pretty safe place, but then I say, "Complacency is a very bad idea." and, "I'd rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it." So, she makes fun of me and I carry. :patriot:

Ted S
My wife has the exact same attitude towards guns. Watch out! She may sell your guns when you're not look'in if y'all git hitched!

Anyways, as long as she believes in freedom and the 2nd amendment, it's ok if she personally has made a choice not to carry. My wife has a CHL only to let our legislators know not to mess with the 2nd amendment and our freedoms. However, she dislikes guns personally (not politically, though) and never carries. We don't have any guns at home, but I've stashed a pistol with the neighbors (shh.... don't let her know!). :biggrinjester:

Kidding right?? :confused5
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Re: Whole Foods Gun Policy


Post by VMI77 »

drjoker wrote:However, she dislikes guns personally (not politically, though) and never carries. We don't have any guns at home, but I've stashed a pistol with the neighbors (shh.... don't let her know!). :biggrinjester:
You guys with the anti-gun wives scare me. Maybe not so much as you describe the situation in your case, where you say your wife respects the right to own guns, but even here, if anti-gun spouses can't be convinced by someone they know care about and respect, that guns are important to self-defense, what is our long-term chance for keeping our 2A rights when we're dealing with liberal anti-gun strangers?
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Re: Whole Foods Gun Policy


Post by shootthesheet »

VMI77 wrote:
drjoker wrote:However, she dislikes guns personally (not politically, though) and never carries. We don't have any guns at home, but I've stashed a pistol with the neighbors (shh.... don't let her know!). :biggrinjester:
You guys with the anti-gun wives scare me. Maybe not so much as you describe the situation in your case, where you say your wife respects the right to own guns, but even here, if anti-gun spouses can't be convinced by someone they know care about and respect, that guns are important to self-defense, what is our long-term chance for keeping our 2A rights when we're dealing with liberal anti-gun strangers?
It is harder for a person to accept a "truth" or "fact" from someone they know than from a stranger most of the time. They know our faults or what they consider faults and allow their own weaknesses to be projected on us. It may be something as small as how a husband reacts to a football game. She thinks he can't control himself watching that "SILLY" sport then how can he control himself with a gun. It is ignorant and one has nothing to do with the other but in a wife’s simple thought process that is how it is. Could be a husband as well that thinks that way. Nothing to do with one sex or the other. None of that exists with a stranger so people are more likely to listen and consider the truths and facts of an argument. Especially if the person is or looks respectable. It was Jesus, I think, that said, "A Profit isn't accepted in his home town" (my way of remembering it). It goes back to how a person thinks of us versus who we really are. My opinion anyway.
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Re: Whole Foods Gun Policy


Post by hirundo82 »

Was it an actual "No Guns" sign, or was it the TABC "Unlicensed Possession" sign? Grocery stores are required to post the latter sign if they sell alcohol.

If it actually was a non-compliant "No Guns" sign, I agree on it being OK to carry past the sign. Texas law provides a clear way to prohibit CHLs from carrying, and if a business owner doesn't care enough to put up the right sign I'll just ignore it.

Also, I seriously doubt that Whole Foods is making a serious effort to ban guns in their store. Their founder and CEO, John Mackey, is a libertarian and, from what I can find online, that extends to his views on gun rights.
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Re: Whole Foods Gun Policy


Post by PappaGun »

Everyone would be satisfied if a CHL badge is worn.

THAT is REAL authority and not to be messed with.
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Re: Whole Foods Gun Policy


Post by Venus Pax »

OP, people change their minds. My mother thought it was the most ridiculous thing in the world when I got my CHL in 2006. It expired recently. I was telling her about this, and how I've registered for a renewal class. She was upset that I wasn't able to carry my gun on my body in the grocery store, and I got a tongue-lashing for not making it a priority.
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Re: Whole Foods Gun Policy


Post by teds787 »

Thanks for all the great feedback on this subject.

Just to let the GF bashers know, the relationship is quite wonderful and well worth a little teasing about some of the things I do. She's quite a wonderful woman and we're able to get along quite well in spite of a few differences in opinion.

I just recently took the CHL class so I was pretty sure the 30.06 sign was required to keep a CHLer from carrying in the store. Her argument is, if someone posts their wishes (compliant or not), they should be respected. My response is, if the law had not made provisions for making it illegal for CHLers to carry in someone's store, then it might be different. But since there is a provision, and Whole Foods is not using that provision, that indicates to me that they do not intend to prohibit CHLers from carrying in their store.

We have pretty much agreed to disagree on this one. We're still gonna go to Whole Foods and I'm still going to carry while shopping there.

Such is life when one chooses not to live it alone. ;-)

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Re: Whole Foods Gun Policy


Post by drjoker »

VMI77 wrote:
drjoker wrote:However, she dislikes guns personally (not politically, though) and never carries. We don't have any guns at home, but I've stashed a pistol with the neighbors (shh.... don't let her know!). :biggrinjester:
You guys with the anti-gun wives scare me. Maybe not so much as you describe the situation in your case, where you say your wife respects the right to own guns, but even here, if anti-gun spouses can't be convinced by someone they know care about and respect, that guns are important to self-defense, what is our long-term chance for keeping our 2A rights when we're dealing with liberal anti-gun strangers?
Err... didn't I say that
My wife has a CHL... to let our legislators know not to mess with the 2nd amendment and our freedoms.
She is anything BUT anti-2nd A. Let me put it like this... I support the 1st Amendment, but I am not a news reporter nor do I write a newspaper column. However, I will vote only for political candidates that also support the 1st Amendment. Just because I do not personally write for a newspaper doesn't mean that I don't support free speech.

My wife has a CHL and we're in the NRA, but we do not have any guns at home. Freedom allows you to have a choice. You may not choose to do what the freedom allows you to do, but having that choice available is freedom.

God bless America!

P.S. No, not kidding muleman. I do have very cool neighbors. My next door neighbor vows he will "Joe Horn" anybody who dares invade my home. I vow to pay all his attorney's fees and hospital fees.
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Re: Whole Foods Gun Policy


Post by SecedeTX »

You are a lucky man. If she is indeed only a girlfriend (not engaged or married), you still have time to ditch her.

Go out and find you a good girl who appreciates you.

One piece of advice though, if you are hanging out at Whole Foods, you are likely to pick up another Volvo driving, Birkenstock wearing, Kill my chicken nicely, hug the planet, gun hating girl again.

Life is too short to have your signifigant other making fun of your 2nd ammendment rights.
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