ScottDLS wrote: ↑Wed Jul 04, 2018 12:15 pm
I finished the class including the shooting portion on Sunday, July 1 at a range in Upper Marlboro, MD since DC has no ranges. I shot a box of 9mm out of the instructor's Glock 17. We did a number of ranges 3 yds, 7yds, 15yds, and 25yds. I got them all on the target though the 25yd shots were low and spread wide. Everything else was COM except for 4 head shots that were part of drill. They were center and in a vertical line...
-There is no DC MPD course of fire. The instructor designed his own. He was a DC Special Police Officer (like Tom Morris on LivePD

). Since his firm provides private security throughout DC, he focused on defensive shooting and justification.
-The weapons part of the DC criminal code is not that long (I read all of it). It seems to be very generic with a lot dating from the 1970's and some to 1932. It seems there would be a lot of gray areas and "discretion".
-I get the impression the DC CCW program is pretty ad hoc. It only dates to 2014 and shall issue to last year. I don't think that many people have one and press reports suggest most are non-residents. I read one statistic that 124 had been issued in 2017. The court decision making DC shall issue wasn't till later in the year.
-I suspect most DC and Federal LEO won't be familiar with DC CCW, so carriers beware...
-All Federal restrictions apply, so no carry in Federal office buildings, courts, Capitol, etc. This could be seen as a problem, but in my opinion, the parts of DC where you really would want to carry are not where the well guarded Federal facilities are.
-If you choose to carry you may find yourself having to return home or hotel to put away your weapon because there are so many restricted places. Below is a list of restricted areas from DC CCW site.
1.Shall not carry a pistol while consuming alcohol or while impaired.
2.A building or office occupied by the District of Columbia or its agencies.
3.The building and grounds, including any adjacent parking lot of a childcare facility, preschool, elementary or secondary school, or a public or private college or university.
4.A hospital or an office where medical or mental health services are the primary services provided.
5.A penal institution, secure juvenile residential facility, or halfway house.
6.A polling place while voting is occurring.
7.A public transportation vehicle, including the Metrorail transit system and its stations.
8.Any premises where alcohol is served, sold and consumed on the premises (pursuant to license issued under Title 25 of D.C. Code)
9.Stadium or Arena
10.Public Gathering or special event open to the public when the organizer has provided notice and posted signage prohibiting the carrying of pistols in advance of the gathering or special event.
11.The public memorials on the National Mall and along the Tidal Basin, and any area where firearms are prohibited under federal law or by a federal agency, including the U.S. Capitol buildings and grounds.
12.The area around the White House ( between Constitution Ave. and H St. and between 15th St. and 17th St. NW)
13.The U.S. Naval Observatory and its grounds (from the perimeter of its fence to the curb of Massachusetts Ave. NW from 34th St. south on Massachusetts Ave to Observatory Circle NW)
14.When a dignitary or high-ranking official of the United States or a state, local, or foreign government is moving under the protection of the MPD, the U.S Secret Service, the U.S Capitol Police, or other law enforcement agency that does not include a distance greater than 1,000 feet from the moving dignitary. ( provided notice has been given by signs or an officer’s order)
15.A Demonstration in a public place (within a perimeter of 1,000 feet designated by a law enforcement agency, and notice has been given by signs or an officer’s order)
16.On private residential property unless authorized by the property owner.
17.A place of religious worship unless authorized by the owner or authorized agent.
18.Non-residential property that is posted with conspicuous signage prohibiting the carrying of a concealed pistol.
Monday I am going to DC MPD to drop off my application and certificate and get photo/fingerprints. When I get back to DC July 16 I will bring the forms to register my two pistols that I want to carry (Beretta 92SF and Walther PPK/s. They supposedly have 90 days to issue or deny. Reports are 75 days is typical.