never thought about that. we use the debit alot because the 3% is not charged to the bankRoyGBiv wrote: ↑Thu Jun 30, 2022 9:18 am Never use a debit card, ever.
My ATM card has a debit charge limit of $0.00. A call to your bank or mine let's me set this limit online, separately from my ATM limit.
Always tap to pay, when possible.
Our fraud on credit cards dropped hugely once daughter graduated college and stopped swiping the card at gas stations in college town.
but i think a re think is in order
as a good note, today i had to get gas for my wifes car, i met a guy at motel 6, sold my kidney.
then used my credit visa card to pay for the fuel. the machine asked for my zip code only, no pin. and i really looked at the security strip on the reader and wiggled it to make sure it was attached , probably did nothing, but it made me feel better

we are going to try this for 30 days and see how it goes, we cary zero bal on the visa, and if we pay the balance before the posting date there is no interest.
i have to read about tap to pay?
my wife is still severely upset she feels like she did something because it happened 2 times now since apr.
she shops more than me so odds are not in her favor.
although the last month i have done most of grocery runs as i have to run to doc every monday, saves us gas