Queen SheJack in the news again

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Queen SheJack in the news again


Post by BBYC »

Sheila Jackson Lee bumps woman from airline seat.
Woman complains so SheJack calls woman racist.

https://m.facebook.com/jeanmarie.simon. ... 2092980978

https://www.fitsnews.com/2017/12/27/she ... er-played/
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Re: Queen SheJack in the news again


Post by Soccerdad1995 »

SJL says that she heard the passenger say "I know who she is". And she then goes on to say that the passenger is probably a racist. The phrase "I know who she is" in that situation would imply to any normal person that the passenger is referring to SJL as a congresswoman, and suspects preferential treatment due to that fact. But I guess if your entire world view is clouded by race, then everything needs to be racist.

SJL, and all other white, black, yellow, green, purple, etc., congress critters, need to remember that they work for us. Not the other way around.

And why exactly does she need to go DC anyway. It's not like she and the other dems are planning to support anything for this country. Their sole focus for the next 3 to 7 years will remain on refusing to work with the republicans on anything.
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Re: Queen SheJack in the news again


Post by LDB415 »

SJL, Stinkin Lee, is a useless waste of air and can't join her esteemed colleagues Barbara Jordan and Mickey Leland soon enough.
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Re: Queen SheJack in the news again


Post by Take Down Sicko »

Why havent they thrown her out on her cheeks with her confederate name.

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Re: Queen SheJack in the news again


Post by philip964 »

The lady who was moved to economy and was put next to another congressman. She showed him the picture she took of the woman in her seat.

He told her it was SJL. He said she does it all the time,

This has happened at the best possible time for her as her
Nemesis the radio host Michael Berry is on vacation overseas.

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Re: Queen SheJack in the news again


Post by curryman »

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Re: Queen SheJack in the news again


Post by puma guy »

That's what I would expect from someone with an IQ equal to the number of pages in a comic book.
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Re: Queen SheJack in the news again


Post by OneGun »

SJL always plays the race card as often as possible. What she does not comprehend is that people are generally tired of her "Political Privilege"
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Re: Queen SheJack in the news again


Post by chasfm11 »

Two words. Term limits.
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Re: Queen SheJack in the news again


Post by mbschne »

chasfm11 wrote:Two words. Term limits.

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Re: Queen SheJack in the news again


Post by treadlightly »

Kudos to the poster who found the perfect moniker for the, cough, Honorable Ms. Lee.

I haven't made a study of Her Hagness and I was appalled to see she actually demanded to be treated like a queen because of her royal status.

I'm with Mark Twain on the subject of royalty. It's buffoonery at the surface and tyranny at its core.

How any servant of a free society could endorse status in that manner is beyond me. Her office deserves respect, not to mention a more worthy occupant, but she deserves no more respect before the law than any of us commoners here.

Based on general observation, I'd say the commoners here have earned a lot more respect than many members of Congress, including Queen SheJack.

DPS statistics versus any number of flawed officials would bear that out.

"Queen SheJack" - that's genius.

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Re: Queen SheJack in the news again


Post by Abraham »

Maybe I missed it, but would the airline bump one of us commoners over anther or as I've maintained in times, congress creeps/senator slugs consider themselves aristocracy, act that way and the public lets them.

The airline that kowtowed to shejack ought to be publicly condemned, give the woman who was mistreated in favor of that monster a lifetime of free air plane rides...and then the airline should make a formal apology and vow never to repeat such action.
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Re: Queen SheJack in the news again


Post by bblhd672 »

Perhaps SJL should be forced to ride Southwest and always be in Boarding Group "D".
Her constituents will never quit voting for her as long as she is breathing. Some perhaps will continue to after she isn't breathing anymore.
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Re: Queen SheJack in the news again


Post by philip964 »

The woman paid with points for her flight, when she was bumped. Possibly the reason she was singled out for special treatment by the airline.

She was on the middle leg of her flight, when she was told that she had cancelled her flight with her cell phone app and could not board the new leg of her trip.

The airline however was able to find a seat in economy for her and let her board. And then just to be magnums decided to refund her original flight cost plus another bonus 500 dollars later raised to another 500 dollars. If she voluntarily did this from her phone app, as they said they did, why all the bonuses.

Apparently, the airlines can change everything with no fingerprints.

I think the more SJL acts out the better her constituents like her. She's doing things they all secretly want to do. Be Royal.
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