I see two problems here one is that this is literally a "circular firing squad" and two it seems none of these folks have any trigger finger discipline. Other than that, I love it.
American by birth Texan by the grace of God
Not to be a republican at twenty is proof of want of heart; to be one at thirty is proof of want of head.
-Francois Guisot
loadedliberal wrote:.... and two it seems none of these folks have any trigger finger discipline.
Regarding, "KEEP YOUR FINGER OFF THE TRIGGER TIL YOUR SIGHTS ARE ON THE TARGET". Seems to me their sights are on the target, so I think their trigger finger discipline looks pretty good.
Now I agree that pesky ". . . AND BEYOND" part of knowing your target is a bit of an issue!
loadedliberal wrote:.... and two it seems none of these folks have any trigger finger discipline.
Regarding, "KEEP YOUR FINGER OFF THE TRIGGER TIL YOUR SIGHTS ARE ON THE TARGET". Seems to me their sights are on the target, so I think their trigger finger discipline looks pretty good.
Now I agree that pesky ". . . AND BEYOND" part of knowing your target is a bit of an issue!
No issue here because everyone's carrying the standard issue frangible low velocity ammo.... NO PROBLEMO!!
Ray F.
Luke 22:35-38 "Gear up boys, I gotta go and it's gonna get rough." JC
-- Darrell Royal, former UT football coach - "If worms carried pistols, birds wouldn't eat 'em."
I've asked a similar question of some liberal, Northeastern co-workers (one of whom lost a brother in NYC on 9/11). The question was something like "what if pistols were actually issued to the people boarding the planes, all of them ... even the bad guys, would any of those planes have gone down?"
SlickTX wrote:I've asked a similar question of some liberal, Northeastern co-workers (one of whom lost a brother in NYC on 9/11). The question was something like "what if pistols were actually issued to the people boarding the planes, all of them ... even the bad guys, would any of those planes have gone down?"
Uncomfortable (for them) silence ensued.
I like that Idea. I can see it now, you go through the metal detector to PROVE you have your weapon, and if you don't one will be issued to you. That's one way to tackle airline security.
American by birth Texan by the grace of God
Not to be a republican at twenty is proof of want of heart; to be one at thirty is proof of want of head.
-Francois Guisot
I wonder if one would be able to start-up an airline; "Freedom's Flyer's" or something a little less stupid and essentially wave TSA "protections". The customers could sign documents clearing the TSA of any liability if the are injured or killed due to malicious activities while on board the flight and everyone could carry away. Frangible ammo n your choice of caliber could be issued to all.
G26ster wrote:Yeah, and that rapid decent out of FL330, for cabin decompression, is a heck of a fun ride.
A few small (35-45 cal) holes would not cause rapid decompression. Might squeal a bit as some air is lost. Bleed air will keep up. The biggest concern would be damaging equipment and wiring.
Get a law passed that as long as a person is flying within the state of Texas. Show their CHL to pass through security and fly to destination armed. Cannot fly out of the state unless the state they are flying to is reciprocal to CHL flying.