boomerang wrote:They're already registered on a 4473.
Well, five or six years from now, when some government lackey hired under the Obama
"Put a Crack Head To Work" economic recovery plan finally gets around to looking at the paper copy of the 4473, since the NICS record is only retained for 24 hours or so (to prevent just this kind of de-facto registration), finding one of mine among the 100+ million of them out there, and assuming it's for one of the guns I've bought since I bought this house three years ago, (not to mention a gun I might have inherited or been given as a gift), and sends another government lackey hired under the Obama
"National Police Force With Military Strength to Subvert The Posse Comitatus Act" to my house (assuming I'm still living here), They will find out much to their dismay, that I sold all those guns YEARS ago to raise money to pay my tax bill under the Obama
"Anybody Not On Food Stamps Is Considered Wealthy" tax the rich plan. To some guy, I think he was Canadian, or French, or maybe Chinese (I didn't want to racially profile him). All I know he was speaking Austrian, or maybe it was Australian, or Brazillian (I'll have to check with Press Secretary Gibbs on that). Anyway, those guns are long gone, that gun safe is just used to hold MRE's, and I lost the combination to it last week.