Ahh,ok, thought that was the topic at hand as you asked..RX8er wrote: Thanks for the federal law but I'm not talking federal ID, just wanted to get that one out of the way so we can move back to what the topic at hand is..
Your response:Federal law makes it illegal and punishable by 5 years in a federal pen for copying my us army ID, texas law makes it a class c misdemeanor to copy my texas military ID, so aww darn. I have never had my DL copied at any MD's office
I answered 50% of your question with a response to ONE of the TWO laws you asked about.What is the penal code / reference for these two laws?

Sorry for the confusion..
In response to your follow up question... No law I know of forbides photocopying a state issued DL or ID card.. TX has a law on swiping the Mag strip.. but not copying, far as i can tell