Ruark wrote: ↑Mon Jun 01, 2020 7:04 pm
This "celebrity coroner" Dr. Baden, reported in his independent autopsy that Floyd died from "asphyxia due to neck and back compression." But he also states that there is no evidence of the compression, because it disappears once the pressure is released. So if there's no evidence, how does he verify his conclusion? Also, he makes no mention of either the fentanyl and meth the county found in Floyd's system or the multiple heart conditions. I wonder what approach Chauvin's lawyer will take....
You may be aware that the medical examiner in the Floyd case had found “no physical findings that support a diagnosis of traumatic asphyxia or strangulation.”
This medical finding is obviously unhelpful to Attorney Crump, who stands to lose many millions of dollars in a §1983 civil suit against the Minneapolis police department if it turns out Floyd was actually killed by his existing heart disease and drug levels while resisting lawful arrest.
So Crump enlisted a retired pathologist, Dr. Michael Baden, a man Crump has previously hired in other similar cases, including that of Michael Brown and Eric Garner. Dr. Baden conducted his own autopsy of Floyd’s body.
If Covid caused an increase in gun sales, imagine what these looters will do for sales. It is situations just like this that we must retain our 2nd amendment rights! Some of the leaders of these scum are suggesting taking the action to the suburbs. I say...Bring it you sorry no good scum!
Here I almost paid Art a compliment in an earlier post.
Art Acevedo tells Trump to keep his mouth shut.
What a blabbering hypocrite. Where was his outrage over the cold blooded killing of Regina Nicolas and Dennis Tuttle and their dog no less?
Yeah, calling him hypocritical in this case fits perfect. He had those dirty cops on his force, and really didn't want to do anything about them, until he was pressured by the story getting too big to contain.
The riots in response to the Minneapolis police killing of George Floyd don't seem to be diminishing. In fact, they're getting more dangerous and deadly in certain parts of the country. Two people were killed at a Davenport, Iowa protest Monday night. That same evening in Buffalo, three police officers were run over by a perpetrator in an SUV.
These scenes have been hard to witness. But I have to mention one more in Richmond, VA, where a group of agitators set fire to an occupied building on Monday. And then blocked a fire crew from getting inside the building to rescue a child inside. Richmond Police Chief Will Smith got choked up sharing the story during a press conference.
"We had to force our way to make a clear path for the fire department," Smith recalled. "Protestors intercepted that fire apparatus several blocks away with vehicles and blocked that fire department’s access to the structure fire. Inside that home was a child.”
“Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add 'within the limits of the law' because law is often but the tyrant's will, and always so when it violates the rights of the individual.” --Thomas Jefferson
Ruark wrote: ↑Mon Jun 01, 2020 7:04 pm
This "celebrity coroner" Dr. Baden, reported in his independent autopsy that Floyd died from "asphyxia due to neck and back compression." But he also states that there is no evidence of the compression, because it disappears once the pressure is released. So if there's no evidence, how does he verify his conclusion? Also, he makes no mention of either the fentanyl and meth the county found in Floyd's system or the multiple heart conditions. I wonder what approach Chauvin's lawyer will take....
In the famous word of she who shall not be named "at this point does it matter" the man is dead weather or not it was from the leo is clear.
The source, who was not authorized to speak on the record, pointed out that the driver, identified by the Hennepin County Sheriff’s Office as Bogdan Vechirko, according to Fox 9, broke no barriers and that the road to the bridge was not cut off, as it should have been prior to the incident, which occurred just before 6 p.m.
Moreover, the driver is said to have immediately tried to slow down when people came into view and appeared visibly shaken, the source said.
...A GoFundMe legal defense was set up for Vechirko but quickly deactivated.
Public Safety Commissioner John Harrington said traffic cameras show the driver was already on the freeway before it was closed.
From the photo, the truck driver was clearly beaten, and is still being held in jail without bail.
When will the protesters who blocked the highway and beat this man be arrested??? Will the Legacy media fight for justice for the truck driver?
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The last hope of human liberty in this world rests on us. -Thomas Jefferson
An analyst calling the coverage of the downtown Houston protest right now (yes; for now it is a protest, not a riot) for KTRK ABC-13, just said that over 2,500 Black people had been killed by police in the U.S. since 2017. (The analyst also went on to say, "Now, some of those shootings may have been valid, have been justified.")
Pardon me? You're a news analyst? Oh; forgot. No such thing as honor or honesty in journalism any longer. Attached is a look at the compiled stats (I really need to get a new image-sharing service account somewhere).
The numbers--2017 through March 31, 2020; 3.25 years--show a total nationwide of 698 Black people killed (not 2,500); 498 Hispanics; 1,268 "whites" (22.5% more than Blacks and 54.6% more than Hispanics); and 629 of ethnicity undetermined. That's a grand total of 3,093...whether black, purple, beige or green. But I guarantee we'll hear again--probably multiple times--that U.S. police have killed "over 2,500 Black people since 2017."
Any wrongful death is one too many. But tell me how inflating the actual numbers so blatantly is not helping to incite riot.
“Be ready; now is the beginning of happenings.”
― Robert E. Howard, Swords of Shahrazar