Today in Trump's 1st term as President

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Re: Today in Trump's new term as President


Post by bblhd672 »

To any and all of you who are bothered by President Trump’s lack of decorum, political ineptitude and brashness, dismissing him and his actions as “un-Presidential” I think you are ignoring the precipice that this country is on the brink of going over to the destruction of the country. You think Trump is to blame for this? No, it’s been those “presidential” people and the rest of the Congress critters before him that has brought us to the edge. Oh yes, those politically correct men and women with their Washington establishment decorums and rules, the liars, cheats, perverts, hypocrites and worse. Along with their academic and media enablers and protectors. Yeah, being politically suave and non-offensive to the rest of the world has really benefited the country.
Any one of Trump’s other 16 primary challengers could have been President by taking Trump’s message to heart and going with it. But they all either chose not to fight the media’s and the progressives assault or they chose to be similar peas in the Republican party’s pod. There were 4 or 5 of the candidates that I fervently hoped would take up Trump’s message and ride it to the White House. I voted for Cruz in the primary and sincerely hoped he would develop the spine necessary to defeat Clinton.
Do not lament the death of the Republican party should it happen because it truly no longer represents the people who are not bending their knees to the progressive agenda. The Democrats and the media destroyed politeness and civility while cowing the Republicans from responding in kind.
So please, spare me your whining about President Trump’s brashness, crudeness and unflinching assault against the destruction of the country.
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Re: Today in Trump's new term as President


Post by pbwalker »

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Re: Today in Trump's new term as President


Post by dale blanker »

So a government shutdown seems likely because of the president's use of profanity? Whether he did use s-hole or s-house or whatever? Give me a break. The big debate is now is about whether or not the president is racist and it's not about getting some agreement in congress that the president has already promised to sign and "take the heat". Congress would rather criticize and do nothing than take any responsibility for anything. Incredible. I really like the president's idea of term limits and no lobbying for X years after leaving office.
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Re: Today in Trump's new term as President


Post by philip964 »

Dow closed over 26,000 for the first time.

North and South Korea will compete as one team in the Olympics.

Trumps fight against global warming is working in Texas big time.
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Re: Today in Trump's new term as President


Post by Jusme »

bblhd672 wrote:To any and all of you who are bothered by President Trump’s lack of decorum, political ineptitude and brashness, dismissing him and his actions as “un-Presidential” I think you are ignoring the precipice that this country is on the brink of going over to the destruction of the country. You think Trump is to blame for this? No, it’s been those “presidential” people and the rest of the Congress critters before him that has brought us to the edge. Oh yes, those politically correct men and women with their Washington establishment decorums and rules, the liars, cheats, perverts, hypocrites and worse. Along with their academic and media enablers and protectors. Yeah, being politically suave and non-offensive to the rest of the world has really benefited the country.
Any one of Trump’s other 16 primary challengers could have been President by taking Trump’s message to heart and going with it. But they all either chose not to fight the media’s and the progressives assault or they chose to be similar peas in the Republican party’s pod. There were 4 or 5 of the candidates that I fervently hoped would take up Trump’s message and ride it to the White House. I voted for Cruz in the primary and sincerely hoped he would develop the spine necessary to defeat Clinton.
Do not lament the death of the Republican party should it happen because it truly no longer represents the people who are not bending their knees to the progressive agenda. The Democrats and the media destroyed politeness and civility while cowing the Republicans from responding in kind.
So please, spare me your whining about President Trump’s brashness, crudeness and unflinching assault against the destruction of the country.


Trump has given every so called "conservative" a road map on exactly how to fight the left wing media, and their self proclaimed, strangle hold, on the American psyche.
The reason the left, can't do anything, and the media won't report anything positive, is that they have finally realized, that they are not the demigods, they have made themselves out to be. Trump is a lot of things, crass, overbearing, politically incorrect, etc.. But he has never swayed from his viewpoint. He doesn't have to. If he resigned from office tomorrow, his life would not be dramatically altered. Can you name another President, who could make that claim?

The left thought they had "fixed" the election so well, that they couldn't be defeated, but they forgot, that, despite, what they believed, America, still has people who can think for themselves, and will accept a perceived buffoon, over status quo.
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Re: Today in Trump's new term as President


Post by ninjabread »

pbwalker wrote:Just a ramble here, but is anyone else enormously embarrassed with Trump as our president? I don't care what the anti's think, and I'm only speaking for myself here, but I cringe anytime that buffoon tweets anything. There's a certain decorum that goes along with the leader of the free world
I think he's a crass jackwagon but I'm not on Twitter, so all the twit storms are irrelevant to me. I don't think the United States should be Team America: World Police so I'm not concerned about the decorum some think goes with that role. I would prefer a POTUS to "speak softly and carry a big stick" but between a crass loose lipped businessman and a shrill fork tongued big brotherist, the former is less objectionable. In short, I think Trump is annoying but politically I'm more embarrassed by socialist lite (R) Senators than Trump.

pbwalker wrote:We need a president with gusto...and I love the swagger (within reason), but he's pretty much killed the Republican party and my gut tells me America is going to be paying the price for this for decades to come.
If you voted Libertarian, maybe it's a good thing if the small government (R) break with the neo puritan (R) and the socialist lite (R) and the In Goldman We Trust (R) branches.
This is my opinion. There are many like it, but this one is mine.

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Re: Today in Trump's new term as President


Post by Pawpaw »

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Re: Today in Trump's new term as President


Post by Abraham »

President Trump is my kind of President.

During his time in office, I'm sure Teddy Roosevelt was thought un-statesmanly too, but he also got much accomplished to the hue and cry of his hateful contemporaries.

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Re: Today in Trump's new term as President


Post by philip964 » ... s-winners/

Worth repeating- fake news awards. Love all the back up evidence. How low the profession of journalism has fallen.

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Re: Today in Trump's new term as President


Post by kw5kw »

I think Trump is an absolute blessing to our country. Our country could not have survived the current decade without him.
I don't care about being Politically Correct. Tell it like it is: the truth hurts, don't pull punches. This is something that hasn't been done since Reagan.

The Leftist news media have had their way since Bush41; what happened to neutral biased telling the truth on both sides?

To tell you the truth if it wasn't for Twitter the media would have already crushed him. Social media such as Twitter, Facebook and this forum allow the "average" man/woman to tell their story, their view, their angle. Without this Donald Trump would have never won the White House, we would all be 'prisoners' of the Clinton's once again. And, I think we would already be at war with Russia by now if that would have happened as Putin hates Hillary. And, the feeling between the two is mutual. Read chapter 2: "Putin's Payback" of Edward Klein's book: "All Out War, the Plot to Destroy Trump," 2017 Regenery Publishing, pp. 15-19.

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Re: Today in Trump's new term as President


Post by kw5kw »

bblhd672 wrote:To any and all of you who are bothered by President Trump’s lack of decorum, political ineptitude and brashness, dismissing him and his actions as “un-Presidential” I think you are ignoring the precipice that this country is on the brink of going over to the destruction of the country. You think Trump is to blame for this? No, it’s been those “presidential” people and the rest of the Congress critters before him that has brought us to the edge. Oh yes, those politically correct men and women with their Washington establishment decorums and rules, the liars, cheats, perverts, hypocrites and worse. Along with their academic and media enablers and protectors. Yeah, being politically suave and non-offensive to the rest of the world has really benefited the country.
Any one of Trump’s other 16 primary challengers could have been President by taking Trump’s message to heart and going with it. But they all either chose not to fight the media’s and the progressives assault or they chose to be similar peas in the Republican party’s pod. There were 4 or 5 of the candidates that I fervently hoped would take up Trump’s message and ride it to the White House. I voted for Cruz in the primary and sincerely hoped he would develop the spine necessary to defeat Clinton.
Do not lament the death of the Republican party should it happen because it truly no longer represents the people who are not bending their knees to the progressive agenda. The Democrats and the media destroyed politeness and civility while cowing the Republicans from responding in kind.
So please, spare me your whining about President Trump’s brashness, crudeness and unflinching assault against the destruction of the country.

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Re: Today in Trump's new term as President


Post by BBYC »

Abraham wrote:Teddy Roosevelt was thought un-statesmanly too, but he also got much accomplished to the hue and cry of his hateful contemporaries.
Before my time but I'll take your word for it.
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Re: Today in Trump's new term as President


Post by philip964 »

BBYC wrote:
Abraham wrote:Teddy Roosevelt was thought un-statesmanly too, but he also got much accomplished to the hue and cry of his hateful contemporaries.
Before my time but I'll take your word for it.
I think from school he sailed our fleet around the world. We were a world power after that.

" speak softly, but carry a big stick ". Trump has changed that a bit, but he has the same swagger as Teddy. No one ..... with the US and lives.

Big change since the girl's bike riding President. And I'm sorry, I really didn't mean to offend any girl's, that's just what the bike is called.
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Re: Today in Trump's new term as President


Post by The Annoyed Man »
Enter President Donald Trump. He is a rude and crude person. He speaks like a Queens real estate guy on a construction site. And because he does not have good manners, he thoughtlessly breaks the rules with which the Left has sought to muzzle those who disagree with them. In this regard, I frequently compare Trump to Randle Patrick McMurphy, the loudmouthed, ill-mannered roustabout from Ken Kesey's brilliant novel One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. McMurphy comes into an insane asylum controlled by a pleasant, smiling nightmare of a head nurse named Ratched. Nurse Ratched, while pretending to be the soul of motherly care, is actually a castrating, silencing tyrant. Her rules of good manners, supposedly fashioned for the benefit of all, are really a system of mental slavery. All of McMurphy's salient character flaws suddenly become heroic in the context of her oppression. Only his belligerent ignorance of what constitutes good behavior can overturn the velvet strangulation of her rule.

For Nurse Ratched, read Hillary Clinton, CNN, the New York Times, Yale University, Twitter, and Google/YouTube — all the tender ministers of polite silence and enforced dishonesty. If Donald Trump's boorishness crashes like a bull through the crystal madhouse of their leftism — well, good. It's about time.
Klavan is spot on here.
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