Albertsons in Midland 30.06

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Albertsons in Midland 30.06


Post by airizzy »

I look at this forum regularly but I rarely post anything here. However, I thought you might be interested in my experience today.

I ran over to the local Albertson's today and to my surprise was a 30.06 sign displayed in the door way. I went in just long enough to tell the guy in charge how I felt about it and left. Later I called the customer service line and talked to a very helpful young lady in Salt Lake City. She listened to my argument and sent my comments to the home office in Boise Idaho. She said I should hear back in a few days. I will let you all know how it goes.



Post by AV8R »

I do everything possible to avoid shopping in an Albertsons store. (has nothing to do with CHL policy) Try a United store. They would probably have an employee clean your gun while you shopped, if you asked them.

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Post by lrb111 »

That's interesting. Let us know what happens. The last time I was in either Albertson's in Odessa was days before last Christmas. I sure don't remember 30.06 there, at that time. Yes, I was carrying.

I'll try to swing by the stores here in the next few days.
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Post by HankB »

Never saw a 30.06 posting at Albertson's, but then, most if not all Albertson's stores in the Austin area have closed - I think they're hurting and can't afford to lose more business.

I suspect this is a local initiative by one store manager. If the corporate offices are informed of a potential statewide boycott by even 1% of their potential customers, they'll no doubt bring this miscreant to heel . . . just as happened with Applebee's restaurants in the San Antonio area a couple of years ago.
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Post by lrb111 »

Ok, I did look at the 3 stores in Odessa. One had the "unlicenced possession" sign. None had a 30.06 sign. It must be an individual manager thing.
Guess we can tell them it's just one more reason to go to WalMart instead. ;-)
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Post by pbandjelly »

United, Kroger's, Tom Thumb, WalMart MarketPlace (or sumpin' like that...), HEB...

geez, anything but Albertson's. I go there ONLY if the gas station won't have it :roll:
I despise that store.
ah, well.

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Post by KBCraig »

Must be different on that end of the state. Albertson's is the nice grocery store around here. They're the only alternative to Wal Mart other than a couple of "Foodstamps R Us" stores.

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Post by NcongruNt »

KBCraig wrote:Must be different on that end of the state. Albertson's is the nice grocery store around here. They're the only alternative to Wal Mart other than a couple of "Foodstamps R Us" stores.
They're on the low end of the list here in Austin, as well. I think they've nearly all closed down here. The prices too high, store conditions poor.

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Post by longtooth »

Closed here about 10 yrs ago. Above discription is accurate.
Carry 24-7 or guess right.
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Post by KD5NRH »

KBCraig wrote:Must be different on that end of the state. Albertson's is the nice grocery store around here. They're the only alternative to Wal Mart other than a couple of "Foodstamps R Us" stores.
That's pretty much how it was in my part of Dallas when I was there; they may not be great, but they're better than the low-end Tom Thumbs.

That's another one I could never figure; the Tom Thumb down the street from me was a dive with lousy people and a trashy store, but there were several nice ones within 10 minutes' drive.

Albertson's varied somewhat in appearance and service, but they at least showed signs of making an effort in every store I dealt with.

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Post by zigzag »

Albertsons has been gone for good in Houston area. I see lots of Kroger though.

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Post by srothstein »

AV8R wrote:I do everything possible to avoid shopping in an Albertsons store. (has nothing to do with CHL policy) Try a United store. They would probably have an employee clean your gun while you shopped, if you asked them.
Sounds like my kind of store. What is it, since I have never heard of them?

BTW, do they do a good job cleaning it? I have a couple that could use it. :)
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Post by Steve #1 »

FYI: There are two types of Albertsons now, the originals and and the ones that were bought out (Albertsons LLC). They are run by completely different companies.

It appears that the ones in Odessa are LLC as are Most of the ones around Dallas.

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Post by KBCraig »

I remember when it was "Skaggs", then "Skaggs Alpha-Beta", then "Skaggs-Albertson's", and now it's just "Albertson's".

I don't know if our local stores (two Texas, one Arkansas) are part of the LLC or not.
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