Massive solar flare narrowly misses Earth

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Re: Massive solar flare narrowly misses Earth


Post by Dad24GreatKids »

psijac wrote:Oh no people might have been forced to get off Facebook and talk to each other in person. Oh the horror
I can live without FB. If there was ever an EMP event, I'd like to be able to access my book collection. Most of my purchases are e-books. I try to keep a device with everything downloaded. The same for photos.
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Re: Massive solar flare narrowly misses Earth


Post by sjfcontrol »

psijac wrote:Oh no people might have been forced to get off Facebook and talk to each other in person. Oh the horror
Not to mention! :evil2:
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Re: Massive solar flare narrowly misses Earth


Post by Mack »

Dad24GreatKids wrote:
psijac wrote:Oh no people might have been forced to get off Facebook and talk to each other in person. Oh the horror
I can live without FB. If there was ever an EMP event, I'd like to be able to access my book collection. Most of my purchases are e-books. I try to keep a device with everything downloaded. The same for photos.
I have been thinking about this one. I think the thing to do is to keep the books on a Kindle or some such, get a small solar panel to recharge it and keep then in an EMP proof enclosure like a static bag or a metal trash can. You can keep all sorts of good survival books on the Kindle for the apocalypse.

My two cents worth.
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Re: Massive solar flare narrowly misses Earth


Post by Excaliber »

RoyGBiv wrote:
SQLGeek wrote:Chilling. Having read One Second After, the reality of the life expectancy for a loved one who is insulin dependent is sobering.
Really good book.. :thumbs2:

It is well researched and presents a very accurate picture of what would need to be dealt with in a post EMP environment.

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Re: Massive solar flare narrowly misses Earth


Post by Excaliber »

Kiowa Scout wrote:
jmra wrote:
anygunanywhere wrote:
Excaliber wrote:
anygunanywhere wrote:None of my guns or ammo are electronic.

How about the lock on your gun safe?

After an EMP event would be a bad time to not be able to get to one's collection.
Oh yeah. :oops:

I knew there was something I was overlooking.

Can the electronic one be replaced by a dial?


Yep. The last quote I got was around $225. That included them coming to the house. I wish there was a way the keep the electronic lock and have a keyed lock backup.
There are some safes that do have this feature. My safe is like that. You can remove the elock and get to an opening in the door that is designed for a special skeleton key.

I love this feature.
Cannon and Fort Knox both have electronic locks with mechanical combination locks built in as backup. They give you the best of both worlds.

Replacing an electronic lock with a combination lock isn't hard for someone who is very good with tools and reads directions carefully. Otherwise one would be well advised to let the locksmith do it.

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Re: Massive solar flare narrowly misses Earth


Post by The Annoyed Man »

Simple and cheap Faraday Cage:

Buy one LARGE galvanized steel trashcan. Put a plastic milk crate or other insulator on the bottom. Stack your stuff you want to protect on top of the insulator. Close the lid. Done.

Need more storage? Buy another galvanized trashcan.......

My gunsafe has a traditional combination dial. No problem there. All of my reloading gear is safe except my digital powder scale/meter, but I have an old-school balance beam powder scale, so no problem. My reamer/primer pocket cleaner is electric, but it is a simple electric motor. If there is juice, it will turn on.....but I also have the manual versions if need be.

Still working on stockpiling noms. Transportation is a in, I ain't got none that will survive an EMP, except for bicycles. You can't carry that much food on a bike. That means that until I'm able to buy my property and pre-position some supplies there, I'm having to bug-in instead of bug-out. And bugging-in anywhere in the DFW metroplex is not a long term survival solution.

Sure be nice to be done with my cellphone though.....
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Re: Massive solar flare narrowly misses Earth


Post by Kiowa Scout »

TAM you need some horses! :thumbs2: Easy mode of transport and a food supply if necessary.
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Re: Massive solar flare narrowly misses Earth


Post by old farmer »

anygunanywhere wrote:None of my guns or ammo are electronic.

What about the red dot sights and flash lights?
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Re: Massive solar flare narrowly misses Earth


Post by The Dude »

The Annoyed Man wrote:How prepared are you for an EMP?
If I have a choice, I'll take a Commander in 45 over a sub-caliber EMP. :fire

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Re: Massive solar flare narrowly misses Earth


Post by MeMelYup »

What would that do to the smart guns that are keyed to ones finger or hand print?
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Re: Massive solar flare narrowly misses Earth


Post by Wodathunkit »

RoyGBiv wrote:
SQLGeek wrote:Chilling. Having read One Second After, the reality of the life expectancy for a loved one who is insulin dependent is sobering.
Really good book.. :thumbs2:
Very good book and so was "Lights Out" by Mark Crawford, it is based in Texas.
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Re: Massive solar flare narrowly misses Earth


Post by anygunanywhere »

old farmer wrote:
anygunanywhere wrote:None of my guns or ammo are electronic.

What about the red dot sights and flash lights?
Not show stoppers.

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Re: Massive solar flare narrowly misses Earth


Post by ske1eter »

This massive flare was all bogus. It is referenced in the first paragraph/article on Space Weather," onclick=";return false;
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Re: Massive solar flare narrowly misses Earth


Post by Oldgringo »

ske1eter wrote:This massive flare was all bogus. It is referenced in the first paragraph/article on Space Weather," onclick=";return false;
Thank goodness! I'd hate to get transmogrified in my slumber. Mrs. Oldgringo wouldn't think it was real funny either.
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Re: Massive solar flare narrowly misses Earth


Post by The Annoyed Man »

ske1eter wrote:This massive flare was all bogus. It is referenced in the first paragraph/article on Space Weather," onclick=";return false;
Interesting, and thanks for posting that. Could it be a case of [waves hand]"these are not the coronal ejections your are looking for"[/waves hand]? Who knows? Probably not, as the information would have been available to people that could not be suppressed from publishing the information. The comment in the video comes from former [Clinton administration] CIA Director R. James Woolsey.....not exactly a rock-ribbed conservative survivalist nutburger:,_Jr.. The information about a "Carrington event" comes from former Ambassador Henry Cooper:

That doesn't change the fact of the actual threat environment. How long before Iran has the capability to deploy a medium-range ICBM from a cargo ship in the Gulf of Mexico and detonate an EMP burst over the country?
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