Pistol grip shotguns

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Pistol grip shotguns


Post by jcarp02 »

I recently purchased a Remington 870 for the house and was looking at getting a pistol grip stock for it. I was talking to my dad today and he told me that he heard that the government was about to start cracking down on selling grips that were not for sporting. Has anyone else heard this? Are they trying to lump this in with mag capacity restrictions or is this something else?

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Re: Pistol grip shotguns


Post by Dave2 »

jcarp02 wrote:I recently purchased a Remington 870 for the house and was looking at getting a pistol grip stock for it. I was talking to my dad today and he told me that he heard that the government was about to start cracking down on selling grips that were not for sporting. Has anyone else heard this? Are they trying to lump this in with mag capacity restrictions or is this something else?
Since when are pistol grips "not for sporting"?
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Re: Pistol grip shotguns


Post by jcarp02 »

Not sure, but my dad was told by someone who keeps up with this stuff that if I wanted to get a pistol grip for my shotgun I needed to look at doing it pretty soon because they were about to start cracking down on them. Just wondering if anyone else heard the same thing.

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Re: Pistol grip shotguns


Post by Mike1951 »

Too much to read. I had heard that the ATF had decided that pistol grip shotguns were not shotguns, leaving their status undertermined.

This appears to pertain to importation.
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Re: Pistol grip shotguns


Post by ScottDLS »

It deals with "importability", i.e. from another country. GCA of 1968 gives ATF ability to determine suitability for "sporting" purposes in allowing imports. So. I'll just keep buying my made in USA pistol grip shotguns. It's still a dumb reg being proposed.
4/13/1996 Completed CHL Class, 4/16/1996 Fingerprints, Affidavits, and Application Mailed, 10/4/1996 Received CHL, renewed 1998, 2002, 2006, 2011, 2016...). "ATF... Uhhh...heh...heh....Alcohol, tobacco, and GUNS!! Cool!!!!"

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Re: Pistol grip shotguns


Post by RPB »

"Sporting" mentality

That "gets me" :mad5 why the BATFE limits stuff based on "sporting" purposes instead of "home defense" purposes.

Do we need to start the "Home Invader Target Shooting Club Association" ?

I seem to recall Jed Clampett asking how to cook one of them clay pigeons.
What if people don't want a gun for "sporting" purposes? I have absolutely no desire nor need for a "sporting" gun, my dog won't retrieve skeet ... perhaps that's why they make "conversion kits"

But yeah, BATFE is trying to limit SAIGA type IMPORTED shotguns (look up/search "922r"), and an arbitrary criteria is a "pistol grip" or "hi cap" mags band a "picatinney rail mounted under or beside the barrel for a light or laser instead of over it for a scope like you'd use in a "sport" ?

[rant ]
BATFE categories
A)"sporting" B)"non-sporting/Assault""

My categories
A) "Defenseless pretty Animal killers" (I DON'T want these evil guns, they are "bad")" B)"plinkin' n fun" C)"Defense"

BATFE was supposed to be a "tax agency" like the I.R.S. taxes income, they tax alcohol tobacco firearms explosives
But now they limit what you can blow up (TPWD already said dynamite on fish isn't legal) or even what we can buy based on THEIR perception of what I should be doing with it, they want defenseless animals murdered I guess, and poor clay animals too even if they taste like dirt. ......

They say no one "NEEDS" 10 rounds and a pistol grip(or flashlight) to shoot ducks .... who cares, I don't want to shoot ducks, ducks are pretty, I like to photograph ducks, but don't be any of the 3 guys breaking into my home in the middle of the night.

Since the Second and THIRD Amendments had nothing to do with "sporting" I have trouble understanding the constitutionality of them limiting "defense" at all .... but if they want to regulate "Sports", ok I'm fine with that, put them all in striped shirts and umpire masks, I don't do sports, I don't even watch them on TV
[/ rant]

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed herein are not necessarily the authors, but his "animal-lovin-tree-huggin' niece may read this. I love animals too, some taste real good, but I just buy meat at the store, "where no animals were harmed". :banghead:
Last edited by RPB on Sat Feb 12, 2011 9:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Pistol grip shotguns


Post by RPB »

Sorry for the rant, but is something like this what you were thinking?

Some NEWER "fold over the top" ones hold extra shells ... I haven't seen those in person, but look interesting in the photos I've seen in catalogs... I'd probably use those if building one nowadays, along with a modified sidesaddle (if possible) and other stuff) " onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

I saw some of these Remington 870s some Pasadena Police Officers had years ago (photos below) with fore-grips they could use if one-hand was injured, heat shields so their dashboard didn't melt, mag tube extensions, extra mag-tube to barrel supports, orange safety plugs in the mag tubes, extended/larger safety, sidesaddle for extra shells, other stuff I forget (it was about 30 years ago), etc etc etc
(I would personally prefer the Stainless marine one to the "black" but that's just cause I like fishing/boating a lot)

Your Rem 870 should be fine in a folder pistol grip.

I think Butler Creek made a good one for the REM 870 pistol grip+Folding stock.
http://www.butler-creek.com/products/st ... steel.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
REMINGTON 870 MODELS Blued Folding Stock #FS-RB

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Re: Pistol grip shotguns


Post by RPB »

Dave2 wrote:
jcarp02 wrote:I recently purchased a Remington 870 for the house and was looking at getting a pistol grip stock for it. I was talking to my dad today and he told me that he heard that the government was about to start cracking down on selling grips that were not for sporting. Has anyone else heard this? Are they trying to lump this in with mag capacity restrictions or is this something else?
Since when are pistol grips "not for sporting"?
See, apparently if you shoot a duck with a gun that has a pistol grip, the ducks don't have to fall down.

"same" SAIGA .410 shotgun (imported as "sporting")

No Picatinney rail under barrel for a home defense flashlight, no pistol grip, non-threatening foregrip, etc etc etc
RAA SAIGA 410 BL 19inch SYN 4RD
(It may be illegal to put a 10 or 15 round magazine in one of these)

Non-sporting (converted [to be more useful] to comply with 922r)
(also called ... Home Defense)
"same" SAIGA .410 shotgun, but "converted"
10-15 rounds, (trigger group moved forward for a pistol grip), "assault-looking" AK style sights," frightening AK-looking foregrip, evil/dangerous Bayonet lug, SCARY-looking AK-47 CLEANING ROD attached under the barrel, maybe even ... (Gulp) ...
a "deadly flashlight mount" :shock: :eek6 :shock: etc etc.
http://www.arsenalinc.com/news-sgl41.htm" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

20 and 30 round drums available for 12 ga zombie attacks by terrorist groups on your home, or for the "Mad Maxx" times..

BATFE doesn't want imported "home defense guns," they only want imported "sporting" guns (I think really they just want people to shoot in the middle of the night without using a mounted flashlight to see if it's a burglar, or a wife.) (I assume they hate ducks and/or those clay pigeons, perhaps they own statues or don't have a carport or garage and their car got messed on, I dunno, but that clay pigeon poop is tough to wash off the car..)
Last edited by RPB on Sat Feb 12, 2011 1:48 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Pistol grip shotguns


Post by Beiruty »

Law has to change in regard of Federal Regulation. Now 2A is certified to be personal right. Restriction to deny self defense means can and would be proven unconstitutional.
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Re: Pistol grip shotguns


Post by RPB »

Beiruty wrote:Law has to change in regard of Federal Regulation. Now 2A is certified to be personal right. Restriction to deny self defense means can and would be proven unconstitutional.
I don't hate laws or regulation, I do hate idiocy and ignorance.... and when laws or regs are based on those, they need to go.
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Re: Pistol grip shotguns


Post by OldCurlyWolf »

AndyC wrote:
Mike1951 wrote:Too much to read. I had heard that the ATF had decided that pistol grip shotguns were not shotguns, leaving their status undertermined.

This appears to pertain to importation.
Always amazes me that the info is right there - but "it's too much to read" and people are happy to then go on to say "I had heard...". Seriously? :waiting:
You wouldn't be amazed if you realized how many HS "graduates" are functionally illiterate. Probably in the neighborhood of 30+%.

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Re: Pistol grip shotguns


Post by billv »

Here's an article on shotguns, mainly the Remington 870 and Mossberg 500. The author says that the pistol grip turns the shotgun into a piece of junk. His opinion, not mine. After firing my shotgun with 3" magnums, I'd tend to agree - the kick will hurt your wrist unless held correctly. As it was I had a nice bruise on my shoulder from not holding the buttstock firmly into my shoulder.

http://www.gunsandammo.com/content/home ... gun?page=1" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

I chose a Mossberg 500 Tactical Combo that includes a 18.5" tactical and a 28" normal barrel. I paid 335 + tax for the combo, brand new. Barrels swap out in less than 30 seconds. I keep the 18.5 barrel on with the gun loaded with 5+1 Remington #00 buckshot in 3" magnum shells. I'm adding a rail that will mount on the magazine tube and a laser and light combo to that.

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Re: Pistol grip shotguns


Post by mctowalot »

Years ago I had access to a library of 1950s era Field & Stream magazines.

Back then, (IIRC) pistol grip shotguns were for hunting (or self defense against) bears.
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