Lamar Smith & SOPA

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Lamar Smith & SOPA


Post by dihappy »

I love what Lamar Smith has done for gun rights!

This is why i am so upset that he has spearheaded SOPA
The Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA), is a proposed law (bill) of the United States of America, to fight online trafficking in copyrighted intellectual property and counterfeit goods. Proposals include barring advertising networks and payment facilities from conducting business with allegedly infringing websites, barring search engines from linking to the sites, and requiring Internet service providers (ISP) to block access.
I would take a gamble and say that the bill has good intentions, but has terrible consequences the way it is written. I say this because i dont want to think Lamar Smith is being swayed by big entertainment lobbyists with fat pockets :(" onclick=";return false; ... t-you-faq/" onclick=";return false;

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Re: Lamar Smith & SOPA


Post by tommyg »

Gun owners of America is circulating a petition against it
Go to their web site and sign up
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Re: Lamar Smith & SOPA


Post by 74novaman »

It is definitely worth calling and talking to Smith, or if you're like me....your representative if they support this.

I wrote a note to Rep Carter (district 31) mentioning both my opposition to SOPA and encouraging him to support the Fast and Furious investigation in any way he can.

He wrote on twitter today that he has decided to withdraw his support for this terrible bill.

If we tell them we don't want it, the smart ones will your reps! :tiphat:

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Re: Lamar Smith & SOPA


Post by Heartland Patriot »

dihappy wrote:I love what Lamar Smith has done for gun rights!

This is why i am so upset that he has spearheaded SOPA
The Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA), is a proposed law (bill) of the United States of America, to fight online trafficking in copyrighted intellectual property and counterfeit goods. Proposals include barring advertising networks and payment facilities from conducting business with allegedly infringing websites, barring search engines from linking to the sites, and requiring Internet service providers (ISP) to block access.
I would take a gamble and say that the bill has good intentions, but has terrible consequences the way it is written. I say this because i dont want to think Lamar Smith is being swayed by big entertainment lobbyists with fat pockets :(" onclick=";return false; ... t-you-faq/" onclick=";return false;

" onclick=";return false;

I believe like you do on this one. I think that the bill MAY have had good intentions to diminish the selling of counterfeit goods...but as they say, the road to um, Hades is paved with those...and then when the IDEA behind the bill gets turned into actual on-paper (on computer?) legislation, it gets even worse.

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Re: Lamar Smith & SOPA


Post by MeMelYup »

It appears to have the best of intentions. But, it's wrong. It would be like a person goes into a post office and shoots someone. The post office would be held accountable and responsible for the customers conduct. Also it sounds like the people would be allowed to sue the provider.

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Re: Lamar Smith & SOPA


Post by jedwil »

dihappy wrote:I love what Lamar Smith has done for gun rights!

This is why i am so upset that he has spearheaded SOPA
The Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA), is a proposed law (bill) of the United States of America, to fight online trafficking in copyrighted intellectual property and counterfeit goods. Proposals include barring advertising networks and payment facilities from conducting business with allegedly infringing websites, barring search engines from linking to the sites, and requiring Internet service providers (ISP) to block access.
I would take a gamble and say that the bill has good intentions, but has terrible consequences the way it is written. I say this because i dont want to think Lamar Smith is being swayed by big entertainment lobbyists with fat pockets :(" onclick=";return false; ... t-you-faq/" onclick=";return false;

" onclick=";return false;
Agree. Hopefully, they'll get the thing worked out. I'm just glad there was a huge outcry to get it on track. And my Congressman, with my upmost support on most issues, failed me here.
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Re: Lamar Smith & SOPA


Post by Wes »

Lamar smith says no to sopa! ... t-outrage/" onclick=";return false;
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Re: Lamar Smith & SOPA


Post by dihappy »

I am so happy to hear this yesterday.
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Re: Lamar Smith & SOPA


Post by Kythas »

Don't think the government is going to let this go. See the shutdown of Megauploads yesterday as an example. The man who ran it lives in New Zealand and is a Dutch citizen. If the United States government can arrest a Dutch citizen living in New Zealand and seize all his assets, what's next? ... 52697186/1

For some commentary on what the seizure of Megauploads may mean, watch this. It's pretty scary. ... AAAAAAACAA
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Re: Lamar Smith & SOPA


Post by Snap E Tom »

Lamar Smith has an Oath Keeper running against him in the primaries, and and he's been getting some attention." onclick=";return false;

I'm absolutely furious at the ignorance, arrogance, and Federalism that Smith displayed. Why in the world would he want to help Hollywood when they've done nothing but screw and mock Conservatives? I sent Mack $50.
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Re: Lamar Smith & SOPA


Post by OldCannon »

I like Mack too. Not happy at all with Smith's recent shenanigans. Bummer I'm not in his district or he should be worried :tiphat:
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Re: Lamar Smith & SOPA


Post by O.F.Fascist »

I'm not very found of hypocritical Republicans who claim to be for small government and then turn around and try to pass laws to increase government power.

It's especially troubling when a Texas politician is trying to pass laws that benefit the hollywood entertainment industry instead of focusing on things that will create real jobs here in Texas.

I've also decided that I believe most of the current copyright laws are unconstitutional. The copyright clause of the constitution says this.
To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries.
The entertainment industry and its lobbyists have pushed for and gotten laws that extend copyright longer than the life of their creator. That is not a limited time for the people who will be dead before the copyright expires, nor does it promote progress, it stifles it. IMO a reasonable copyright would be 20 years at most.
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