Let’s keep it real, shall we..
The administration made decisions, and those decisions have trickle down impacts..no doubt... and they suck...
But that’s along was from silly claims that the Big O canceled the 4th of July
Local commanders at each post make these on post even decisions, yes they have budget crises on their hands, and folks are being sent home no pay, let go all together, hiring freeze, services stopped, cut back, new construction and renovation projects scaled back or cut…and that is just the post operation funds,, Lest not talk about operational funding…
Each post commander makes a call, spend on this, cut that, marginalize this, partial fund that.
With huge funding shortfalls … $100k spent on a 2 hours show could go a long ways toward building that new day care facility, sports arena, hospital, exercise field or running path… or just paying to keep the street lights on.
At Fort Hood this year
"FORT HOOD (July 1, 2013) -- The cost of celebrating America's freedom doesn't come cheap. Carnivals, high-end talent and fireworks can add up.
Sequestration and budget cuts have forced several military installations to cut their Fourth of July events this year.
Fort Hood still plans to hold Freedom Fest, but will have to trim it down to just the coveted fireworks display.
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