So okay 2 years of Democrat Congress, so they only had 8 years where the could have passed ANYTHING they wanted, had the Supreme Court hold it up if needed, and have the White House back it.
Mostly the problem with the Bush whitehouse when it came to Economics is they wouldnt face reality. People were kicked out for suggesting the Iraq war would cost too much (And even then the numbers they gave were way to low!) Paul O'Niell was kicked out for warning people about deficits. Yeah part of the problem was the Democrat led Housing Bust, but lets not forget the Massive debt Bush put us in, and the Bailouts he signed before leaving.
The Iraq War was led badly, we should have sent more people in, we did NOTHING when they started Looting in the streets, we had no after action plans. It was a mess. Compound that with False intelligence, over-eagerness, the poor treatment of allies, it was a farce that cost too many people their lives.
Obama got elected because 1. He was Black 2. People were sick of the mess we had gotten in over the last 8 years 3. Sarah Palin.
Bush/Obama its more of the same with a different Mask on
In Capitalism, Man exploits Man. In Communism, it's just the reverse