My son had known that I have a bb rifle (he calls it my "quiet gun") that I am going to teach him to shoot with. Although I've carried concealed with him many, many times, he's never known. I guess the concealed part has been working.

Rather than ignore him or try to deflect, I decided the time was right to quickly talk to him. I raised my shirt to show him my rig. I told him it was my pistol that I carry to keep us safe. He said "Oh, I didn't know you had one like that." There was a little more back and forth but there was no drama. Unlike what Leftists would think, there was no crying or fear or anything negaitve. On the contrary, he can't wait till we will go to the back yard and spend some time with my "quiet gun".

If anyone has any parenting tips for "rasin' a boy right", I'm always open to suggestions or lessons, good or bad.