How many hams do we have on the Forum - Revisited?

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Do you have a Ham (Amateur) Radio Operator License?

No, but I'm studying to take the exam(s) now.
No, but I'm considering getting one.
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Re: How many hams do we have on the Forum?


Post by lrpettit »

CainA wrote: You can pick up a Chinese-made VHF/UHF handy talky cheap-$50 and just see what's happening.
Thanks for the feedback. That's probably what I will do. :thumbs2:
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Re: How many hams do we have on the Forum?


Post by flb_78 »

FIrst licensed at the age of 10 back in 1989. Talked all over the world on 10 meters. Finally passed 13wpm code to get my General license a little after that.

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Re: How many hams do we have on the Forum?


Post by n5wmk »

Yep, Extra class. User name is my call.
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Re: How many hams do we have on the Forum?


Post by CenTex »

I will be holding a test session, all levels, in Austin this weekend, March 2nd.

The address for the class/exam session is: 8801 Research Blvd. , Austin , TX . 78758
Here is a google map:" onclick=";return false;
The sign says GAMA, this is the same facility Dell had their discount store in 10+ years ago...

I do not normally test in Austin but I do at the Belton Hamfest twice a year and also arrange for private sessions in the Bell County area... if interested...

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Re: How many hams do we have on the Forum?


Post by n5wd »

lrpettit wrote:However, I have no radio, I'm not an electrical engineer, and I'm having a hard time figuring out what I would use one for unless some natural disaster hits Dallas. The "contest" part of it doesn't seem all that appealing. I don't have family or friends that are licensed (that I know of). Can't use it for business purposes. Is this something that was far more useful before email, cell phones and Internet showed up?
In a way, yes... the internet (and VOIP telephone calls over the internet) have made it so that there's probably very few people that are so isolated in this world that they can't find someone to talk with.

But, with the advent of internet-linking (linking radios in one geographic area to a radio or a repeater in another part of the state/country/world), the social aspect of amateur radio has been boosted to the point where you can certainly carry on a friendship with someone, no matter what part of the world they live in, and talk with them like they're sitting next door at almost any time of the day or night. Before the internet, that wasn't possible on ham radio due to the changing frequency characteristics, atmospherics, sunspots, etc.

There's public service activities (some folks live for helping charities and civic organizations with their communications needs), storm spotting (especially needed in spring and summer in Texas), building your own equipment (there are a lot of folks dedicated to operating a radio that uses less than one watt of electrical power, and talking around the world with that one watt! As well as folks that build and operate high-powered equipment) and folks who just sit and chat with someone they meet on the radio. There's all kinds of things to do, but if you're not a very social person, you might not find something that strikes your fancy. Most people, given the chance, do.
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Re: How many hams do we have on the Forum?


Post by lrpettit »

I'm going to go take the Technician test (and probably the General test) in mid March. I think I can pass both. Then I'll find a radio and try it out and see if it's fun. So far, I've just liked learning how it works.
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Re: How many hams do we have on the Forum?


Post by 1waltherman »

hi,, i just joined last week, so i didn't get counted in the poll.. but, i am an active ham, keep my 2m on all the time.. I go to colorado on elk hunt every year, and put the radio on 146.52 simplex for the 1100 miles.. I never hear a contact in all that time, so i'm thinking that hardly anyone uses simplex any more, I guess they only use repeaters and cell phones :(
I had the General class when it existed, then upgraded to extra class.
Looking to getting the plastic from Austin soon.
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Re: How many hams do we have on the Forum?


Post by bauerdj »

W2CAP amateur extra
Have all the equipment but need to put up an antenna. Have a small tower, 38 ft but in need of help to get it up as I am badly crippled with arthritis.
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Re: How many hams do we have on the Forum?


Post by KC5AV »

1waltherman wrote:hi,, i just joined last week, so i didn't get counted in the poll.. but, i am an active ham, keep my 2m on all the time.. I go to colorado on elk hunt every year, and put the radio on 146.52 simplex for the 1100 miles.. I never hear a contact in all that time, so i'm thinking that hardly anyone uses simplex any more, I guess they only use repeaters and cell phones :(
I had the General class when it existed, then upgraded to extra class.
Looking to getting the plastic from Austin soon.
73 Mike KM5UK :patriot:
I know the feeling. I drove to Colorado last summer (Field Day weekend), and had the 2meter radio on. I never heard anything break the squelch. Of course, there were three others in the vehicle with me, so I wouldn't have made too may contacts anyway. That didn't stop me from trying to find someone every time we stopped for fuel.

I did manage one contact on 146.52 on a drive back from Dalhart, once. There was a ham from New Mexico driving toward Dallas. he was several miles behind me, and eventually stopped for gas, so we got too far apart to continue the QSO.
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Re: How many hams do we have on the Forum?


Post by Charles L. Cotton »

I have no idea why I put a closing date on a poll like this one. I edited it to remove the closing date, but it doesn't look like it worked.

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Re: How many hams do we have on the Forum?


Post by mojo84 »

My church is about to have a Ham radio license training class. Trying to decide if it is something I should pursue.
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Re: How many hams do we have on the Forum?


Post by chasfm11 »

mojo84 wrote:My church is about to have a Ham radio license training class. Trying to decide if it is something I should pursue.
I would recommend it. My contacts with the Ham community show a lot of folks like those on the forum and many/most of them are involved in guns, too. From a license perspective, it is pretty much of a "cheap date". You may wish to by a book for about $25 to help you study for each test. The tests themselves are $14. There is no requirement to purchase or own equipment, though a least having a HT (Handi-talkie) on the 2 meter band is a good idea. Mine was just a little over $100.

I took the free education to become a storm spotter (a 4 hour class) and now I can participate in the "nets" used to keep the US Weather Service updated while weather events are occurring. That, by itself, is almost worth the whole price of admission.

Most Ham clubs have an "elmer" program which provides education and guidance to new and wanna-be Hams. I've found them very open and willing to provide information. Ham clubs are a passionate group about their hobby and do a lot of good things with it in the community. Like anything else, it can suck up all of your free time if you let it.
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Re: How many hams do we have on the Forum?


Post by mojo84 »

thanks for the feedback. I may go ahead and take it then.
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Re: How many hams do we have on the Forum?


Post by lrpettit »

You can change my vote. Received my call sign yesterday. Too bad I don't have a radio!
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Re: How many hams do we have on the Forum?


Post by G26ster »

lrpettit wrote:You can change my vote. Received my call sign yesterday. Too bad I don't have a radio!
I found a "Ham" radio pretty cheap. :biggrinjester:

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