Tarrant County Sheriff candidate Bill Waybourn

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Tarrant County Sheriff candidate Bill Waybourn


Post by fickman »

I will be careful to keep this gun related and within boundaries of the forum rules.

I had a chance to meet with Bill Waybourn last night and talked to him extensively about his views, especially where it relates to the 2nd Amendment, concealed carry rights, and open carry rights. I came away impressed. Beyond serving as police chief for Dalworthington Gardens, Bill has been a CHL instructor for years and intimately knows the carry laws from our perspective. He was knowledgeable about this history of CHL laws in Texas, including changes in specific years, and the nuances of valid postings, etc.

One attendee at the gathering referenced a meeting where Dee Anderson, the current sheriff, was asked a question about keeping the peace in the era of terrorism and made a comment basically stating that we have to understand that we'll have to give up some of our liberties as a trade off for safety. (This is paraphrased and secondhand information only. . . there is purportedly a tape recording of the meeting as it was a public forum, but I have not heard it.)

I came away from the meeting with Bill very impressed. The meeting included many current LEOs who definitely support him, and I liked his 2A advocacy. We had an interesting conversation about OCTC. Bill supports Constitutional carry but I think shared the majority opinion on this forum about the net impact of the in-your-face tactics of some groups that counterproductively set the cause behind two sessions in a row.

All of this is to say - if you are a primary voter in Tarrant County, I would encourage you to do some investigation on the sheriff candidates and see if you might come away supporting Bill Waybourn. He has been extremely accessible and hung around last night talking to anybody who had a question. It was worth attending.
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Re: Tarrant County Sheriff candidate Bill Waybourn


Post by joe817 »

I have seen several TV interviews of him, and read a few articles about him. I've come away impressed with what he has to say. I see campaign yard signs of his scattered about all over Arlington. I agree, he deserves a good, close look.
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Re: Tarrant County Sheriff candidate Bill Waybourn


Post by RoyGBiv »

Thanks fickman.!! Good info.

I'm considering voting the the D primary this year, so I can vote against HRC early and often :mrgreen:

Also.... Here's a quote posted on Mr. Waybourn's web site... (easy to find.. didn't want to link it)
"Bill Waybourn defends our conservative values, honors our veterans, and keeps our families safe. But above all - he is a good man. That is why he is the only man Chris wanted to work for.
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Re: Tarrant County Sheriff candidate Bill Waybourn


Post by Solaris »

I do not have any issues with Dee Anderson. Dee also signs off on NFA, though that will not matter for next Sheriff.

Where change of Sheriff is really needed is in Denton.

Collin is also getting a new Sheriff.

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Re: Tarrant County Sheriff candidate Bill Waybourn


Post by n5wd »

Purely cosmetic, but Mr. Waybourn would impress me a whole lot more if he'd take his hat off in a building, like most gentlemen do.

I've had the opportunity to meet Dee Anderson a couple of times, and have been impressed by him, his record, and what he's done with the Tarrant Co S-O since he's been sheriff. My Waybourn sounds like he's got good ideas, but from watching him on Ch. 8's Inside Politics show last weekend, I don't know how he's going to be out-and-about in the community as much as he says he will, while still administering a several-hundred strong law enforcement agency with all that's going on with the S-O. It'd be interesting to see if he's able to live up to those promises to be more accessible than Sherriff Anderson.

But, since I'm no longer a Tarrant County resident, it's all purely rhetorical.

Yep, Denton County is where my head lies at night, and watching this county's Sherriff's campaigns is just too interesting!
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Re: Tarrant County Sheriff candidate Bill Waybourn


Post by Ruark »

n5wd wrote:Purely cosmetic, but Mr. Waybourn would impress me a whole lot more if he'd take his hat off in a building, like most gentlemen do.

Guess I'm not a gentleman, then. We all were wearing our hats down at the cafe this morning. :???:
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Re: Tarrant County Sheriff candidate Bill Waybourn


Post by carlson1 »

n5wd wrote:Purely cosmetic, but Mr. Waybourn would impress me a whole lot more if he'd take his hat off in a building, like most gentlemen do.
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Re: Tarrant County Sheriff candidate Bill Waybourn


Post by fickman »

carlson1 wrote:
n5wd wrote:Purely cosmetic, but Mr. Waybourn would impress me a whole lot more if he'd take his hat off in a building, like most gentlemen do.
Manners are not taught or respected anymore.
Funny. He had it off and on he counter at the home we were in the entire night. I actually noticed it (I arrived late) and thought the exact same thing n5wd did, but in his favor.

That's interesting.

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Re: Tarrant County Sheriff candidate Bill Waybourn


Post by Abraham »

" we have to understand that we'll have to give up some of our liberties as a trade off for safety"

I'd really want clarification on this statement.

Is he alluding to something like martial law?

If so, I'd tell him to take flying leap at a rolling donut.

We're not Cuba, Russia, China, etc...
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Re: Tarrant County Sheriff candidate Bill Waybourn


Post by baldeagle »

Whatever you do, please vote. Far too many think their vote doesn't matter. Instead, you should vote and get everyone you know to vote with you. That multiples your impact. If we don't vote, we cede the battleground to the statists, who are slowly sapping away what little rights we have left. This next Presidential election could decide the fate of the country. Up to four Justices could leave the Supreme Court. If Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton are elected, the Court is lost and so are your rights, including the 2nd Amendment.
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Re: Tarrant County Sheriff candidate Bill Waybourn


Post by fickman »

Abraham wrote:" we have to understand that we'll have to give up some of our liberties as a trade off for safety"

I'd really want clarification on this statement.

Is he alluding to something like martial law?

If so, I'd tell him to take flying leap at a rolling donut.

We're not Cuba, Russia, China, etc...
A local state rep is supposed to have a recording of the meeting as it was public. I've requested it from him so that I can hear it in context. FWIW, that rep has not endorsed either sheriff candidate yet.

I added all of the qualifiers to be fair to Sheriff Anderson, I almost didn't add it to my post, but we all know that there are some LEO leaders (chiefs / sheriffs) who are very pro-2A, and others who have an "as long as the police are armed, the citizens don't need them."

I mentioned Bloomberg's approach of getting mayors and political-minded LEO chiefs on his side. In that dialogue, Waybourn talked about the efforts he undertook to reassure LEO leaders in his personal circles that CHL (and later OC) would not cause problems for the LEO community. I tend to believe him because he part of the CHL instructor community as well.
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Re: Tarrant County Sheriff candidate Bill Waybourn


Post by fickman »

baldeagle wrote:Whatever you do, please vote.

We need more informed primary voters, local city election voters, etc.

My main goal here isn't to persuade people to vote for Waybourn, but rather just to say he's worth a look. I'd guess most people in Tarrant County don't interact with the sheriff's department often, so it's easy to be content with the incumbent and reelect him based on name alone.

I have other reasons I've decided to vote for Waybourn, but they aren't gun related, so I've left them out of this thread.
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Re: Tarrant County Sheriff candidate Bill Waybourn


Post by LeonCarr »

In my opinion Chief Waybourn is the right choice for Tarrant County Sheriff, as a champion for the Second Amendment and as a proven leader.

Just my .02,
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Re: Tarrant County Sheriff candidate Bill Waybourn


Post by TexasGal »

I have met neither Sheriff Anderson nor Mr Waybourn, but I have lived in the jurisdiction of Sheriff Anderson for over 13 years. In that time, we have have met and talked to at least a couple dozen of his officers for a variety of situations; car accidents next to our house, theft, prowlers, a guy who was just about to break into my house, animal welfare calls, high caliber gunshots nearby, and one call that was quite stressful but was handled perfectly and with compassion. My adult son was living with us for a while and was off his meds. He left our house driving very drunk and saying he was going to commit suicide. They caught him and helped him in spite of his being verbally abusive to them at the time. They could have taken him to jail but they took him to JPS psych instead. The supervisor came to my house and talked to me at length and with compassion about my son. I could hear my kid on the radio yelling at the poor officer who had him in his squad car about a mile away. He later felt pretty bad about that because he said they were the first police he had met who cared. I can tell you they show up here very promptly when called. Every time. They are unfailingly polite and non-confrontational. They will take the time to talk to you about whatever is on your mind. When I recently told one of his officers how grateful I am for such outstanding service over the years, he responded with this statement: "We have an excellent Sheriff who wants all of us to spend time getting to know citizens and caring about their worries and needs". So, while I have met neither person, I can say I do "know" Sheriff Anderson through the men and women he hires and keeps on the force and his policies for their department. I have nothing against Mr Waybourn. By all accounts, he is a good man, but if Sheriff Anderson wants to be our Sheriff one more term, I am happy to have him.
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Re: Tarrant County Sheriff candidate Bill Waybourn


Post by fickman »

TexasGal wrote:I have nothing against Mr Waybourn. By all accounts, he is a good man, but if Sheriff Anderson wants to be our Sheriff one more term, I am happy to have him.
That's the beauty of many primary races. . . I love it when you have two people you could support. It makes the decision harder, but the consequences of losing much less dire.

I have no fears of life in Tarrant County if Mr. Anderson wins another term.

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