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The Dems could really grab onto to this by adding to readers distributed in grade school:
1. The 3 Little Pigs demonstrates that only the wealthy can afford decent housing, while the rest of the county must suffer with inadequate dwellings, leaving them vulnerable to all sorts of natural and man made disasters, because Republicans only care about the rich.
2. There Was an Old Lady Who Lived in a Shoe demonstrates that without gov't mandated distribution of birth control, women will suffer and have to live in cramped quarters, living on their own without the ability to earn a living, unless gov't supplied child care is mandated. This is being blocked by Republicans.
3. London Bridge is Falling Down, and so are our bridges and infrastructure, because the Republicans won't authorize the needed spending but would rather waste the money on a wall that wouldn't have any effect other than to prevent refugees fleeing oppression from seeking asylum.
4. Old Mother Hubbard's dog died, because she had no food to give it. Her cubbard was bare because the Republicans have cut food stamps and other aid to the elderly, while giving aid to rich corporations.
5. Rain Rain Go Away. The flooding, hurricanes, tornados, are the result of climate change, which the Republicans refuse to recognize, and are dooming us all to destruction.
OK folks, come up with your own if you'd like