What is your Number 1 Poltical Goal other than Gun Rights?

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Re: What is your Number 1 Poltical Goal other than Gun Rights?


Post by chabouk »

The 10th Amendment should be sufficient.

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Re: What is your Number 1 Poltical Goal other than Gun Rights?


Post by Tregs »

Since the OP asked, this is what is important to me. No offense to those who don't share my beliefs. I'm certianly not offended by those who may disagree.

1. Keep me free
2. Keep me safe, but it should not conflict with #1 above. We have America's finest on the battleground every day making the decision that our freedom is more important then their safety. When I see people willing to give up everyone's rights (freedom) for their own safety, it makes me a little sick, since men and women have died to give it to them. :patriot:
3. Life - I believe life should be protected, especially for the unborn that cannot protect themselves
4. Taxes - I believe any tax laws that a common person cannot figure out are too complicated. I'm willing to pay my taxes, whatever they are, but it does torque me off every year that I have to hire someone to tell me how much I owe. No company would operate this way. I'm not sure why we have allowed it to go on in government
5. Marriage -
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Re: What is your Number 1 Poltical Goal other than Gun Rights?


Post by marksiwel »

Tregs wrote: 5. Marriage -
You want the Government to set you up with someone? :smilelol5:
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Re: What is your Number 1 Poltical Goal other than Gun Rights?


Post by 03Lightningrocks »

marksiwel wrote:Examples Lower Taxes, Better Tax Plan, Term Limits, Healthcare reform, Tort Reform?

I'm not sure, I tend to be all over the map when it comes to politics. I guess right now my number 1 goal is getting America out of Debt and controlling inflation
Wow!!! They are all right at the top for me. If I have to chose just one...I have to go with the tax issue. My taxes are ridiculous. My second would be Health care reform that does not include Government take over. Allowing the insurance companies to continue on with the price fixing on health care insurance premiums is not going to work. They should not be allowed to rate my group of 12 at a higher premium rate that a company with 500. If they are going to decide insurance costs based on pay out, which I think they almost have to, the formula should be with all the covered people they are insuring. Splitting it up the way they do, is allowing them to discriminate against small business owners and individuals who don't have group health options.

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Re: What is your Number 1 Poltical Goal other than Gun Rights?


Post by tomc »

Minimizing the Federal Government!
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Re: What is your Number 1 Poltical Goal other than Gun Rights?


Post by Oldgringo »

03Lightningrocks wrote:
marksiwel wrote:Examples Lower Taxes, Better Tax Plan, Term Limits, Healthcare reform, Tort Reform?

I'm not sure, I tend to be all over the map when it comes to politics. I guess right now my number 1 goal is getting America out of Debt and controlling inflation
Wow!!! They are all right at the top for me. If I have to chose just one...I have to go with the tax issue. My taxes are ridiculous. My second would be Health care reform that does not include Government take over. Allowing the insurance companies to continue on with the price fixing on health care insurance premiums is not going to work. They should not be allowed to rate my group of 12 at a higher premium rate that a company with 500. If they are going to decide insurance costs based on pay out, which I think they almost have to, the formula should be with all the covered people they are insuring. Splitting it up the way they do, is allowing them to discriminate against small business owners and individuals who don't have group health options.
Why are pharmaceutical companies allowed to advertise drugs/medicines that can't be bought without a prescription seven million times a day on TV :mad5 and in every publication you try to read? Take away the cost of advertising from the cost of the medicines and watch those costs come down.
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Re: What is your Number 1 Poltical Goal other than Gun Rights?


Post by marksiwel »

Oldgringo wrote:
03Lightningrocks wrote:
marksiwel wrote:Examples Lower Taxes, Better Tax Plan, Term Limits, Healthcare reform, Tort Reform?

I'm not sure, I tend to be all over the map when it comes to politics. I guess right now my number 1 goal is getting America out of Debt and controlling inflation
Wow!!! They are all right at the top for me. If I have to chose just one...I have to go with the tax issue. My taxes are ridiculous. My second would be Health care reform that does not include Government take over. Allowing the insurance companies to continue on with the price fixing on health care insurance premiums is not going to work. They should not be allowed to rate my group of 12 at a higher premium rate that a company with 500. If they are going to decide insurance costs based on pay out, which I think they almost have to, the formula should be with all the covered people they are insuring. Splitting it up the way they do, is allowing them to discriminate against small business owners and individuals who don't have group health options.
Why are pharmaceutical companies allowed to advertise drugs/medicines that can't be bought without a prescription seven million times a day on TV :mad5 and in every publication you try to read? Take away the cost of advertising from the cost of the medicines and watch those costs come down.
Yeah but then their sales would go down.
Doctor I think I need *Magic Pill* because sometimes I feel tired, or get a stuffy nose.
Doctor write a script, patient goes to CVS, Doctor does this enough he gets some Free Stuff from big Pharama
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Re: What is your Number 1 Poltical Goal other than Gun Rights?


Post by 03Lightningrocks »

marksiwel wrote:
Oldgringo wrote:
03Lightningrocks wrote:
marksiwel wrote:Examples Lower Taxes, Better Tax Plan, Term Limits, Healthcare reform, Tort Reform?

I'm not sure, I tend to be all over the map when it comes to politics. I guess right now my number 1 goal is getting America out of Debt and controlling inflation
Wow!!! They are all right at the top for me. If I have to chose just one...I have to go with the tax issue. My taxes are ridiculous. My second would be Health care reform that does not include Government take over. Allowing the insurance companies to continue on with the price fixing on health care insurance premiums is not going to work. They should not be allowed to rate my group of 12 at a higher premium rate that a company with 500. If they are going to decide insurance costs based on pay out, which I think they almost have to, the formula should be with all the covered people they are insuring. Splitting it up the way they do, is allowing them to discriminate against small business owners and individuals who don't have group health options.
Why are pharmaceutical companies allowed to advertise drugs/medicines that can't be bought without a prescription seven million times a day on TV :mad5 and in every publication you try to read? Take away the cost of advertising from the cost of the medicines and watch those costs come down.
Yeah but then their sales would go down.
Doctor I think I need *Magic Pill* because sometimes I feel tired, or get a stuffy nose.
Doctor write a script, patient goes to CVS, Doctor does this enough he gets some Free Stuff from big Pharama
My Doctor said she hates those commercials. I went in there one day asking for a prescription to a drug called Lunesta. I saw the commercial and holly cow, there were yellow butterflies and soft music. Reminded me of...well never mind that... But I went into her office asking for this sleeping drug because I was having trouble sleeping and after seeing this commercial thought I had found the answer. She finally gave it to me. I woke up the next morning with what tasted like a penny in my mouth. that darned flavor stayed with me most of the day. The rest went into the garbage.

I tell this story as an example of how well those commercials work. Especially when the drug sounds like the answer to a prayer. By the way... I never did see any yellow butterflies or hear any soft soothing music. The stuff was totally bogus. :biggrinjester:

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Re: What is your Number 1 Poltical Goal other than Gun Rights?


Post by wheelgun1958 »

Require any new bill introduced pass Constitutional muster. :thewave

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Re: What is your Number 1 Poltical Goal other than Gun Rights?


Post by Tregs »

marksiwel wrote:
Tregs wrote: 5. Marriage -
You want the Government to set you up with someone? :smilelol5:
Haha! Stimulus program? :biggrinjester:
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Re: What is your Number 1 Poltical Goal other than Gun Rights?


Post by TLE2 »

Gridlock would be good, after repealing some restrictions on person and financial freedom. The federal government cannot be "mommy".

... and then adjourn for a year or two. As someone said "No one is safe when Congress is in session."
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Re: What is your Number 1 Poltical Goal other than Gun Rights?


Post by Oldgringo »

:banghead: I forgot to mention term limits for every elected AND appointed person who feeds at the public trough at every level.

:headscratch How could I forget this, I must be coming down with something? Oh well, somebody will advertise a miracle cure this evening on TV that I can get Doc Sawbones to prescribe for me Monday.
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Re: What is your Number 1 Poltical Goal other than Gun Rights?


Post by marksiwel »

I dont know how I feel about Grid Lock. Seems like if this nonsense keeps going they will change the rules so that they dont need a super majority.
Also lets not forget the OTHER Half of America voted for them and expects things to get done.

P.S. I'm all for term limits, 2 for President, 12-16 years total. Also would like to see Supreme Court Judges be tested for senility or give them renewable terms of 20 years. Its kinda scary that some of the people who run this country you wouldnt trust behind the wheel of a car.
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Re: What is your Number 1 Poltical Goal other than Gun Rights?


Post by stevie_d_64 »

JimR wrote:Gridlock. As long as there's gridlock they're not passing any new "law." As long as their not passing new law, they're not taking any more of my money or rights.
:iagree: :thewave :thumbs2:

We need to bide some time so we can figure out a way to fire all of them...Even the ones we like, and put people like us in there to gut the beuracracy...The ones we like can take a well deserved vacation, and re-apply for the job somewhere down the road...
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Re: What is your Number 1 Poltical Goal other than Gun Rights?


Post by stevie_d_64 »

Supreme Court Judges be tested for senility
:smilelol5: "rlol" :thumbs2:

They'll declare that un-Constitutional...9-0
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