CHL Instructor Arrested

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CHL Instructor Arrested


Post by i8godzilla »

I have been away from the Forum for the last few months but I ran across this and thought I would share it: ... 69661.html

GATESVILLE (July 8, 2013)--Gatesville concealed handgun license instructor Adam Stephen Fitzer, 40, remained free on bond Tuesday after he was charged with tampering with a governmental record in connection with what an investigator says was the falsification of certificates of training for students who didn’t complete the required 10 hours of instruction.

The Arrest Warrant Affidavit: ... 140433.pdf" onclick=";return false;
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Re: CHL Instructor Arrested


Post by Frankie »

Gatesville is small town, not much goes on there that 'everyone' doesn't find out about. My In-Laws just moved there and my BIL has lived there most of his life and I'm will to bet he know knows most of the people list in this.

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Re: CHL Instructor Arrested


Post by thatguy »

If he's guilty, I hope they throw the book at'm. :cup:
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Re: CHL Instructor Arrested


Post by oohrah »

The gun range owner is our hero. It's guys like this CHL Instructor that give gun owners a bad rep, and by policing ourselves, we show we are responsible citizens.
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Re: CHL Instructor Arrested


Post by scottmeador »

Yeah to the range owner!

I noticed the the affidavit names and CHL # of several CHL holders. Isn't there something in the code which addresses the release of demographic information of CHL holders by LE?
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Re: CHL Instructor Arrested


Post by sjfcontrol »

scottmeador wrote:Yeah to the range owner!

I noticed the the affidavit names and CHL # of several CHL holders. Isn't there something in the code which addresses the release of demographic information of CHL holders by LE?
Since when do CHL numbers have letters in them?
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Re: CHL Instructor Arrested


Post by threoh8 »

One of the students, realizing that the class was inadequate, had elected to take a real CHL class elsewhere. Good for her!
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Re: CHL Instructor Arrested


Post by MasterOfNone »

sjfcontrol wrote:
scottmeador wrote:Yeah to the range owner!

I noticed the the affidavit names and CHL # of several CHL holders. Isn't there something in the code which addresses the release of demographic information of CHL holders by LE?
Since when do CHL numbers have letters in them?
Based on the number, the "L" was probably a "1" that was misread.
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Re: CHL Instructor Arrested


Post by sjfcontrol »

MasterOfNone wrote:
sjfcontrol wrote:
scottmeador wrote:Yeah to the range owner!

I noticed the the affidavit names and CHL # of several CHL holders. Isn't there something in the code which addresses the release of demographic information of CHL holders by LE?
Since when do CHL numbers have letters in them?
Based on the number, the "L" was probably a "1" that was misread.
Strange mistake to make unless some form of OCR was used somewhere along the line.
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Re: CHL Instructor Arrested


Post by texanjoker »

scottmeador wrote:Yeah to the range owner!

I noticed the the affidavit names and CHL # of several CHL holders. Isn't there something in the code which addresses the release of demographic information of CHL holders by LE?
This is an interesting issue. They are witnesses to this case and witness info would go on the affidavit. They are actually very lucky they were used as witnesses and not prosecuted. They have not met the required statute for attending a chl course and qualifying. They then submitted govt. records when applying for a chl stating that they had.

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Re: CHL Instructor Arrested


Post by gthaustex »

I really hate to see someone do something stupid like this (assuming he is guilty) and make the rest of the CHL instructors out there look bad. I'm glad the range owner said something. The lady realized something was up and went elsewhere. I wonder if she just didn't know that she should / could report the instructor herself....

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Re: CHL Instructor Arrested


Post by paperchunker »

gthaustex wrote:I really hate to see someone do something stupid like this (assuming he is guilty) and make the rest of the CHL instructors out there look bad. I'm glad the range owner said something. The lady realized something was up and went elsewhere. I wonder if she just didn't know that she should / could report the instructor herself....
It's like how Edward Snowden makes the rest of the IT people out there look bad.(Sarcasm)

How do the actions of 1 person in a business make everyone else in that business look bad ?

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Re: CHL Instructor Arrested


Post by ldj1002 »

It was ask
It's like how Edward Snowden makes the rest of the IT people out there look bad.(Sarcasm)

How do the actions of 1 person in a business make everyone else in that business look bad ?

Are all NFL players murderers?
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Answer is no BUT probably a bigger % of them are than other professions, clubs, groups Ect and we don't want this incident to put a shadow on us.

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Re: CHL Instructor Arrested


Post by Cedar Park Dad »

The class was easy. Why would you have to fake anything about it?

EDIT: upon re-read it looked like the instructor was just incredibly lazy.

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Re: CHL Instructor Arrested


Post by gthaustex »

paperchunker wrote:
gthaustex wrote:I really hate to see someone do something stupid like this (assuming he is guilty) and make the rest of the CHL instructors out there look bad. I'm glad the range owner said something. The lady realized something was up and went elsewhere. I wonder if she just didn't know that she should / could report the instructor herself....
It's like how Edward Snowden makes the rest of the IT people out there look bad.(Sarcasm)

How do the actions of 1 person in a business make everyone else in that business look bad ?Are all NFL players murderers?
Unfortunately, those who are anti-gun tend to paint any incident like this with a broad brush. Look at what happened after Aurora and Sandy Hook. One individual acting a fool and murdering people in each incident caused a national uproar with anti-gunners looking to restrict the rights of tens of millions of law abiding citizens based on the actions of a couple of idiots. Of course the CHL instructor didn't kill anyone, but he did (if guilty) falsify docs. Just like one bad cop makes a whole department look bad in the minds of some. It shouldn't be that way, but unfortunately, IMHO that is life.
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