Should I be upset???

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Should I be upset???


Post by Gameover »

So I manage a restaurant(in oak cliff in dallas) in a not so good part of town, which was one of the many reasons I got my chl. When my plastic came in I decided to tell my BIL(who owns the place) that I would be carrying 24/7 which included when I was at work. I told him other then my wife, he was the only other person that would know(other then you guys) and I would like it to stay that way. He assured me that he wouldn't tell a soul and I left it at that. I came into work this morning and quickly found out that the dishwasher quit, so I put on an apron and got to work. As the day is going along I notice another employee coming up behind me yelling something but I couldn't make out what he was saying. As he got closer I started hearing gun coming out of his mouth! I instantly thought that my gun was exposed and looked to my side to see it was not. Then I turned to face him, he had the biggest darn smile on his face saying "you have gun?" over and over. I replied with a "no what are you talking
about?". So it got me thinking when he walked away what was that all about??? I finished a few more things up and went to my office to sit for a minute. Before I know it the same guy popped his head in the office asking the same question again! So I pulled him inside, closed the door and said some not so nice words about him yelling I have a gun. I asked who had told him that I had a gun and at the same time, he kept pointing at my hip and replied that my BIL had told him. I told him to keep his mouth shut and get back to work.

Now the question is should I be irritated? I'm on the edge right now about calling him and chewing him a new one. The fact that he told this guy who has nothing to do with anything is really getting to me. It makes me think who else may know? Its not that I care if people know, I just dont want people at work to know(it might make things awkward knowing a loaded gun is next to them at all times). Thanks for letting me rant and any insight would be appreciated. :mad5
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Re: Should I be upset???


Post by SewTexas »

since it's family and you have to work with him, you probably need to settle down a bit. then talk with him...ask him why he felt a) he had the right to tell, since you had specifically asked him not to and/or b) why he felt he had the need to tell. then go from there.
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Re: Should I be upset???


Post by Mel »

Personally I would be very upset and would have a serious talk with BIL!
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Re: Should I be upset???


Post by GWE Chally »

I would cool down a little too, but then I would have that talk with the BIL.

I think you were right to tell him since he owns the restaurant, but unless he has a solid reason why, he shouldn't have shared that info with anybody.
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Re: Should I be upset???


Post by Gameover »

I should say that the guy he told has a very big mouth and things tend to spread like a wildfire once someone knows anything about anyone in this place. I have a feeling its not going to end with just this guy knowing.
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Re: Should I be upset???


Post by RPB »

Gameover wrote:I should say that the guy he told has a very big mouth and things tend to spread like a wildfire once someone knows anything about anyone in this place. I have a feeling its not going to end with just this guy knowing.
GWE Chally wrote:I would cool down a little too, but then I would have that talk with the BIL.

I think you were right to tell him since he owns the restaurant, but unless he has a solid reason why, he shouldn't have shared that info with anybody.

Stay cool. calmly explain that if a robber came in and employees all start to look/stare/glance at you expecting you to "make your move" (because they think you are armed) ... it could endanger your life more than necessary and that's at least one reason concealed is concealed. It could be a situation you choose to do nothing, and not play "Batman"; but if they accidentally "out you" ... you, and everyone there, may have real problems.

(I explained this way to my niece once, when telling her to not inform her friends.)

I, and the other 2 employees were robbed once by 2 guys in a store, if I'd have "made my move" prior to knowing there was a second armed robber, it wouldn't have ended well; we gave them the $200 in the register, and they left.
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Re: Should I be upset???


Post by gigag04 »

There's a lesson here...
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Re: Should I be upset???


Post by Ericstac »

It will blow over.. Give it a month or two and everyone will know and be all gitty then they will forget and move on to the next cool thing to chat abut..

BIL? He is your brother in law. DELETED

Go back & read the rules & dont post anything like that again. This is a "G" rated forum sir. LT
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Re: Should I be upset???


Post by Gameover »

Just got off the phone with him. He called to asking how everything was going so I brought it up. He swore he said nothing and then said he had to go right after. I hate being lied to! :mad5
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Re: Should I be upset???


Post by TexasCajun »

If company policy prohibits firearms on premises, then yes, you were right to tell your BIL (in order to effect an official change in policy) & it was wrong of him to out you. If your BIL has no stated firearms policy at work, then you messed up a little by telling him. 'Concealed is concealed' should have come into play & silence should have been the order of the day. But now that the cat's out of the bag, do your best to down-play it. Act as if no one knows, keep your gun concealed, don't talk about it anymore, don't make any of those tick-like 'I have a concealed weapon' frequent & habitual adjustments. Eventually it won't be on anyone's mind any more than last week's water-cooler gossip.

And congrats on taking the necessary steps to give yourself the option of self-protection & welcome to the wonderful world of CHLing! :tiphat:
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Re: Should I be upset???


Post by JALLEN »

Gameover wrote:Just got off the phone with him. He called to asking how everything was going so I brought it up. He swore he said nothing and then said he had to go right after. I hate being lied to! :mad5
Is it better to be lied to by family, or by strangers?

Maybe a new job is in the offing.

This is a tough deal. Being the owner of the business, he certainly should have been told. I'd want to know if one of my employees had a permit, which here would be practically impossible anyway. When I got my permit here and started carrying, I told all my employees, all but two were family members, as part of the security plan we needed.

OTOH, having been advised it was best to keep it quiet and obviously disregarding that sound advice puts you in an awkward position.
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Re: Should I be upset???


Post by Gameover »

As he is the owner I felt he had the right to know. That being said there is no policy against firearms(I would never be apart of any type of gun free zone) so I could of kept quite but if I ever had to use it I dont think it would go over to well. There is a lot of crime over here so he understands why I carry and has even thought about getting his own chl.

Dont think there is anything that can be done, just hope that it doesn't spread to everyone else. Thanks for all the advice guys!!! Gotta love that restaurant drama!!!
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Re: Should I be upset???


Post by nightmare »

Don't be upset. Some people are untrustworthy by nature. Getting upset doesn't help, but getting away does.
Find a better job at a restaurant in a better part of town and then one day just stop going to work for the liar.
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Re: Should I be upset???


Post by TexasGal »

Just consider it personal notice not to tell him anything you do not want on the front page of your life. In laws are so fun sometimes. A former BIL of mine spilled a family secret too that my sister told him. The result is our 80+ year old father has not spoken to one of his sons for 20 years now. Some secrets should be just that.
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Re: Should I be upset???


Post by jmra »

gigag04 wrote:There's a lesson here...
Loose lips sink ships?
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