Question for LEO or Lawyer

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Question for LEO or Lawyer


Post by suthdj »

I have neighbors that have kids whose cars frequently find their parking spot in front of my mailbox, I have not got mail for 2 days now. I read in I think Ft worth code that they could be ticketed because thier spot interfered with a Govt service. I plan on talking to them to see if maybe they could park in front of their own mailbox or even on their own side of the street. If this fails what options do I have at my disposal.
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Re: Question for LEO or Lawyer


Post by StevenFromTexas »

I was going to answer your question, but I'm not a LEO or a lawyer. Besides, my answer wouldn't be legal anyway. :mrgreen:
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Re: Question for LEO or Lawyer


Post by RX8er »

I'm in the same area as you. We don't have an ordinance against parking in front of a mailbox. The USPS are not supposed to get out of their truck to place mail in the box (but can to deliver packages :banghead: ) and are not supposed to back up to reach a box. This is according to the 125 y/o postman :thumbs2: that delivers to my house. Take it for what it's worth.

I can tell you that in FTW, you cannot park in your grass and you are not supposed to park on the street after dark. I had FTW Code write me a warning for parking my boat on my driveway that had one wheel barley touching my grass, by about 2 inches. My HOA was aggravated with me because I didn't put my boat up after returning late at night for about the 5th time.... They called the city on me. Yet the city code guy had to drive by 100 other cars parked on the street to write me a warning. They never would respond to my emails asking why they selectively enforce the code? I sent them pictures of a truck right next door that was parked 18" in to his grass of the same night. Yep, my security camera comes in handy!!!!!

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Re: Question for LEO or Lawyer


Post by texanjoker »

Check the city code where you live for any ordinances. If the vehicle sits long enough you can call LE re an abandoned vehicle. They will then tag it. After a while if still there they will tow/cite it.
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Re: Question for LEO or Lawyer


Post by SF18C »

I would ask nicely the first time, then I would just go outside every morning and let my dogs urinate all over their car.

Oh, I am not a lawyer. :anamatedbanana
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Re: Question for LEO or Lawyer


Post by texanjoker »

SF18C wrote:I would ask nicely the first time, then I would just go outside every morning and let my dogs urinate all over their car.

Oh, I am not a lawyer. :anamatedbanana
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Re: Question for LEO or Lawyer


Post by RiverCity.45 »

Mow your grass next to their car with the debris ejecting into their vehicle?
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Re: Question for LEO or Lawyer


Post by cbunt1 »

I wonder if you can simply call a tow truck and have them towed? Since it is interfering with a government service, AND blocking access to a place you have the right to be, there may be something to it.

Not sure. I'm not a lawyer...just thinking out loud here.
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Re: Question for LEO or Lawyer


Post by suthdj »

RX8er wrote:I'm in the same area as you. We don't have an ordinance against parking in front of a mailbox. The USPS are not supposed to get out of their truck to place mail in the box (but can to deliver packages :banghead: ) and are not supposed to back up to reach a box. This is according to the 125 y/o postman :thumbs2: that delivers to my house. Take it for what it's worth.

I can tell you that in FTW, you cannot park in your grass and you are not supposed to park on the street after dark. I had FTW Code write me a warning for parking my boat on my driveway that had one wheel barley touching my grass, by about 2 inches. My HOA was aggravated with me because I didn't put my boat up after returning late at night for about the 5th time.... They called the city on me. Yet the city code guy had to drive by 100 other cars parked on the street to write me a warning. They never would respond to my emails asking why they selectively enforce the code? I sent them pictures of a truck right next door that was parked 18" in to his grass of the same night. Yep, my security camera comes in handy!!!!!

there is nothing about parking in front on a mailbox but for hindering govt service I'll have to look it up again, not that they will send anyone to ticket them I have asked before. I had same thing happen many years ago with different neighbor they did however park facing wrong direction with a trailer and I happened to see a patrol car at the end of my block and asked if she would be so kind as to write them a ticket and she was more than happy to.
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Re: Question for LEO or Lawyer


Post by suthdj »

RiverCity.45 wrote:Mow your grass next to their car with the debris ejecting into their vehicle?
It would improve the appearance of it.
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Re: Question for LEO or Lawyer


Post by jsenner »

suthdj wrote:
RiverCity.45 wrote:Mow your grass next to their car with the debris ejecting into their vehicle?
It would improve the appearance of it.
sometimes people, late at night while you're sleeping, will drive by and toss handfuls of pea sized gravel into your yard along the curb. it's really unfortunate when you mow over that area and there's a car parked there.

I hear.

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Re: Question for LEO or Lawyer


Post by bagman45 »

Have you gone over and talked to them about it?
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Re: Question for LEO or Lawyer


Post by anygunanywhere »

RiverCity.45 wrote:Mow your grass next to their car with the debris ejecting into their vehicle?
Be sure and open carry while you are doing this.

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Re: Question for LEO or Lawyer


Post by texanjoker »

cbunt1 wrote:I wonder if you can simply call a tow truck and have them towed? Since it is interfering with a government service, AND blocking access to a place you have the right to be, there may be something to it.

Not sure. I'm not a lawyer...just thinking out loud here.
I would not recommend privately towing a legally parked car on a public street. I doubt the tow truck would take it, and you subject yourself to all sorts of issues.

Best bet is talk to them nicely like another poster implied. Being that TX is a one party consent state, have your cell recording the audio of conversation for two reasons. First you will know it is on and keep your cool and second if it escalates it is evidence to help you with the police if needed.

IMO you don't want to get into a neighbor war. Those are always ugly and nobody wins. ... ording-law" onclick=";return false;

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Re: Question for LEO or Lawyer


Post by Chris »

Park in front of their mailbox.
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