Did that lieutenant show you any evidence that stated you were not to be hired for being white or did you just take his word for it?parabelum wrote:I'm sorry to report, but white male Christians are indeed persecuted in this Country. This did not manifest with BO, but it certainly intensified in the last few years.
My personal taste of this was when about 9 years ago I tested for a FF position in one of the big departments here in DFW.
I had upper percentile civil service and physical agility test scores. My background was (and remains) spotless. I passed poly and medical, only to be rejected just before oral panel.
Naturally I was livid about this and I asked but got no definitive answer until I spoke to a lieutenant who worked with adjoining department in hiring process.
Do you know why I was rejected, as bluntly as I was told? Because they had too many white males, and due to Federal quota guidelines, they had to make room for OTW (other then white) candidates. That was my experience.
Now, nevermind I busted my tail, and scored/tested well. In other words, nevermind my merits. Nevermind the fact that I came to this country from a war torn region with nothing to my name, have earned my way thru life scrubbing toilet bowls literally to pay for college, walking for almost an entire year to and from work, 9 miles one way daily. Nevermind the fact that everything I've earned in this Country came from blood sweat and tears, as it should.
No, nevermind all of that. I am white male and I had to make room.
And now it's even worse with this monster in WH. You have classes being thought about "white priviledge", even in our military.
You have an all out assault on white Christian males, like we have some darn secret handshake, wink or a nod that grants us some entry somewhere where only whites need apply.
Yes my friends, there is a persecution of white Christian males, and it's very obvious.
Back to this topic, this white Christian male patriot was on his way to meet with officials, and despite what propaganda tells you, he was on his way to have this settled peacefully when they ambushed him deadman curve style and killed him.
Grant County Sherrif confirms this and more will come out in the weeks to come.
Militia standoff going on right now in Oregon!
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Re: Militia standoff going on right now in Oregon!
“Be ashamed to die until you have won some victory for humanity.”
― Horace Mann
― Horace Mann
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Re: Militia standoff going on right now in Oregon!
Forget I asked that. This talk about white, christian conservatives and things like Americas "African" president is against forum rules. This is not the place. I apologize.Javier730 wrote:Did that lieutenant show you any evidence that stated you were not to be hired for being white or did you just take his word for it?parabelum wrote:I'm sorry to report, but white male Christians are indeed persecuted in this Country. This did not manifest with BO, but it certainly intensified in the last few years.
My personal taste of this was when about 9 years ago I tested for a FF position in one of the big departments here in DFW.
I had upper percentile civil service and physical agility test scores. My background was (and remains) spotless. I passed poly and medical, only to be rejected just before oral panel.
Naturally I was livid about this and I asked but got no definitive answer until I spoke to a lieutenant who worked with adjoining department in hiring process.
Do you know why I was rejected, as bluntly as I was told? Because they had too many white males, and due to Federal quota guidelines, they had to make room for OTW (other then white) candidates. That was my experience.
Now, nevermind I busted my tail, and scored/tested well. In other words, nevermind my merits. Nevermind the fact that I came to this country from a war torn region with nothing to my name, have earned my way thru life scrubbing toilet bowls literally to pay for college, walking for almost an entire year to and from work, 9 miles one way daily. Nevermind the fact that everything I've earned in this Country came from blood sweat and tears, as it should.
No, nevermind all of that. I am white male and I had to make room.
And now it's even worse with this monster in WH. You have classes being thought about "white priviledge", even in our military.
You have an all out assault on white Christian males, like we have some darn secret handshake, wink or a nod that grants us some entry somewhere where only whites need apply.
Yes my friends, there is a persecution of white Christian males, and it's very obvious.
Back to this topic, this white Christian male patriot was on his way to meet with officials, and despite what propaganda tells you, he was on his way to have this settled peacefully when they ambushed him deadman curve style and killed him.
Grant County Sherrif confirms this and more will come out in the weeks to come.
TexasCHLforum Rules:
11. Off-topic posts/threads: Since they tend to cause the most problems for other boards, our "off-topic" sub-forum is not an "anything goes" area. Absolutely no discussions of immigration/border security, abortion, race matters, or any other hot-button political issues. (Gun-related political issues can be discussed in the Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues forum.)
Religion or theology may only be discussed in the context of threats or criminal acts committed in the name of a religion, and in thoughtful responses to those threats and acts.
“Be ashamed to die until you have won some victory for humanity.”
― Horace Mann
― Horace Mann
Re: Militia standoff going on right now in Oregon!
Can persecution exist without discrimination?mojo84 wrote:There is a difference between discrimination and persecution. You experienced discrimination as a result of affirmative action and it has absolutely nothing to do with what went on in Oregon.
It doesn't help to conflate issues just because one is upset and angry. Regardless how righteous the cause. Finicum brought it on himself.
Can discrimination exist in absence of persecution?
This is relevant to the discussion here because again I ask you, how in the world is it that black lives matter thugs can rape, loot and burn half a city down, throw Molotov cocktails at LE, shoot at LE, and much more and they get a pass while this patriot is killed like a animal and left to bleed out?
How is it that we leaflet ISIS before we shoot at them, but gun this man down like an animal.
He was on his way to meet Sheriff Palmer and other officials my friends.
And as far as Trump, when it comes to this sort of stuff, he and his ilk and all the federal cronies can go where sun don't shine as far as I'm concerned.
I am not a 100%'er following blindly. I do support him, but on this I only support the American Rights and Liberties.
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Re: Militia standoff going on right now in Oregon!
That does not mean he can ignore LEOs behind him with their sirens on. Saying he was going to meet with the sheriff does not justify him taking off. If it does, what makes him so special? Because the sheriff knew he was going to meet with him? It doesnt matter if your going to meet with the President, if the police pull up behind you and turn their lights on, you pull over.parabelum wrote:Can persecution exist without discrimination?mojo84 wrote:There is a difference between discrimination and persecution. You experienced discrimination as a result of affirmative action and it has absolutely nothing to do with what went on in Oregon.
It doesn't help to conflate issues just because one is upset and angry. Regardless how righteous the cause. Finicum brought it on himself.
Can discrimination exist in absence of persecution?
This is relevant to the discussion here because again I ask you, how in the world is it that black lives matter thugs can rape, loot and burn half a city down, throw Molotov cocktails at LE, shoot at LE, and much more and they get a pass while this patriot is killed like a animal and left to bleed out?
How is it that we leaflet ISIS before we shoot at them, but gun this man down like an animal.
He was on his way to meet Sheriff Palmer and other officials my friends.
And as far as Trump, when it comes to this sort of stuff, he and his ilk and all the federal cronies can go where sun don't shine as far as I'm concerned.
I am not a 100%'er following blindly. I do support him, but on this I only support the American Rights and Liberties.
“Be ashamed to die until you have won some victory for humanity.”
― Horace Mann
― Horace Mann
Re: Militia standoff going on right now in Oregon!
Update with investigation records. Read carefully and then tell me this was not an ambush and that this incident was handled with diligence.
http://www.texasstatenews.net/lavoy-fin ... cords.html
http://www.texasstatenews.net/lavoy-fin ... cords.html
Re: Militia standoff going on right now in Oregon!
Obviously not an ambush, or all would have been slaughtered immediately. They were given many opportunities to surrender and chose to escalate the confrontation
Re: Militia standoff going on right now in Oregon!
Did you read the entire investigative report? That's was quick.WTR wrote:Obviously not an ambush, or all would have been slaughtered immediately. They were given many opportunities to surrender and chose to escalate the confrontation
As far as ambush, even the Sheriff in the neighboring county would disagree with you there, amongst many others...
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Re: Militia standoff going on right now in Oregon!
Yeah, the occupiers have no responsibility for breaking the law, avoiding arrest, claiming they would never be taken alive, being armed and risking the lives of women and children. It's all the fault of the big bad police and government.
When one's cause is righteous, nothing else matters, not even the means and methods. As long as one is right in principle, it doesn't matter how they pursue the ends as the ends always justify the means. Same goes for dealing with getting open carry passed, some goes for protecting the lands from the feds, same goes for molesting and raping children in the name of religion while living in compounds and same goes for blowing up abortion clinics in the name of saving unborn children from murder.
The only mistakes made and bad faith that was perpetrated in this ordeal was all done by the government and authorities.
By the way, this isn't the first time we've had the opportunity to see this. Check the date of the press conference.
When one's cause is righteous, nothing else matters, not even the means and methods. As long as one is right in principle, it doesn't matter how they pursue the ends as the ends always justify the means. Same goes for dealing with getting open carry passed, some goes for protecting the lands from the feds, same goes for molesting and raping children in the name of religion while living in compounds and same goes for blowing up abortion clinics in the name of saving unborn children from murder.
The only mistakes made and bad faith that was perpetrated in this ordeal was all done by the government and authorities.
By the way, this isn't the first time we've had the opportunity to see this. Check the date of the press conference.
Note: Me sharing a link and information published by others does not constitute my endorsement, agreement, disagreement, my opinion or publishing by me. If you do not like what is contained at a link I share, take it up with the author or publisher of the content.
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Re: Militia standoff going on right now in Oregon!
Huh... didn't see that coming... well, good for them. One trial down, one to go.
I am not a lawyer, nor have I played one on TV, nor did I stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night, nor should anything I say be taken as legal advice. If it is important that any information be accurate, do not use me as the only source.
Re: Militia standoff going on right now in Oregon!
And federal marshals tackled the defense attorney? Early reports and all that, but still, what the ???!!
http://www.oregonlive.com/oregon-stando ... ne_le.html
http://www.oregonlive.com/oregon-stando ... ne_le.html
USAF 1982-2005
Re: Militia standoff going on right now in Oregon!
ELB wrote:And federal marshals tackled the defense attorney? Early reports and all that, but still, what the ???!!
http://www.oregonlive.com/oregon-stando ... ne_le.html
This is really unbelievable.
I have never heard of such a thing unless the judge ordered it, which he didn't.
It would be hard to make this up.