VMI77 wrote:
I should make one thought clear: ultimately we have to trust someone, as many others have said: we can either hang together, or most assuredly, we will all hang separately.
That said, can you be sure you'll know if people are being waterboarded? The government already executes things like sneak and peak warrants without out telling people, and conducts searches and seizures where those on whom the warrants were served are under gag orders. I'm sure any waterboarding with come will a "national security" gag order, and threats of severe punishment for anyone who talks. And you know the media is going to deny it's happening as long as The One is at the helm.
You can usually tell the same way it happens in any nation. People start to disappear. I imagine in these days, it will be blogs and bloggers that suddenly cease to exist....etc etc. When they come back, if they do, they are not the same people anymore.
You do have to be able to trust someone. No matter how tightly you try to bottle something up, it will leak. That cuts both ways. The govt can't keep their misdeeds a secret and you had better find people of likeminded persuasion and stay in tight with them.
I find strange places to take comfort of late. Our military is the best and the brightest in the world. With our full strength and a unified nation we were not able to completely subdue the Taliban, and we are about to call it quits there. If the US govt were to declare war against it's own citizens they would not have a unified citizenry or a unified military--not saying there would not be those that were willing to fight, just that it would not be the full strength of the military we see now--they would face a very large and elusive foe. It would be terrible and horribly bloody, but I am not certain at all that Washington would win that fight.
I want to be clear, I do not wish for this in any way shape or form,[/b] please God let us win hearts and minds with the resources we have left[, but if it came to that I think DC would not find it easy to accomplish the enslavement of us all.
SAHM to four precious children. Wife to a loving husband.
"The women of this country learned long ago those without swords can still die upon them!" Eowyn in LOTR Two Towers