Shooting at Twin Peaks in Waco

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Re: Shooting at Twin Peaks in Waco


Post by KD5NRH »

ddstuder wrote:What if they raided the first 200 people parked in a Walmart?
They'd have to fumigate the jail.
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Re: Shooting at Twin Peaks in Waco


Post by ddstuder »

KD5NRH wrote:
ddstuder wrote:What if they raided the first 200 people parked in a Walmart?
They'd have to fumigate the jail.

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Re: Shooting at Twin Peaks in Waco


Post by treadlightly »

There has been much discussion about the Bandidos "licensing" TEXAS bottom rockers, but there is something missing.

It's extortion. It's in violation of racketeering laws, both federal and state. It's being conducted in plain sight and has been for probably decades. Big money is involved.

Meantime the DPS burns expensive gasoline on the off-chance I might get behind the wheel in a few minutes and drive too stinkin' fast. If I do, of course, I should be brought to justice - but how is it that some groups have a free pass on unlawful extortion?

With no intended disrespect to any law enforcement personnel, I'm curious - what law enforcement agencies aren't doing their job? I don't mean that as confrontationally as it no doubt sounds, but I'm really fascinated.

What agency is on the hook to stop me if I start licensing the word Texas stitched on cloth?

I emailed the Texas Rangers with a polite and humorous inquiry, but they haven't returned the email.

Who should I contact?

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Re: Shooting at Twin Peaks in Waco


Post by ScooterSissy »

treadlightly wrote:There has been much discussion about the Bandidos "licensing" TEXAS bottom rockers, but there is something missing.

It's extortion. It's in violation of racketeering laws, both federal and state. It's being conducted in plain sight and has been for probably decades. Big money is involved.

Meantime the DPS burns expensive gasoline on the off-chance I might get behind the wheel in a few minutes and drive too stinkin' fast. If I do, of course, I should be brought to justice - but how is it that some groups have a free pass on unlawful extortion?

With no intended disrespect to any law enforcement personnel, I'm curious - what law enforcement agencies aren't doing their job? I don't mean that as confrontationally as it no doubt sounds, but I'm really fascinated.

What agency is on the hook to stop me if I start licensing the word Texas stitched on cloth?

I emailed the Texas Rangers with a polite and humorous inquiry, but they haven't returned the email.

Who should I contact?
I think the reason there's no crackdown is because you have one outlaw group extorting another outlaw group.
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Re: Shooting at Twin Peaks in Waco


Post by mojo84 »

I also think many think I am condemning the Confederation of Clubs. I am not. My problem is with some of the types of clubs and the types of people, thugs and criminals, that make up those individual clubs.

People that extort money, run guns, traffic drugs and commit violent acts against those with whom they disagree are criminal thugs regardless whether they have been caught yet or whether they pass out stuffed animals to poor or sick kids.

I do question the rationale of those that claim to be good law abiding Christian citizens that chose to imitate the criminal thugs and hang around with them.

One can wear leather with patches and ride a motorcycle without hanging around with or being a part of OMG. Those that chose to do so remind me of the wannabe cop mall ninjas on the other end of the spectrum.

The Bandidos extort money, or at least attempt to, from non outlaw motorcycle riding clubs as well as other outlaw motorcycle gangs.
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Re: Shooting at Twin Peaks in Waco


Post by fickman »

treadlightly wrote:Who should I contact?
You'd have to have:
- A plaintiff to take this forward in civil court
- A victim (probably willing to testify) to take it forward in criminal court. Without a victim, the LEO would have to have full visibility to the act, including the threat, the arrangement, and the payoff or enforcement. If the enforcement is done by somebody other than the arranger, you'd have to establish the link between those two as well. It's probably not a very easy case to make if you do have a cooperating victim, which I doubt they have.
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Re: Shooting at Twin Peaks in Waco


Post by treadlightly »

I think the reason there's no crackdown is because you have one outlaw group extorting another outlaw group.
I found posts on a Freemason's forum about the permission required from outlaw MC's for Masonic clubs to put their states on their jackets.

For full disclosure's sake, I'm not a Mason and don't have any interest in their organization. I just suspect Mason's motorcycle clubs are composed of normal law-abiding folks.
Without a victim, the LEO would have to have full visibility to the act, including the threat, the arrangement, and the payoff or enforcement.
Looks like full visibility is pretty much there. Maybe the problem is the Bandidos image is intimidating. Heck, without any concrete facts at all I assume I'd be executed if I were to be part of a case against the Bandidos' licensing income. I'd like to think I'd go right ahead anyway, but I can't put it to the test. I'm not a victim of the Bandidos. Not a direct victim, anyway. Mayhem on the streets hurts us all and any tie between bikes and violence is unfair to law-abiding motorcyclists.

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Re: Shooting at Twin Peaks in Waco


Post by ScooterSissy »

treadlightly wrote:
I think the reason there's no crackdown is because you have one outlaw group extorting another outlaw group.
I found posts on a Freemason's forum about the permission required from outlaw MC's for Masonic clubs to put their states on their jackets.

For full disclosure's sake, I'm not a Mason and don't have any interest in their organization. I just suspect Mason's motorcycle clubs are composed of normal law-abiding folks.
Agreed, that happens. There is a difference (some will say it's a big difference, some will not) between that type of permission, and the flat out extortion that's being discussed. I'll precede this with stating, again, I know of no RCs (Riding Clubs, like the Freemason club you mentioned) that pay fees to any MC.

An RC going to a CoC meeting for "permission" (it's actually called an approval process) is different than what's being discussed between MCs. The RC would go to a CoC meeting, and ask if there are objections to the combination of patch colors and design from any of the other clubs (RC and MC). If there are objections, it's then worked out what changes should be done to not conflict with another club's design.

Technically, it's all voluntary. In reality, many RCs go through the process because they know there's a chance of confrontation if they cross the line. Through the approval process (which is typically granted) a club then knows that other RC members are told the colors are approved.
treadlightly wrote:
Without a victim, the LEO would have to have full visibility to the act, including the threat, the arrangement, and the payoff or enforcement.
Looks like full visibility is pretty much there. Maybe the problem is the Bandidos image is intimidating. Heck, without any concrete facts at all I assume I'd be executed if I were to be part of a case against the Bandidos' licensing income. I'd like to think I'd go right ahead anyway, but I can't put it to the test. I'm not a victim of the Bandidos. Not a direct victim, anyway. Mayhem on the streets hurts us all and any tie between bikes and violence is unfair to law-abiding motorcyclists.
The type of "licensing income" you're talking about is not done at the CoC meetings. All that's even marginally related is that the one club will give approval to another club having similar colors or design at a CoC meeting.

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Re: Shooting at Twin Peaks in Waco


Post by treadlightly »

Regarding the need for a victim to come forward, I believe that's not necessary.

For example, prostitutes and their customers are routinely prosecuted. There are certainly victims who get convicted because they are guilty victims - they broke a law - but it doesn't take a victim coming forward.

Many crimes are taken to court on statements by a peace officer the dignity of the State of Texas has been offended, and in this case it's surely true - TEXAS patches are the issue.

If my local PD pressed an extortion case against the Bandidos, the county attorney couldn't match the Bandidos legal budget and the police would probably have rightful concerns somebody would respond by burning this little town to the ground.

But is it right to defer to the Bandidos' authority on threat of violence? Is that not part of the cycle of extortion?

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Re: Shooting at Twin Peaks in Waco


Post by philip964 »

Maybe the police need to go undercover, do a sting.

See if a MC try's to extort money for a Texas bottom rocker.

Seems like a fun assignment.
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Re: Shooting at Twin Peaks in Waco


Post by carlson1 »

philip964 wrote:Maybe the police need to go undercover, do a sting.

See if a MC try's to extort money for a Texas bottom rocker.

Seems like a fun assignment.
I would bet they already have UC's in place and that is where they are gaining their information.
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Re: Shooting at Twin Peaks in Waco


Post by mojo84 »

From some of the reading I've done, there are undercover cops in the OMG's and their are OMG members undercover in the military and law enforcement agencies.
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Re: Shooting at Twin Peaks in Waco


Post by treadlightly »

From some of the reading I've done, there are undercover cops in the OMG's and their are OMG members undercover in the military and law enforcement agencies.
Probably so. And there are MC's like the Blue Knights who, despite probably being fine folk, are completely aware of the patch extortion schemes - and let it continue.

Maybe for reasons beyond my view, it's just not a big deal. Seems like it led to killings, but I guess it's not worth pursuing.

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Re: Shooting at Twin Peaks in Waco


Post by ScooterSissy »

treadlightly wrote:
From some of the reading I've done, there are undercover cops in the OMG's and their are OMG members undercover in the military and law enforcement agencies.
Probably so. And there are MC's like the Blue Knights who, despite probably being fine folk, are completely aware of the patch extortion schemes - and let it continue.

Maybe for reasons beyond my view, it's just not a big deal. Seems like it led to killings, but I guess it's not worth pursuing.
To the best of my knowledge, the Blue Knights wear exactly what they want to wear. Definitely have 3 piece colors.
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Re: Shooting at Twin Peaks in Waco


Post by fickman »

ScooterSissy wrote:
treadlightly wrote:
From some of the reading I've done, there are undercover cops in the OMG's and their are OMG members undercover in the military and law enforcement agencies.
Probably so. And there are MC's like the Blue Knights who, despite probably being fine folk, are completely aware of the patch extortion schemes - and let it continue.

Maybe for reasons beyond my view, it's just not a big deal. Seems like it led to killings, but I guess it's not worth pursuing.
To the best of my knowledge, the Blue Knights wear exactly what they want to wear. Definitely have 3 piece colors.
This conversation is funny to me - if there are any other DCI fans out there, I'm sure they are thinking the same thing. We do need to watch out for those ruffian Blue Knights.

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