Texas3006.com - Website Update!

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Re: Texas3006.com - Website Update!


Post by paulhailes »

Thanks for the update

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Re: Texas3006.com - Website Update!


Post by johnson0317 »

Thanks for the update and for the good work! I have it saved to my favorites, so I will go and check it out.

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Re: Texas3006.com - Website Update!


Post by GhostTX »


Any chance of a city drop down?
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Re: Texas3006.com - Website Update!


Post by GhostTX »

Russell wrote:
GhostTX wrote:Nice!

Any chance of a city drop down?

There's an awful lot of cities in Texas. :) Can you expand a bit on that thought?
I figured you could get the database to generate the list.

Also, I'm thinking it'd help prevent misspellings (if that happens) and it is quicker to fill out the form (tag drop down and start hitting the first letter of the city...most drop downs let you quick select like that. Yours does, drop down Category and hit 'g' a few times and I'm scrolling through the selections for 'g'. Same for 's' and 'r'). Start typing the city and it'd match what you're typing. If the city is not already there, you'd be adding to the list.
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Re: Texas3006.com - Website Update!


Post by Skiprr »

Thanks, Russell.

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Re: Texas3006.com - Website Update!


Post by koolaid »

Russell wrote:
I could.... interesting idea to have a pre-populated list of cities that contain entries. My concern however is how I could easily pass the information on to the visitor that if the city they are looking for isn't in this list, an entry for it doesn't exist. I also don't want to just have a huge drop down list of all cities in Texas, that'd be over 300 of them.

What I may be able to do instead is find some sort of javascript where as you are typing in the city it auto-guesses the city you are trying to type, sort of like Google does with searches.
Look at jqueryui.com and the autocomplete widget. I've used it for work stuff before and it works great and is easy to implement without a lot of extraneous coding.
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Re: Texas3006.com - Website Update!


Post by kahrfreak »

Excellent work, Russell!
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Re: Texas3006.com - Website Update!


Post by chasfm11 »

kahrfreak wrote:Excellent work, Russell!
:iagree: You are doing a great job and many of appreciate the results of your efforts.
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Re: Texas3006.com - Website Update!


Post by v-rog »

thank you for your work. :thumbs2:
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Re: Texas3006.com - Website Update!


Post by mojo84 »

I really like the Android phone app idea. Hope you are able to find someone to help with it. I would but don't know the first thing about it.
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Re: Texas3006.com - Website Update!


Post by TrueFlog »

Russell wrote:
koolaid wrote:
Russell wrote:
I could.... interesting idea to have a pre-populated list of cities that contain entries. My concern however is how I could easily pass the information on to the visitor that if the city they are looking for isn't in this list, an entry for it doesn't exist. I also don't want to just have a huge drop down list of all cities in Texas, that'd be over 300 of them.

What I may be able to do instead is find some sort of javascript where as you are typing in the city it auto-guesses the city you are trying to type, sort of like Google does with searches.
Look at jqueryui.com and the autocomplete widget. I've used it for work stuff before and it works great and is easy to implement without a lot of extraneous coding.

Will do!

By the way, I really would like to get an Android / iPhone App created that can interface with my site's database. If anyone out there would like to team up with me to make this happen, please get in touch with me!
First off, let me say thanks for putting this site together. I've used it on several occasions to help plan ahead before I go somewhere new with friends.

For populating the city, I like the idea of having a drop-down that contains only cities that have entries in the DB. I would recommend adding text next to it that says "Only cities with entries will be listed" or something to that affect. A lot of job search websites use that same approach. They have a dropdown with a list of states (or cities) and some text that says "Only states (cities) with current openings are listed". If you have any experience with AJAX, this is fairly trivial to implement. I've had a lot of success with DWR in the past. An autocomplete widget would be a nice Plan B.

As to creating an Android or iPhone app, I would love to see your site integrated with the existing Texas CHL Laws app. That app has a 30.06 listing feature, similar to your website, but with far fewer entries. If the two of you can coordinate, I think it would benefit the community to have just one centralized DB that we can all share.

I wish I had enough spare time to volunteer my help to either your site or the Android app (or both). I'm a J2EE/Android developer by day and alot of other things by night. Unfortunately, my life is too busy as-is. Plus, company policies make it very difficult for me to work on any personal projects - even on personal time.
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