Help please?
Ground Mount Antenna question:
I'm getting a couple Easy Up EZ TM-50 Telescoping mast - 528" (44') Pushup Poles to guy in the back yard (maybe using ten foot tripods) (and 1 for a guyed roof tripod maybe)
Five galvanized pieces of tubing; bottom piece 2-1/4" OD- 18 gauge; 2nd piece 2-1/4" -18 gauge OD; third piece 1-3/4" OD- 18 gauge; fourth piece 1-1/2"- 18 gauge; fifth / top piece 1-1/4" - 16 gauge.)
Which 2-1/4" Ground mount should I get?
Easy Up EZ 32A Heavy-Duty Ground Mount
Heavy-duty, with welded guide pipe accepts 2-1/4" 11 gauge 9" x 9" plate. Zinc plated. Accepts masts up to 2.25" OD. ... ing=ez+32A
Easy Up EZ TS-50 Free-standing Ground Mount - fits masts up to 2-1/4"
Free-standing Ground Mount - fits masts up to 2-1/4"
18" 3/4" rod welded on 9 x 9" 11 gauge plate; with an 18" tube welded above; includes 2 set screws to hold mast. ... 1515854932
(I may or may not use the 10' tripod, along with the ground mount and guy wires on the poles, but don't know which ground mount to use?)
( I may or may not use a ten foot tripod on the roof with a third guyed pushup pole, to replace a tripod with 20' EMT conduit I have up there now on a 5' tripod... depends as I'm looking to metal roof the house next year)
Antenna farm I own now: (Not including C band and KU band FTA/Free to Air satellite dishes for Digital Satellites)
Antennas are simple
for Monitoring:
two LARGE TV antennas
One Discone Scanner antenna, (with hustler SuperResonator antennas attached for 10m,11m,12m,15m,17m,20m,30,40,75m,80m and 160m .. I used to have these in an attic for monitoring on some old Icom radios I have)
Also a small 800MHz Discone
new HAM antenna for my 2 new triband radios (May go on roof later)
one Comet Tri-Band VHF/UHF Base Vertical Antennas CX-333
Fiberglass, Tri-Band, 2M / 1.25M / 70cm 10.40 ft. Height
I Attended my first CERT meeting last Thursday, the President of Highland Lakes Amateur Radio Club was there along with several other HAMS, looks like I'm committed (to both CERT, and the local Amateur club) now ... no backing out lol
I have an empty concrete hole where a wood pole was (termites ate it) The wooden poles only held the old mercury lights which I no longer use, not telephone/utility wires and I can fill that hold with cement for the ground mount about 3' from another wooden 20' pole I can tie to a tripod...
but still ...
Which Ground Mount ?
I'm near a hill top, we had 45mph wind last week, not too bad, but I have 1 TV antenna rated to 70mph that got bent a couple years ago during a storm that blew many brick / rock walls over in town my 5' rooftripod and 20' EMT 1-1/2" guyed mast were fine, I guy wire and anchor everything to excess